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Criticism & Reformulation The Second New Deal Section 2 Ms. Garratt. Works Progress Admin. Bldg projects included construction of hospitals, schools, airports, etc Employed teachers, artists, actors Painters designed murals San Antonio beautification project stimulated the economy
Criticism & ReformulationThe Second New DealSection 2Ms. Garratt
Works Progress Admin. • Bldg projects included construction of hospitals, schools, airports, etc • Employed teachers, artists, actors • Painters designed murals • San Antonio beautification project stimulated the economy • Provided jobs to 8million in 5 years
Social Security Act • In 1935 the gov accepted direct responsibility for meeting the needs of its citizens • Pension plan for elderly orphans • Survivor benefits • Benefits for those injured on the job • Monthly payments ranged from $12-85 • Millions, however, did not qualify particularly minority groups
National Labor Relations Board • Aka the Wagner Act • Established after Supreme Ct ruled that the NIRA was unconstitutional • Workers lost the right to unionize and bargain collectively • The Wagner Act restored those workers’ rights • Unions increased during the ’30s
Soil Conservation Act 1936 • Supreme Court also struck down the AAA • So FDR proposed the Soil Conservation Act • Under this law the subsidy paid to farmers not to plant crops would come from the Treasury not from a processing tax
Rural Electrification Act 1935 • Lent money to farmers who organized to build power plants. • Utility companies had refused to extend service to rural areas because it wasn’t cost-effective • Before the REA fewer than 1 in 10 had electricity – by 1940 90% had electricity
Public Utility Holding CompanyAct • Reduced holding company control of utility companies • Helped eliminate corruption and inefficiency • Reduced consumer costs • Enraged business owners who felt gov had too much control over business
Revenue Act of 1935 • FDR proposed raising taxes on wealthy corporations and individuals • Angered business leaders but convinced millions of Americans that FDR was on their side.
Protests of Tenant Farmers • Tenant farmers were negatively impacted by the AAA • Landowners didn’t share the gov subsidy so tenant farmers lost their jobs & became homeless • Tenant farmers formed the interracial Southern Tenants Farmers Union (STFU) • Met with strong opposition due to interracial component
Southern Tenants Farmers Union • They were unfairly hit hard by AAA • Subsidies given to landowners were not shared with them • They were usually kicked off land as part of the policy to reduce agric output • Promoted nonviolence and was racially integrated group which generated opposition • Harrassed by law enforcement & landowners • Only rec’d verbal support from FDR
Criticism • Critics included liberals and conservatives • Liberals didn’t think the two New Deals when far enough. • Conservatives felt gov assumed too much power regulating business – feared that gov was becoming socialist
Frances Townsend • Wanted gov to give each person over 60 $200 a month on condition they spend it all in 30 days. • This would aid the elderly and stimulate the economy with its trickle-down-effect. • Would stimulate demand for goods which would decrease unemployment • Had 5 million supporters • His plan was defeated in Congress in 1935
Charles Coughlin • Demogogue who gained power by appealing to people’s prejudices & fears • Wanted nationalization of banks to be run like postal service • Called FDR “liar” and “great betrayer” because FDR did not agree with him • Had weekly radio show w/ 30 m listeners • Was anti-semitic and blamed Jews for the Depression • In 1942 Church pulled the plug on his show
Huey Long • Won immediate popularity when as Louisiana governor he raised taxes to fund schools, hospitals for the poor & build roads & bridges in impoverished areas • As US senator he abolished LA local gov and ran it from DC, putting himself in control • Launched Share Our Wealth campaign which would confiscate all income over $5m and redistribute it so that every family had $5,000 a year
1936 Reelection • Reelection was geared toward middle & lower classes • His opponent, Alfred Landon, supported New Deal legis but said he would run it more efficiently • FDR won by a landslide with 60% of all voters. • Seen as mandate for his New Deal programs
Court-packing Bill 1937 • The Supreme Court had declared some New Deal programs unconstitutional • In order to have a more sympathetic Sup Ct FDR proposed a bill to add 6 more judges to the Court. • Stated he was just trying to ease the Court’s workload. • This bill provoked a lot of criticism from both parties & was seen as an attempt to interfere with the judicial process & the separation of powers.
Fair Labor Standards Act 1938 • By 1937-38 FDR’s political momentum was slowing down • However, this act regulated wages & working hours • FDR also had to focus more time on events in Europe