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Explore the mystery of proton mass in dense matter through Nambu-Goldstone bosons and hidden symmetries. Discover solutions and implications in nuclear dynamics and particle physics.
“f0 (500)” is a Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Boson s in Dense Baryonic Matter Mannque Rho CEA Saclay 2nd APCTP-ECT* Workshop 2015
A Brief History: Conceiving “RAON” • Problem: Where the proton mass comes from? • From Higgs mechanism: perhaps ~ 1%? • From Nambu mechanism: perhaps ~ 30%? • So where is ~ 70% from? • Find the answer in dense matter …
References My talk is based on 1. H.K. Lee, W.-G. Paeng, MR, arXiv:1508.05210 2. W.-G. Paeng, T.T.S. Kuo, H.K. Lee, MR, arXiv:1508.05210 Anchored on ideas by a. M. Harada, K. Yamawaki, Phys. Rept. 381 (2003) 1 “HLS, vector manifestation” b. R.J. Crewther, L.C. Tunstall, Phys. Rev. 91 (2015) 3 “QCD IR fixed point, chiral-scale symmetry” c. S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 (1990) 1177; Salamfest (1994) “Mended symmetries”
Symmetries and topology in dense matter • Chiral symmetry (intrinsic): p • 1. low-energy theorems, chiral Lagrangian, nuclear cPT. • 2. nucleon as a skyrmion from p field. • SU(2) hidden local symmetry (HLS): r, r‘, r”, r’’’ ... • a1, a1’, a1“, … • 1.Infinite tower of vector mesons BPS skyrmion • 2. approaching chiral symmetry restoration with • mr 0 “vector manifestation (VM) fixed point”
Solving binding energy puzzle in large Nc QCD Courtesy P. Sutcliffe Large NcQCD EB /A ~ Nc LQCD violently at odds with Nature. Puzzle solved with vector mesons experiment Soliton with p, r, a1 Large Nc~ skyrme model with p
theory BPS matter from ∞ of SU(2) vector mesons Courtesy Adam et al. exp Corrections: Coulomb, isospin breaking .. Parameters: 3 Predicts: Incompressible Fermi liquid, reproduces Bethe-Weiz\”acker formula
High density Vector manifestation (VM) Wilsonian RG equation for hidden local symmetry has a fixed point as the quark condensate Near the VM fixed point (Harada/Yamawaki) together with a1 Adami-Brown proposal for “seeing” chiral symmetry restoration 1992 Toward Weinberg “mended symmetries”
Power of Topology Skyrmion\instanton crystal 1. In large Nc QCD, nuclear matter at large density is a crystal, with instantons or skyrmions 2. At “high” density n >n0, skyrmions (instantons) fractionize to ½-skyrmions (dyons). This topology is robust, could/should and will be incorporated in effective field theories.
Half-skyrmions emerge • At density n1/2 ~ (2-3)n0 , baryon number 1 • skyrmions franctionize into half-skyrmions • (similarly in condensed matter) half-skyrmions skyrmions
skyrmion and ½-skyrmion are pervasive in all areas of physcs Condensed matter Example: ½-skyrmions in chiral superconductivity S. Chakravarty, C.S. Hsu 2015 meron ½-skrmions condense superconductivity Heavy fermion: URu2Si2 (Polar Kerr effect) anti-meron
And also in high-energy physics arXiv: 1508.01172; Phys. Rev. rapid communication
Skyrmions on crystal predict . This topology change involves NO symmetry change
Equally crucial for nuclear dynamics is • Scale (or conformal) symmetry: “s” (dilaton) • 1. QCD infra-red (IR) fixed point at gs~ O(1) for Nc = NF =3. • 2. s (dilaton) emerges as a scalar (pseudo) NG • (Nambu-Goldstone) boson f0(500) in PDB. • 3. s joins p to form a multiplet of NG excitations: “dilaton • limit (DL) fixed point” • Mended symmetries: p, s, r, a1 • 1. NG bosons and vector fields obey the Weinberg • collinear current algebra • 2. At VM+DL fixed point, mp = ms = mr = ma1 0
In QCD: f0(500) as a dilaton s Crewther-Tunstall (CT) Theory: QCD IR fixed point At aIR, in the chiral limit , mDm =qmm= mAm = 0. s and p are NG bosons. Potential breakthrough in particle physics. Could solve some long-standing unsolved problems in particle physics. It elegantly explains DI=1/2 rule for K decay and other processes cPT3 fails or has difficulty to explain .
Dilaton is also pervasive in physics Cosmology, BSM (beyond Standard Model), … b NF =8, Nc =4. Higgs as dilaton near ac “dilatonic Higgs” a
In QCD: f0 (500) is a pseudo-NGof spontaneously broken scalar symmetry Crewther/Tunstall 2013 No lattice calculations have found the IR fixed point for NF =3. Whether It exists in Nature is a controversy among lattice experts. My claim: even if absent in matter-free space, it could appear in medium as an emergent symmetry due to strong correlations. On this possibility, lattice experts do not disagree.
Impact on nuclear dynamics • Proposal: nuclear dynamics takes place around • the IR fixed point. • At the IR fixed point, there is massless dilaton s. In Nature • dilaton mass is Da=(aIR – as), explicit breaking, and • mq , current quark mass. • The two effects are connected to each other. • inseparable locking of chiral symmetry and scale symmetry. • Gives rise to “chiral-scalar perturbation theory” cPTs • with power counting
There is a support for the QCD IR fixed point at very high order perturbation Although IR fixed point is so far seen in lattice calculations only only for NF < 8, a high order numerical stochastic perturbation calculation (i.e., with Padé approximant) ”voted for” an IR fixed point for two-flavor (NF =2) QCD. Horsley et al, arXiv:1309.4311
And anomalies figure … • Trace anomaly: s, glueball • Together with the quark mass, breaks scale (or • conformal) symmetry explicitly. Gives mass to the • dilaton f0 (500). A highly subtle business due to • Freund-Nambu theorem:“scale symmetry cannot • be spontaneously broken without explicit breaking” • EFT • . Deviation from chiral limit Departure from IR fixed point
How it enters in nuclear dynamics … • What figures is “conformalon” c with decay constant fs • Use cn in HLS Lagrangian to make it scale-invariant • and put scale symmetry breaking potential V(c) (à la CT). • Incorporate nucleons as skyrmions and/or explicit local • fields. Call it cbHLS Lagrangian. • Breakings of chiral symmetry and scale symmetry • get locked to each other. • In baryonic matter, all hadron masses slide in medium with • fs(n) = <c> (n) fs*due to IDD (intrinsic density dependence) • Do (a) RMF with this cbHLS Lagrangian à la Walecka or • (b) VlowkRG (renormalization group). I will use (b). Scalar analog to
Finally but not leastHidden local U(1) symmetry: w meson Absolutely crucial in nuclear physics, i.e., Walecka-type RMF theories. In hidden gauge theories, it couples to other fields via “anomaly” term (Chern-Simons in 5D). In the vacuum, U(2) symmetry holds well for (r, w). But in nuclear matter, it must break down. How badly?
Calculation • 1. At the scale LM < Lc 4pfp, effective field theory (EFT) Lagrangian ℒeff (N,p, s, r, w ...) is matched to QCD Lagrangian ℒQCD (Gm , q) via correlators, the former in tree order and the latter in Wilsonian OPE. “bare” Lagrangian • 2.The “bare” parameters of ℒeffinherit from QCD, dependence on nonperturbative properties of QCD, ie, quark condensate, gluon condensate etc. which encode properties of the vacuum change by density etc. IDD (intrinsic density dependence) • 3. Nuclear dynamics is done by “double decimation” RG analysis, the first to obtain the Stony Brook Vlowk – which encodes the intrinsic density dependence (IDD) inherited from QCD (alias “BR scaling”) -- and the second to do the Fermi-liquid fixed point (or sophisticated many-body) calculation.
Double decimation Bogner, Kuo et al, 2003 • There are roughly two RG decimations in • nuclear many-body EFT • Decimate from Lcto ~ (2-3) fm-1or ~ 400 MeV • up to which accurate NN scattering data are available, • say, Elab ≤ 350 MeV. Call it Ldata. Yields VlowK • Decimate from Ldata to Fermi surface scale LFS using • VlowK operative up to Elab. This derives Fermi liquid • fixed point theory valid for nuclear matter.
Main Results • i) Where the proton mass comes from • ii) Locking of scale symmetry and chiral symmetry • Emergence of parity doubling • Changeover of EoS from soft to hard • Breakdown of hidden local U(2) symmetry • “Cheshire cat”: Massive neutron stars from • half-skyrmions without involving quarks.
i) Where does the proton mass come from? • It comes mostly, if not all, from dilaton condensation, • only little from spontaneous breaking of scale symmetry. • As • The proton mass can vanish only when both • the quark condensate and the dilaton condensate vanish
Agrees with skyrmions on crystal No topology change Topology change
At odds with “Nambu paradigm”: “Proton mass ‘arises largely’ from the spontaneously breaking of chiral symmetry …”
ii) Locking chiral-scale symmetry In finite nuclear systems, fp(pion decay constant) is NOTa direct indicator for chiral symmetry iii) Emergent parity doubling m0 , a “chirally invariant” mass, allows parity-doubling for baryons in the presence of pions. It is a symmetry emergent in baryonic matter. In skyrmion picture, this sets in the half-skyrmion phase at a density ~ 2n_0. Related to “quarkyonic”?!
Resembles skyrmion 2-phase structure n= density
iv) VM + topology drastically modify EoS at ~ 2n0 • soft-to-hard EoS, e.g., symmetry energy Topology effect and VM (g 0) effect suppress r tensor making the p tensor dominate p0 condensed crystal. n=n0 n=0 n ~ 2n0
Symmetry Energy n1/2 More in detail on this in Friday talk.
v) EoS for massive stars “softer” in nuclear matter, “harder” in neutron matter
Gravity wave: aLIGO & aVIRGO Kim et al 2015 Tidal deformability parameter l Gravitational waves from coalescing binary neutron stars carry signal for tidal distortion of stars, sensitive to EoS. Claim is that can be accurately measured! 1 1.5 2
vi) Dense matter engenders U(2) symmetry (r, w) breakdown at n >~ 2n0. Suppose local U(2) symmetry held, with w meson scaling with rà la VM, then nuclear matter would collapse for n > ~ (2-3) n0 CBELSA/TABS Experiments?
vi “Cheshire Cat” phenomenon … Conclusion: Smooth changeover from baryons to quarks via skyrmion-to-half-skyrmion transition without symmetry change up to deconfinement as density increases Likely related to baryon-to-quarkionic transition of Fukushima and Kojo 2015. Suggest: approach to deconfinement via “un-fermionic- liquid” as in condensed matter RAON, FAIR, …
quarkss Flavor singlet Axial charge Exp Total gluons MIT bag skyrmion