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Harry, the Sleepy Hedgehog

Harry, the Sleepy Hedgehog.

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Harry, the Sleepy Hedgehog

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  1. Harry, the Sleepy Hedgehog

  2. One breezy Autumn evening as the golden leaves fell slowly from the trees and a bright full moon was rising, Harry the sleepy hedgehog, stirred noisily from his slumber with a huge yawn. He brushed the leaves off his prickles and started snuffling around for food. Harry was sleepy because it was almost time for him to hibernate through the long, dark winter. As he scavenged for food, a huge gust of wind blew forcefully through the forest and poor Harry was blown down a steep slope and ended up banging into a...............

  3. …giant oak tree. The biggest he had ever seen! He sat up stunned and heard a loud, sassy voice. He turned around his sleepy head and saw Sarah the Sassy Squirrel and she did not look happy. Then he saw what was making her so unhappy. Her tree was covered with Harry’s prickles and there was one in Sarah’s tail. She started thumping her feet, jumping up and down and her face was bright red. The whole forest could hear Sarah shouting. Harry wasn’t sleepy anymore, he was wide awake.

  4. Felix the Friendly Fox ran as fast as he could to see what the commotion was. Harry was trying, unsuccessfully to pull his prickles out of the tree. Felix found Sarah and helped her pull the prickle out of her tail but she was still furious. Harry turned around to Sarah. “I’m sorry”, he said. “How can I make it up to you?” Sarah thought for a moment and then replied…

  5. “Look at all this mess, there are prickles everywhere”. Sarah, Felix and Harry swooped their heads around the forest floor and glared high into the tall oak tree. The prickles had gone everywhere. “I think we need to gather all of these spines up before someone else gets hurt,” said Sassy Sarah. “Those prickles will hurt my soft squishy paws” cried Felix the fox. The three animals started to pick up the prickles from the forest floor and very quickly the floor was back to normal. “All done at last” panted Harry as Felix collapsed onto the floor with a thump! “No we’re not, there are all those prickles all the way up my tree!” cried Sarah. The three friends had no idea what to do.

  6. Harry, Sarah and Felix were stumped, “We need a plan”. Sarah scampered into her tree to try and push the prickles out from the inside but she couldn’t. Sarah sulked back out of her tree to her friends, “I couldn’t push them, they are in to deep” she said. Her two friends looked at her and had a large cheesy smile on their faces, “Don’t worry we have a plan” said Felix “But we will need help from Bob the Brainy Badger” added Harry The three friends set off to find Bob...

  7. The three tree friends walked for miles upon miles until they stumbled across a large cave. The cave was surrounded by a patch of wilted flowers and bare jaggy trees. Suddenly a cold wind whipped through the empty dark forest causing the three friends to shiver with fear. “I don’t like it here. I think we should turn back.” stuttered Felix. “I think that might be a good idea. I need some rest anyway.” agreed Harry. Sarah the Sassy Squirrel turned to face her friends with her hands on her hips. “We should keep going guys! We need Bob to help us. Come on!” Sarah led the gang into the abyss that is the dark unforgiving cave.

  8. As the forest friends walked hesitantly into the cave they heard hushed whispers and the ruffle of feathers. At last they stumble across a small yet promising light. They move the bushes and they see Connor the Cruel Crow, Gloria the Glamourous Grizzly Bear and Bob the Brainy Badger sitting on an old oak throne. “What do you think you are doing in here?” sneered Connor evilly. Bob turned round to see Harry, Sarah and Felix standing huddled together frozen with fear and unease. Harry plucked up the courage and stammered, “B..Bob. We…we need your help.” Bob stood up and began to promptly walk towards his friends.

  9. "I'll help you only if you find me the magic golden apple," said Bob the Brainy Badger. "But we don’t know where the magic golden apple is!”, the three friends cried. "You will find the magic golden apple hidden in the deepest darkest cave in the forest. Bring me the apple and I will help you fix your tree. Good luck finding it!" Bob demanded. The 3 friends had no choice but to try to find the apple for Bob and they set off on their quest. They travelled all day over hills, through thick vines and over the wobbly bridge.

  10. Eventually, the 3 friends reached the deepest darkest cave. "On you go then!" Sarah said, pushing Harry forwards. He took a big gulp and bravely started walking towards the dark entrance of the cave. As he made his way into the cave he heard the loud snores of the monster. It was so loud he felt the cave move and he stumbled. All of a sudden the snoring stopped and as he looked into the darkness he saw 2 yellow eyes staring back at him. "Please don’t hurt me, I'm here for the magic golden apple to help save my friends tree." Harry the Hedgehog whispered. The monster moved towards him and Harry gasped when he realised that the monster was a...

  11. ...tiny little mouse. The gasp let out by the three friends turned into a chorus of laughter and giggles. "You're not a monster, you're a mini mouse." snorted Harry the Sleepy Hedgehog. "I'm not a mini mouse I'm Mike the Mystical Mouse, the protector of the Golden apple tree!" said Mike. Sarah asked the Mystical Mouse "Where is this Golden apple tree, can you lead us there?" "I'm sorry but I really shouldn't tell you, I'm magically bound not to tell anyone, unless..." Mike paused. "Unless you can help protect the Golden apple tree. It's really hard to do on my own."

  12. At that moment, Felix the fox had an idea.  "Harry, maybe your spines could help protect the tree? They're very  sharp after all." Harry was not happy with this idea, he had already lost many spines today. But after some persuasion he decided to give his spines to Mike the mystical mouse.  "I think I could use these for a fence... if you give me 20 spines I will take you to the tree" smirked Mike. The three friends looked at each other with sad expression.  "Deal", Harry frowned. The three friends, now slightly more joyful, followed Mike the Mystical Mouse toward the Magic Golden apple tree confident that their quest for the magical golden apple would be successful.

  13. As they made their way to the golden apple tree, with Mike the Mystical Mouse, they came across some large footsteps. In the blink of an eye a net fell down from the sky capturing and lifting up the three frightened friends.  "Hahaha I just tricked you," laughed Mike. "Time for me to go!"  And with that he snapped his large hairy claws and disappeared into the dark, deep night leaving a cloud of dust in his mist. 

  14. As the three friends hung there petrified, they suddenly heard echoing, thumping footsteps coming from the forest. Gloria the Glamorous Grizzly Bear and Bob the Brainy Badger were looking frantically for their new friends.  

  15. Gloria and Bob could hear shouts of help. As they looked up they could see their friends suspended from the sky.  They looked at each other puzzled wondering what they could do. Suddenly they heard a screeching noise coming from above.  They looked up and could see Ollie the Overactive Owl frantically flapping his majestic wings. He swooped down, grabbed the net and lowered it into Gloria's hand.  Thankfully all of the animals were safe from Mike the Mouse.  Although they didn’t manage to find the golden apple they went back to Sarah’s tree and Bob and Gloria helped to get the spines out.  They realised that friendship was more important.    

  16. Picture Credits Hedgehog Animal Cartoon – https://pixabay.com/vectors/hedgehog-animal-cartoon-spikes-1293907/ Page1 https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/03/31/19/30/hedgehog-1295076_640.png?attachment

  17. Picture Credits continued • Squirrel cartoon (slide 3) https://pixabay.com/vectors/animal-squirrel-cartoon-funny-158895/ • Oak Tree picture (slide 3) • Fox cartoon (slide 4) https://pixabay.com/vectors/animal-cartoon-fox-nature-2026297/ • Cave picture (slide 8) https://pixabay.com/photos/cave-forest-moss-nature-woods-1566205/ https://pixabay.com/photos/tree-oak-landscape-view-field-402953/

  18. Picture Credits continued • Eyes Picture (slide 10) https://stock.adobe.com/uk/images/id/170815381?as_campaign=pixabay&as_content=api&tduid=ea0bb8f0adac56e8bdbf9885e7900f4d&as_channel=affiliate&as_campclass=redirect&as_source=arvato • Golden Apple (slide 12) https://stock.adobe.com/uk/images/id/32391130?as_campaign=pixabay&as_content=api&tduid=6aa19f7d57acb46ad347c28a261091a4&as_channel=affiliate&as_campclass=redirect&as_source=arvato

  19. Picture Credits continued • Net picture (slide 14) • https://stock.adobe.com/uk/search?load_type=search&is_recent_search=&search_type=usertyped&k=net&native_visual_search=&similar_content_id=&asset_id=129426507

  20. Written by: School                                     Class Gateside Primary School                            Primary 5/6/7 Loudoun Montgomery Primary School           Primary 7 Blacklands Primary School                          Primary 5/6 Mayfield Primary School                             Primary 6 St Bridget's Primary School                         Primary 7 St. John's Primary School                            Primary 7/6

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