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  1. أهلا و سهلا و مرحبابكم! PYP001 Physical Science (192) Abul Lais MSc Physics KFUPM, KSA

  2. Personal Info. • Name: Abul Lais • الاسم: ابو الليث • E-mail: abullais.abulkhair@kfupm.edu.sa • Office: Room 447 • Office hours: will be informed next week… ان شاء الله. • Any more questions?

  3. Rules • Please keep the classroom neat & clean for the next class • Strictly no eating & drinking in class • No shorts and sleeveless shirts in class • No photography/videography in lessons • No going to bathroom during class (unless medically excused). Please go before/after class.

  4. Rules • No changing section is allowed unless approved by director (Dr Tayseer) or dean (Dr Assaf). • If you don’t come for your section, you are marked absent even if you make-up another section • Unacceptable excuses: sleeping, visiting family, scholarship interview, travelling, sick (no blue slip) etc

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