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Why Video Surveillance is Essential for Commercial Properties

In this blog post, we'll dive into the basics of video surveillance and why it's necessary for commercial property owners.

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Why Video Surveillance is Essential for Commercial Properties

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  1. Why Video Surveillance is Essential for Commercial Properties Businesses have always been at risk of being targeted by criminal activity. A reliable security system is essential for modern businesses because it enables accountability through evidence and deters theft. If yoursdoesn’thaveavideosurveillancesysteminstalled,youriskthe safety of your property and people. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the basics of video surveillance and why it’s necessary for commercial property owners.

  2. VideoSurveillanceEnablesAccountability Whetheryouarea businessowneroranemployee,video surveillancecan hold people accountable for their actions. Property managerscanreviewfootagefromsecuritycameras if acrimewas reported to determine when and where it took place and who is responsible.Businessownerscanholdtheiremployeesaccountable through evidence of tardiness or if corporate espionage has taken place. Ontheotherhand,videosurveillancecanalsoproveinnocence. Video SurveillanceDetersCrime Most crimes are committed by people who think they won’t get caught. Whetherstealingacarorbreakinginto anofficebuilding,the prospect of gettingcaughtisoftenenoughtostop crimes fromhappening A security camera can eliminate the risk of theft or vandalism because criminals will know their behavior is being recorded and monitored in real-time. Even if someone does break into your property, video footagecanhelpidentifythemwhenthey’recaught. VideoSurveillance CanBeLinkedToExistingAccessControl Systems Integrating video surveillance with your existing access control systemsprovides a second layer of security. Suppose your commercial property is gated or requires a key fob to gain entry. In that case, a video monitoringsystemallowsyoutoseewhichvisitorsoremployeesare

  3. entering or existing at all times. This is especially useful for monitoring sensitiveareas likeserverandcontrolrooms. VideoSurveillanceSystems AreCustomizable Depending on the level of security you need, video surveillance systems can be customized to match your specific requirements. From a CCTV camera at your property’s entry and exit points to biometrics or anything in between. You can also opt for video surveillance software that stores data in the cloud or monitors access locally or remotely, eliminating the need for on- siteguardsandthecostofhiringthem. Real-TimeMonitoringandDataStorage Videosurveillancesystemsallowforreal-timemonitoring locallyor remotely and stores data on secure infrastructure, meaning you can access footage and data from anywhere at any time. Video surveillance systems allow you to keep an eye on who, where, and when visitors and employees are entering and exiting your property and what they’re doing. If someone is entering or leaving your property when they shouldn’t be – such as afterhours – it will be flagged immediately by the system. The samegoes foremployeetheftoranyappropriatebehavior. Withthisinformation,employerscanensuretheirbusinessremains profitablewhilekeepingtheiremployeessafeandaccountable.

  4. AllowsforHybridWork Environments TheCOVID-19pandemicforcedbusinessesandemployeesworldwide to work remotely. As we head back into the office, companies shift to hybridworkenvironments.Thismeansemployeesmayneedto access the office at odd hours of the day and night, depending on their schedules. With a video surveillance system, employers can see who is coming and going and why. When integrated with access control systems,youremployeeshavetheflexibilitytheyneedwhilefeeling secureandprotectedfromintruders. This enables a more productive work environment, positively impacting performanceandsafety. • FinalThoughts • Video surveillance is a critical part of any business’s security plan, and it’s an essential feature for businesses that rely on the safety of their employeesandcustomers.Videosurveillancesystemscan: • Detercrime • Holdpeopleaccountable • Provide anextra layer of securityto your access controlsystem • Helpthepoliceinvestigatecrime • Allowfor flexibleworkenvironments • Improvesemployeeproductivityandperformance

  5. With this technology becoming more affordable, there has never been a better time to invest in your company’s future by installing video surveillancesystems atyourhome,office,warehouse,orparkingfacility. WhyAccessProfessionalSystems? Access Professionalshasdeliveredsolutionsforover14,500customers since its inception. We can design a custom video surveillance solution that matches your needs and budget, and our technicians oversee the installation,implementation,training,andsupportandmaintenance. With over 45 years of experience, APS has helped some of the most well- known communities and organizations in the Southwest. Request an estimateor get in touch to see how our solutions can help create a safer, moreempoweringworkplace! Welook forward tohearing fromyou!

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