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Welcome to First Grade!

Learn about PTA membership benefits, explore the class schedule, and understand the grading system for Language Arts, Math, and more. Stay informed about attendance impact, report card grades, and student learning opportunities.

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Welcome to First Grade!

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  1. Welcome to First Grade!

  2. Welcome to Teasley! • PTA membership serves as an important measurement of the parental involvement at our school, as well as helping fund activities for the year. Please join PTA PTA Membership

  3. Our Class Schedule 8:00 Social Studies, Science, Health 9:05 Specials 10:00 Reading Workshop, Phonics, ELA Ctrs, Writers’ Workshop 11:55 Recess 12:32 Lunch 1:05 Math Workshop & Centers 2:00 Pack, Prepare for Dismissal

  4. Report Cards & Grading • 3+ = consistently meets the standards and works beyond grade level expectations • 3 = consistently and independently meets the standard • 2 = progressing toward meeting the standard • 1 = limited or minimum progress toward meeting the standard These marks will be applied to the areas of Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Technology, and Health. ****** Student attendance is used to develop our CCRPI score, which is how public schools are “graded” by the State of Georgia.  Any student that misses 6 or more days of school is missing learning and experiences in class and has a negative effect on our score. 

  5. Other Grades on the Report Card • S=SuccessfulThe student displays appropriate learner skills and behaviors. • P=ProgressingThe student applies appropriate learner skills and behaviors most of the time. • N=NeedsImprovementThe student does not display learning skills and behaviors that lead to success. These marks will be applied in the areas of Art, Music, P.E., Learning Skills, Learning Behaviors, and Rules & Procedures.

  6. ReadingFor a complete list http://academics.cobbk12.org/index.php/ad/1st-grade-learning-e/ • Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details. • Explain differences between books that tell stories and books that give information. • Retells Stories with Beginning, Middle and Ending • Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories. • Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. • Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text. • Identify reasons an author gives to support points in a text. • Expands Vocabulary Through Reading

  7. Reading Levels (J) (K) (L) (M)

  8. Writing & GrammarExample Skill SetsFor a complete list http://academics.cobbk12.org/index.php/ad/1st-grade-learning-e/ • Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or the name of the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure. • Write informative/ explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure. • Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure. • Participate in shared research and writing projects. • Capitalization, Punctuation – end marks (? . !) & commas in a series. • Basic Subject and Verb Agreement

  9. MathExample Skill Setshttp://academics.cobbk12.org/index.php/ad/1st-grade-learning-e/ • Use strategies to add and subtract within 20 • Understand whole number relationships and place value (grouping tens & ones) • Understand linear measurement and lengths as repeating units • Attributes of shapes, composing & decomposing shapes

  10. Change, perspective causation Personal histories. Where We Are in Time and Place • CentralIdea • Pioneers drive change Learner Profile Traits: Risk Taker, Principled, Communicator • Summative • Justice Project • Create Invention Lines of Inquiry: Aspects of the past still influence us, today (causation) Character traits can drive innovation and activism (perspective) Some practices and behaviors have remained and stayed the same (change) • RelatedConcepts: • Activism • Innovation • Change • Obstacles • Impact Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, Sacagawea, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington Carver, and Ruby Bridges

  11. Function, connection causation An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people & with other living things. Sharing the Planet • CentralIdea • Living organisms require different necessities in order to survive. • Learner Profile Traits • Caring, Thinker, Inquirer Lines of Inquiry: Plants and animals have basic needs to stay healthy (connection) Plants have parts with specific jobs (function) Human have impacts on the well-being of plants and animals (causation) • Summative • Habitat Project (see planner) • RelatedConcepts: • Environment • Impact • Conservation • change

  12. An inquiry into the natural world and its laws. How the world works • CentralIdea • Energy is detected through various senses. Learner Profile Traits Inquirer, Reflective, Thinker Lines of Inquiry: Blocking a light source causes a shadow (causation) Magnets have multiple uses (form) Sound can change based upon the need (connection) • Summative • Service project for a student with a disability • RelatedConcepts: • Investigation • Discovery • Energy • Usage

  13. An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs, and values. Connection, form change How we express ourselves Learner Profile Traits Inquirer, Thinker, Communicator • Central Idea •  Location & weather patterns impact people • . Lines of Inquiry: Location has effects on temperature (connection) We use a variety of tools to measure multiple types of weather (form) Locate continents and oceans (form) Patterns of change in weather bring seasons (change) • Summative • Travel brochure  • RelatedConcepts: • Patterns • Tools • Culture • Customs • Property

  14. form connection perspective Human relationships including families, friends, cultures, and communities. Who We Are Learner Profile Traits Reflective, Open-Minded, Knowledgeable • Central Idea • Geography influences our community Lines of Inquiry: Earth has many features (form) Circumstances determine where people live (connection) Humans investigate the unknown in various ways (perspective) • Summative • Paint your own landscape • RelatedConcepts: • Location • Community • Attributes

  15. responsibility reflection connection Economic activities and their impact on human kind and the environment. How We Organize Ourselves • Central Idea • How does our understanding of resources affect our children? Learner Profile Traits Risk Taker, Reflective, Balanced Lines of Inquiry: People are both producers and consumers and can provide goods and services (connection) Understand the purpose for spending and saving (responsibility) Choices we make are based on resources available (reflection) • Summative • Market Day • RelatedConcepts: • Budget • Community • Economy

  16. Homework - Reading • Reading is a skill that improves with practice, so encourage regular reading. • Your child should read at least one book per night, or about 15-20 minutes each night. • Read to your child, take turns reading with your child, and listen to your child read to you. • Ask your child to retell details, such as his/her favorite part, who the important character was, where the story happened, the problem and solution in the story.

  17. Media Center • Children may go to the Media Center to check out books in the mornings, before announcements, and when given teacher permission during the day. • We will have Media Center Lessons. • School-wide Reading Program

  18. Classroom VolunteersOpportunities • Room Parents • Classroom Store • Materials Preparation (Home & School) • Celebration Activities, Holiday Party • Field Trip Chaperones

  19. Conferences • Conferences are the week of October 14. • Please Schedule Other Conferences in Advance (24 hours notice, please) • Avoid “mini-conferences” in the morning while dropping off children or when volunteering.

  20. Testing Schedule • Math Inventory & Reading Inventory • August, January, and May • CoGAT testing • September 4-6 • Measures abilities and can help identify children for special programs.

  21. 1st Grade T-Shirts • Each 1st Grade class will have the same Tiger logo on a different colored shirt. We will wear these shirts for special activities and Spirit Days. • Look for order forms soon.

  22. Odds & Ends • Write Your Student’s Name on Everything(jackets, sweaters, hats, mittens, book bags, lunchboxes, etc). • Your child needs to know how to tie his/her own shoes. • Check your child’s agenda or daily folder every single night for notes and information. Write your initials to show that you are aware of the information being sent home. • Build Responsibility – allow your student to put his/her own folder/agenda in the book bag or pack his/her snack. • We have snack time each day. Students who eat a snack are usually more alert and focused on their work instead of their hungry tummies. Please send only healthy snacks for your child to eat during this time each day, but avoid juicy items such as oranges and fruit cups. We do not snack spills to result in ruined work or happy ants. NO NUTS, PLEASE

  23. THE END • Thank you for coming today. • Email address & blog: mary.hall@cobbk12.org http://teasleyes.typepad.com/mary_hall

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