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Mutations. Hollywood’s images of mutation. Mutations. Actual Mutations in fruit flies. What is a mutation?. A mutation is any change in a cell’s DNA A mutation can occur in an individual gene - results in a single changed protein

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  1. Mutations • Hollywood’s images of mutation

  2. Mutations • Actual Mutations in fruit flies

  3. What is a mutation? • A mutation is any change in a cell’s DNA • A mutation can occur in an individual gene - results in a single changed protein - cystic fibrosis a mutation in the protein that makes a type of ion channels in cell membrane - bacterial resistance to antibiotics is an example of a beneficial gene mutation

  4. What is a mutation continued • A mutation can occur in a chromosome - a chromosome contains many genes - chromosomal mutations affect many proteins Examples: Down Syndrome Edward’s Syndrome Cri-du-Chat

  5. What Causes Mutations? • Can be caused by mutagens- a physical or chemical cause of mutation. Examples: UV light, radiation, drugs, and benzene. • Mutagens are often also carcinogens – anything that causes cancer • Can be natural, random events. - mutations occur in 1/100,000 DNA replications • Mutations do not have to be bad (evolution)

  6. Point Mutations • A single nucleotide is altered. Can change one amino acid in a protein • Example of a point mutation is a substitution • Milk – Mile • GGACAATCA GGACCATCA proline -valine-serineproline-glycine-serine

  7. Frameshift Mutations • A nucleotide is either inserted or deleted from a gene. -all of the triplets from the point of mutation onward will be changed

  8. Frameshift Mutations Insertion • An insertion occurs when a nucleotide is added to a gene Example: A nucleotide is inserted The fat cat ate the rat The faa tca tat eth era t -the extra nucleotide shifts all of the triplets that follow

  9. Frameshift Mutations Deletions • A deletion occurs when a nucleotide is removed from a gene. Example: A nucleotide is removed The fat cat ate the rat Thfatcatatet her at

  10. Insertion • GGACAATCA GCGACAATCA proline -valine-serine arginine-cysteine-stop Deletion • GGACAATCA GGAAATCA proline -valine-serine proline-leucine

  11. Vocabulary • Mutation • Mutagen • Carcinogen • Point mutation • Frameshift mutation - insertion - deletion

  12. Mutations Chromosomal Mutation: change in the structure or number of chromosomes in a cell; usually caused by problems during meiosis or a mutagen Mutagen: an agent that causes a DNA mutation Ex: UV, radiation…

  13. Chromosomal Mutations Deletion: a mutation in which part of the chromosome or a sequence of DNA is missing

  14. Chromosomal Mutations Duplication: a mutation in which part of the chromosome or a sequence of DNA is repeated

  15. Chromosomal Mutations Inversion: a mutation in which part of the chromosome or a sequence of DNA is flipped or rotated

  16. Chromosomal Mutations Translocation: a mutation in which part of the chromosome or a sequence of DNA is removed from one chromosome and relocated or attached to another chromosome

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