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Abu Dhabi Pottery was established in 1994 by Homa Vafaie Farley to share her love of pottery with others .Since then countless students u2013 adults and children, from all over the world u2013 have been introduced to the techniques, and the enjoyment, of working with clay.We offertpottery classes for individuals, old & young, and groups of families, friends & colleagues.<br>
ABOUT Abu Dhabi Pottery was established in 1994byHomaVafaieFarleytoshareher love of pottery with others .Since then countless students – adults and children, from all over the world – have beenintroducedtothetechniques,and theenjoyment,ofworkingwithclay.We offer pottery classes for individuals, old &young,andgroupsoffamilies,friends &colleagues.
POTTERY INTERMEDIATE CLASSES At Abu Dhbai Pottery you will get potteryintermediateclasseswhichwill start by learning how to prepare clay andwillbegivenashortlectureonthe variousstagesofpotteryandceramic making,firingandglazing.
POTTERY WORKSHOP You will first learn hand-building at potteryworkshopinAbuDhabiPottery andthenthebasicsoflearningtomake apotonthepotter’swheel,orimproving yourcurrentskills,alsolearningtothrow larger, better pots, also learning all aspectsofglazingetc.
POTTERY ADVANCE CLASSES AtPotteryadvanceclassesinAbuDhabi Pottery students are introduced to various methods and techniques of potteryandceramics;theycanworkat their own pace and choose the technique which they prefer to concentrateon.
POTTERY CLASSES UAE At Abu Dhabi Pottery you will start by learningabouthowtouseclaytocreate variouspieces.Theywillalsobegivena shortintroductionaboutvariousstages of creating pottery and ceramics.They willbeintroducedtovarioustechniques of pottery classes UAE and well as designingtheirpieces.
CONTACTUS QUESTIONS? mail@abudhabipottery.com https://www.abudhabipottery.com/ DabbasStBuildingNo.29,AbuDhabi. UAE (971)26667079