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Learn to install, configure JDK, edit, compile Java programs, and understand key differences between Java and C++. Includes steps for configuring JDK on Windows XP, creating Java classes, running Java programs, and using JDK effectively.
C++ to Java Gang Qian Department of Computer Science University of Central Oklahoma
Objectives • Install and configure JDK • Edit and compile Java programs • Use JDK documentation • Major differences between Java and C++
Download JDK • Download Java 6 from • http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp • Run the download setup program to install JDK
Configure JDK on Windows XP • Set up Java paths so that Windows XP can find Java commands • Right click on the My Computer icon on the desktop • In the shortcut menu, select Properties • In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab • Click on the Environment Variables button • In the Environment Variables window, You can set or modify user variables or system variables • User variables affect the individual users • System variables affect all the users in the system
Under the User variables section, choose PATH and click Edit if PATH is already a user variable. Otherwise, click New to display the New User Variable window • Enter PATH in the Variable textbox, add C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin;%path%; in the Variable Value textbox and then click on OK. • Note: “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin” should be replaced with the folder in which you install the JDK • No need to reboot the computer. Open a new command window to use JDK commands
You may also need to add or modify the environment variable CLASSPATH • Create or edit CLASSPATH so that it has “.” • Example: .;...
Hello, World! • Classes are building blocks of a Java program • Unlike C++, there is no independent procedure or function in Java • A typical Java class has three parts: • Constructor • Method • Instance variable
public class Greeter { private String name; public Greeter(String aName){ name = aName; } public String sayHello(){ return "Hello, " + name + "!"; } } • There is no ending semicolon in a class definition • Each part of the definition is tagged as public or private • The syntax is different from C++, but the meanings are similar • More discussion later
In Java, a method declaration always includes its body • The declaration and the definition of a method in C++ are often separate • Java requires that, if a method is declared to return something, then you need to guarantee that the method will always return something under all circumstances • For example, the follow method needs at least an else clause public boolean isOdd(){ if (value%2 != 0) { return true; } else return false; }
Construct new objects with new operator new Greeter("World") • The new operator returns a reference (pointer) to the constructed object • Called an instance of the Greeter class • We can call methods of an object (new Greeter("World")).sayHello() • An object of the Greeter class is created on the fly and its method sayHello() is called
Object references are usually stored in a variable if they are used repeatedly Greeter worldGreeter = new Greeter("World"); • worldGreeter is a variable that holds the reference • Method of an object can be invoked on the variable String greeting = worldGreeter.sayHello(); • Now we need to run the Greeter class and display the greetings
Java has two types of variables: primitive and reference • Primitive type variables are those defined with primitive data types such as int, double, etc. • If a variable is declared using a class name, it is a reference variable • Note the difference between Java and C++ here • Java references are similar to C++ pointers • C++: Greeter* worldGreeter • There are no object variables in Java
Execution of a Java Program starts with the main method of a class public class GreeterTester { public static void main(String[] args){ Greeter worldGreeter = new Greeter("World"); String greeting = worldGreeter.sayHello(); System.out.println(greeting); } } • The main method is static, which means that you do not need to have an instance of the class to call the method • The args parameter holds command-line arguments • Similar to int main(int argc, char **argv) in C++ • The println method of object System.out is used to print the result on screen
Run a Java Program • In Java, usually each class is put in a separate file named classname.java • E.g., we put class Greeter in file Greeter.java and put class GreeterTester in file GreeterTester.java • Note that Java is case-sensitive. Make sure that the file name is exactly the same as the class name in it
Using the JDK • Create a new directory to hold your files • Use a text editor to prepare files (Greeter.java, GreeterTester.java) • Open a shell window, e.g., Command Prompt in Windows • Go to the directory that holds your files • Compile and run Compile: javac GreeterTester.java Run: java GreeterTester • Note that Greeter.java is automatically compiled • Output is shown in the console • javac is the command to invoke the Java compiler • It generates binary code in .class files for each class • java is the command to invoke the Java interpreter that runs the compiled program (the class that contains the main method)
The structure of this program is a typical Java application: • The program contains a collection of classes • One class has a main method • The program is started by launching the Java interpreter with the name of the class that contains the main method
Java Documentation • Download Java 6 documentation at: • http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp • Follow the instructions on the same page to unzip the documentation • Or view the documentation online at: • http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/
Exercise • Download, install and configure Java 6 • Create, compile and run the HelloWorld program • Add a sayGoodbye method to the Greeter class and add a call to test the method in the GreeterTester class • What happens if you run the Java interpreter on the Greeter class instead of the GreeterTester class? Try and explain • Browse JDK documentation and understand its general structure
Primitive Types • Values of primitive types are not object references • They are very similar to those of C++ • Notes • A number without the fractional part is int by default • A number with the fractional part is double by default
To indicate long constants, use a suffix L, such as 100000000000L • float constants need a suffix F, such as 3.14159F • Characters (char) are encoded in Unicode • Unicode: A uniform encoding scheme for characters in many languages around the world • See http://www.unicode.org/ • For characters: http://www.unicode.org/charts/ • char constants are enclosed in single quotes, such as ‘a’ • Unicode representation: ‘\u0000’ - ‘\uFFFF’, such as ‘\u0061’ (letter ‘a’) • Some special characters can also be represented as escape sequences, such as the newline character ‘\n’
A list of common escape sequences in Java • \b - backspace • \t - tab • \n - linefeed • \f - formfeed • \r - carriage return • \" - double quote • \' - single quote • \\ - backslash
Java versus C++ • While data types in C and C++ are often machine and compiler dependent (for instance the size of int), Java specifies everything • All numeric variables in Java are signed • Implicit conversions are only allowed when there is no information loss • E.g., short to int or float to double • All other conversions require a cast: double x = 1.0; int n = (int) x; • Java prevents casting between arbitrary variables • Only casts between numeric variables and between sub and super classes of the same object are allowed • It is not possible to convert between the boolean type and a numeric type • Java requires that a local variable must be initialized before being referenced
Mathematical functions • The Math class implements many useful mathematical methods • Remember that there is no stand-alone functions in Java • Note the difference between Java and C++ (<cmath> and <math.h>) • Examples • Math.sqrt(x): Square root of x • Math.pow(x, y): xy • Math.round(x): Closest integer to x • Math.abs(x): Absolute value |x|
Control Flow Statements • Java control flow statements are almost the same as those in C++ • Exception handling has some differences that we will discuss later
Loop Statements • while (expression) { statement } • do { statements } while (expression); • for (initialization; termination; increment) { statements } • Decision making • if (expression) { statements } else { statements } • switch (expression) { case value1: statements; break; case value2: statements; break; ... default: statements; }
Java Comments • Comments with several lines (C style) • /* … */ • Comments with a single line (C++ style) • // • Java Documentation • /** … */ • Used to explain user defined classes and their methods • The command javadoc will extract the information and generate Java API style documentation
Object References • As we have seen in the Hello World example, an object value is always a reference (pointer) to an object in Java Greeter worldGreeter = new Greeter("World"); • The new operator returns a reference to the newly constructed Greeter object • This is quite different from C++
Multiple variables may have references to the same object Greeter anotherGreeter = worldGreeter; • Like references/pointers in C++, the change of the instance variable name will be reflected in both variables • To make a copy of the object itself, the clone method should be called • Discussed later
Special reference null • null refers to no object • A reference variable can be set to null: worldGreeter = null • You can also test whether a reference variable is currently null if ( worldGreeter == null ) ... • Invoking a method on a null reference results in a runtime error: NullPointerException • Exceptions are discussed later • If there is an object that is not referenced by any variables, it will be recycled by garbage collector • No explicit delete • Java is safer than C++: no garbage and dangling pointers
Strings • Java strings are a sequence of Unicode characters (2 bytes each) • chatAt method returns a character at a certain location in a String object String s = “World!”; char c = s.charAt(1); // c is ‘o’ now • The String class is immutable • Once created, its state (content) can not be changed • E.g., there is no setCharAt method s = “Hello!”;
length method returns the length (number of characters) of a string • The length of an empty string "" is 0 • Note: an empty string is different from null • substring method yields substrings "Hello".substring(1, 3) is "ell" • Use equals to compare strings if(s.equals("Hello")) • == only tests whether the object references are identical: if ("Hello".substring(1, 3) == "ell") ... // NO!
+ operator concatenates strings: "Hello, " + name • If one argument of + is a string, the other is converted into a string: int n = 7; String greeting = "Hello, " + n; // yields "Hello, 7" • It works because every object in Java has a toString method, which is implicitly called when a conversion is needed Date now = new Date(); String greeting = "Hello, " + now; // concatenates now.toString() // yields "Hello, Wed Jan 17 16:57:18 PST 2001"
Convert strings to numbers • Use the static methods: Integer.parseInt and Double.parseDouble String input = "7"; int n = Integer.parseInt(input); // yields integer 7 • If a string doesn't contain a number, it throws a NumberFormatException (unchecked) • Classes Double and Integer are wrapper classes for the corresponding primitive types • They will be further discussed later • Convert values of primitive types to strings • Overloaded static methods valueOfof Class String: • String s = String.valueOf(1.1);
Parameter Passing • Implicit parameter: the object reference on which a method is called • Explicit parameter: parameters supplied between parentheses • Example: myGreeter.setName(“Mars”) • The reference stored in myGreeter is the implicit parameter • The string “Mars” is an explicit parameter • The implicit parameter of a method can be referred to by the keyword this • This can be used to resolve confliction public void setName(String name){ this.name = name; }
Java uses "call by value": • Method receives a copy of a parameter value • The actual parameter value out of the method can not be changed inside the method • Note that a parameter of an object reference allows a method modify the object • Example: public void copyNameTo(Greeter other){ other.name = this.name; } Greeter worldGreeter = new Greeter("World"); Greeter daveGreeter = new Greeter("Dave"); worldGreeter.copyNameTo(daveGreeter);
Java is different from C++ in that there is no “pass by reference” mechanism • In C++, the symbol “&” is used to indicate “pass by reference” • Example: public void copyLengthTo(int n){ n = name.length(); } public void copyGreeterTo(Greeter other){ other = new Greeter(name); } • There will be no effect after the methods return if we use the following statements: int length = 0; // length still 0 worldGreeter.copyLengthTo(length); // daveGreeter unchanged worldGreeter.copyGreeterTo(daveGreeter)
Packages • Related classes can be grouped into packages • More organized, like the C++ libraries • Package names are dot-separated sequences of identifiers, such as • java.util • javax.swing • com.sun.misc, and • edu.ucok.comsc.cmsc3103.qian • Also helps to resolve class names • Class names only need to be unique within the same package • It is recommended that you start a package name with your domain name in reverse and then use some mechanism within your organization to ensure the remainder of the package name is unique • E.g., java.util and edu.ucok.comsc.cmsc3103.qian
To place a class inside a package, add a package statement at the beginning of the source file package edu.ucok.comsc.cmsc3103.qian; public class Greeter{ ... } • Any class without a package statement is in the “default package” with no package name • The full name of a class consists of the package name followed by the class name • E.g., edu.ucok.comsc.cmsc3103.qian.Greeter • Java API: java.util.ArrayList
Instead of using the long full name, it is very common to use the import keyword • E.g., import edu.ucok.comsc.cmsc3103.qian.Greeter • Then just use class name Greeter in the program • If you use two classes with the same name from different packages, then you must use at least one of them with the full name • You can also import all classes from a package • E.g., import java.util.*; • Classes in the java.lang package do not need import, such as the class String
The class files must be located in subdirectories that match the package names • E.g., the class file Greeter.class in package edu.ucok.comsc.cmsc3103.qian must be placed in: Linux/UNIX: edu/ucok/comsc/cmsc3103/qian, or WINDOWS: edu\ucok\comsc\cmsc3103\qian of the base directory of the project • Then you need to always compile from the base directory and run from the base directory • Compile: javac edu/ucok/comsc/cmsc3103/qian/Greeter.class, or javac edu\ucok\comsc\cmsc3103\qian\Greeter.class • Run: java edu.ucok.comsc.cmsc3103.qian.greeter
Basic Exception Handling • An exception occurs when the program deals with an abnormal situation String name = null; int n = name.length(); // A NullPointerException occurs • When an exception occurs and there is no handler for it, the program terminates • Different situations will generate different exception types • If the program try to open a file that does not exist, then a FileNotFoundException will occur • Like in C++, you can also define your own exceptions and use them in Java • More discussion in the “Exception” lecture
In Java, there are two categories of exceptions: checked and unchecked • Java requires you to handle a checked exception by either declare it or catch it • Otherwise a compiling error will occur when you compile the program • The FileNotFoundException is a checked exception • You are not required to explicitly handle an unchecked exception • When one occurs, the program simply stops • The NullPointerException is an unchecked exception
Usually a checked exception is caused by some external condition that beyond the programmer’s control • Therefore the compiler insists that the programmer handle those situations • Unchecked exceptions are often programming problems • Programmers are expected to eliminate this kind of exceptions by themselves
When you write code that might cause a checked exception, you have two options: • Declare the exception in the method header using throws, or • catch the exception public void read(String filename){ FileReader reader = new FileReader(filename); ... } • The above example will have a compiling error • We can declared the checked exception in the method header public void read(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException{ FileReader reader = new FileReader(filename); ... }
If the body of a method can throw multiple unhandled checked exceptions, all of them should be listed and separated by commas in the method header public void read(String filename) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException • When a user method throws checked exception(s), the callers of the method also needs to handle them • The whole process may propagate all the way to the main method, at which point the program stops public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
You can also handle an exception by catching them try{ code that might throw an IOException }catch (IOException exception){ take corrective action } • Corrective action can be: • Notify user of error and offer to read another file • Log error in error report file • Or for debugging purpose: print stack trace and exit exception.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1);
The finally clause of the try statement is optional • Mainly for cleanup during normal and exceptional processing, since it will run in either situation • Example: Close a file FileReader reader = null; try{ reader = new FileReader(name); ... }catch(Exception e){ ... }finally{ if (reader != null) reader.close(); }
Use exceptions • You can throw exceptions in your own program • Two types of built-in exceptions can be thrown: • Exception: it is a checked exception • RuntimeException: it is an unchecked exception • RuntimeException is actually a subclass of Exception • Example: int a = 1, b = 0; if (b != 0) a /= b; else throw new ArithmeticException("Divided by zero!");
Reading Input • The Scanner class (after Java5) canbe used to read user input from console Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("How old are you?"); int age = in.nextInt(); • In the example, if the user does not enter a number, an InputMismatchException (unchecked) is thrown • The exception can be prevented by using the hasNextInt method before the nextInt method • There are also Scanner methods which allow you to read other data types (See Java API Documentation)
Scanner is a quite convenient class that can be used for inputs from not only the console but also files and strings • See Scanner constructors • File I/Os will be discussed in the “File I/O” lecture • Exercise • Let user enter a String and display the reverse of the string