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Artificial Intelligence - The Disruptive Technology - Ace Infoway

Artificial intelligence is creating a new path for IT explorers as a highly disruptive technology. As a technology, there is certain ambiguity around AI as most IT professionals are trying to figure out what it Can and Cannot Do as a Advanced Technology<br>

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Artificial Intelligence - The Disruptive Technology - Ace Infoway

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  1. Artificial Intelligence The Distruptive Technology

  2. Introduction • Ace through its Advance Technology Services looks to fundamentally revolutionize and reinvent the way businesses operate, compete and grow. • Through proper implementation of AI we look to lower costs, increase productivity and provide ‘intelligent’ & ‘cognitive’ solutions while unlocking new growth opportunities and creativity. • Artificial Intelligence is at its peak hype—and still remains a ‘lesser-known’ technology relatively for a fair number of IT professionals • Artificial intelligence is creating a new path for IT explorers as a highly disruptive technology. As a technology, there’s a certain ambiguity around AI as most IT professionals are trying to figure out what it Can and Cannot Do as an Advanced Technology. • With the exponential growth in the field of Digital Marketing, AI definitely looks like a real driving force for digital platforms and businesses at least for the next 5 years.

  3. AI The Disruptive Technology • AI is designed to assist businesses to sieve real business opportunities from mere hype. It helps companies create funnels for optimal output. • There are many such technologies that have created the ‘pole-vault’ phenomenon, where businesses are using technologies like AI, Deep Learning, Data Science as a pole and raising the ‘bar’ (read: what’s next) with each successful attempt.

  4. Machine Learning and Deep Learning (NLP- Natural Language Processing) are at the forefront of such expectations. While cognitive and AI are not far behind. • All these technologies have the ability to solve problems, make predictive analysis, forecast trend and behaviors by computing huge amount of data captured over a period of time. • AI as a technology has a long way to go before it can be lay claim to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) – as smart as a human brain in all fields or ‘strong’ intelligence; and/or Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) – smarter than the best human brain in all fields.

  5. Artificial Intelligence Services Machine Learning Natural Language Processing Image Processing Digital Virtual Agents - Chatbots

  6. CONTACT US IndiaA/511 Safal Pegasus Nr. Prahlad Nagar Garden 100ft. Anand Nagar Road Ahmedabad – 380 015 (Gujarat) USA21900 Burbank Blvd., 3rd Floor, Woodland Hills CA – 91367 https://www.aceinfoway.com/ info@aceinfoway.com

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