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Explore the innovative Athena++ framework for MHD simulation, its modular physics modules, adaptive mesh refinement, and dynamic execution features. Learn about its scalability, performance, and cutting-edge applications in astrophysics.
The Athena++ AMR Framework Jim Stone Princeton University Radiation Energy Density Mass Density work with Shane Davis (UVa), Kyle Felker (PU), Yan-Fei Jiang (UCSB), KengoTomida (Osaka), Chris White (UCSB) and the Athena++ team
Some of Åke’s work that has influenced me. A new code: Athena++ An example application Software challenges Summary Outline
Solar convection Papers by Nordlund, Stein, et al. on MHD convection were very inspiring for me while I was a graduate student in early 1990’s. Demonstrated “state-of-the-art” in numerical MHD at the time. Stein & Nordlund (1998) Contours: Mach number = 1 Grayscale: emergent intensity Axes labelled by grid indices, Cell-size = 24 km.
Accretion disk dynamo Brandenburg et al. (1995) Oscillating net driven by MRI in stratified disks <By > Generated by currents at vertical boundaries. Comparison of domains with +/- 2H and +/- 3 H Of great interest to me, since I was working on same problem (Stone et al. 1996)
Turbulence in ISM Density field from sub-Alfvenic isothermal turbulence from Padoan & Nordlund (1999) Led to highly-cited paper on IMF:
PPM ZEUS SPH Code comparison Åke was a “driver” of the KITP code-comparison project in 2007 Published in ApJ 737:13 (2011) Figure courtesy of M. Norman
The Athena MHD Code Motivation: better shock capturing algorithm (no AV). able to use with mesh refinement. • Athena: MHD Godunov scheme • Directionally-unsplit 3D integration algorithms • Constrained Transport (CT) to preserve div(B)=0 • Static mesh refinement • Code is documented in a series of papers: • Gardiner & Stone, JCP 2005; 2008 • Stone & Gardiner, ApJS 2008, NewAst 2008 • Additional Physics • Viscosity, resistivity, ambipolar diffusion, Hall MHD • Optically thin cooling, thermal conduction • Special relativity • Full-transport radiation MHD
Motivation for a New Code • Original Athena code started in 2001 to study accretion physics, MHD turbulence in ISM • Eventually extended with lots of physics • Latest version (v4.2) publicly available However, by 2014 it became clear a re-write was needed: • Patch-based (Berger & Oliger) AMR did not scale well • Adding non-uniform and/or new coordinates difficult • C-code had become unmanageable:100,000+ lines with complex physics all controlled by nested #ifdef
Athena++ Feature: AMR Based on “block-based” octree refinement. Regions of mesh refinement restricted by block locations. Implemented with staggered-mesh MHD. Similar to PARAMESH in FLASH. Differs from “patch-based” (Berger&Oliger) AMR in PLUTO, Enzo Matsumoto 2007 • Blocks communicate only through boundaries. • No overlap between fine and coarse grids. • Solution at each point represented on only one mesh – avoids inconsistencies between fine/coarse solutions. • Very efficient on large core counts. • Much easier to code
Athena++ Feature: non-uniform curvilinear mesh Non-uniform grid in spherical polar coordinates allows large dynamic range in radius. Nested grid allows de-refinement towards pole, avoiding very small cells. Polar boundary condition allows free-flow over poles.
AMR in spherical polar Spiral density waves in circumplanetary disk due to planet-disk interaction (Zhu et al. 2016) important source of AM transport
Athena++ Feature: Dynamic execution • AMR design results in many mesh blocks per core. • Integration steps on blocks are organized into a TaskList • Order of tasks is dynamic, based on which MPI calls have finished. • Allows overlap of computation and communication. • Makes adding more physics very easy by adding more tasks. • Different blocks can have different tasks (physics), enabling multi-scale physics applications.
Athena++: Physics Modules Current modules (in development version): Relativistic/non-relativistic MHD Self-gravity Time-dependent radiation transfer Chemistry General EOS Modules under development: GR-radiation transfer Nuclear reaction networks Dust/tracer particles Hybrid particle-in-cell method
Validating physics modules Simply passing regression or unit tests is not enough. Must demonstrate correct solutions in regime of application. Comparison of Athena++ and Dedalus on non-linear Kelvin-Helmoltz instability with explicit dissipation. Athena++ reproduces spectral code results at 2x resolution.
Performance and Scaling of MHD • Single core performance of Athena++ is greatly improved (~4x) by efficient vectorization. • 0.5 ms per cell per core for 3D MHD on Intel Skylake (2M zc/sec) • Performance is memory bandwidth limited when using all cores • Performance per Skylake CPU is about 1/10 performance per Volta GPU • Excellent weak scaling to 0.5 million cores (on KNL)
Performance and Scaling of Multigrid • Multigrid is faster than FFTW for self-gravity due to O(N) instead of O(N log[N]) scaling • Self-gravity costs < 20% of MHD with 643 cells per core and 4096 cores
K-Athena: GPU version of Athena++ (Grete et al. 2019) Uses the Kokkos library to provide portability SKX = Intel Skylake, BDW = Intel Broadwell
Davis, Stone, & Jiang (2012); Jiang, Stone, & Davis (2012; 2014) Radiation MHD in the Athena code. • Compute closure relation P = f E directly • Variable Eddington tensor (VET) f calculated from “snap-shot” solution of time-independent transfer equation using short characteristics. • Source terms can be very stiff, requires modified Godunov method for stability • For non-relativistic flows, wide range of timescales associated with v, Cs, c; use fully implicit (backward Euler) differencing of radiation moment equations • For relativistic flows, direct explicit differencing of time-dependent transfer equation used.
Computing the Variable Eddington Tensor (VET) For non-relativistic flows, the light-crossing time is much shorter than an MHD time step. In this case, solve the time-independent transfer equation using the method of short characteristics along Nr rays per cell. Include scattering and non-LTE effects using accelerated lambda iteration (ALI). Olson & Kunasz 1987; Stone, Mihalas, & Norman 1992; Trujillo Bueno & FabianiBendicho 1995; Davis, Stone, & Jiang 2012 Then compute f directly from moments of I.
Importance of Algorithms • Both algorithms for RT in Athena require direct solution of transport equation. • More complicated and expensive than: • FLD – assumes radiation flux proportional to gradient of Erad • M1 – assumes particular form for Eddington tensor, rather than computing directly • But we have found in certain tests qualitatively different behavior in the solutions with approximate methods. • Care must be taken in using methods like FLD. • Example, dynamics of a radiation supported atmosphere • (Krumholz & Thompson 2012; Davis et al. 2014)
VET solution FLD solution Atmosphere remains bound. No outflow. (e.g. Krumholz & Thompson) Atmosphere blown away. Radiation driven outflow. Very clumpy. (e.g. Davis et al.)
With FLD, vertical flux strongly correlated with density. Radiation escapes through low-density channels. Density Vertical component of Frad
In VET solution, direction of radiation flux is not given by gradient of Erad White arrows: Frad in VET solution Green arrows: Frad computed from gradient of Erad
Example application: Global thin disk with net vertical field in 3D work led by Zhaohuan Zhu (Zhu & Stone 2018) • 3D spherical polar nested grid • 0.1 < r < 100, full 2p in azimuth • 1088 x 512 x 1024 on finest level • Initially H/R ~ 0.1, bZ = 1000, 100 • At least 16 grid points per H everywhere • Evolved for 40 orbits at R=1 • Evolved for 0.25 “viscous” times at R=1
Azimuthally averaged structure fast B field lines Alfven T = 40 orbits at r=1
Vertical slice at r = 1 T = 40 orbits at r=1
Short summary of global thin disk • Vertical fields drive rapid accretion in surface layers • Vertical flux advected rapidly inward in surface layers (“coronal accretion”, Beckwith et al. 2009) • Vigorous MRI turbulence at midplane, a ~ 0.1 • Slow outflow at midplane • Fast magnetosonic wind produced over small range of radii • Next: repeat with non-ideal MHD, radiation and dust particles.
4. Software Design Principles • Strict adherence to ANSI C++11 • Only requires C++ compiler and python distribution to run • MPI library required for distributed-memory parallelism • Some problems require FFTW and HDF5 libraries • Regression tests implemented through python scripts • Style checks provided by Google’s cpplint.py • Continuous integration tools (Jenkins, Travis CI) used to test commits • Development version hosted in private GitHub repo • Public version available (copy of master branch) distributed through GitHub repo
First Athena++ Developer/User Meeting. April, 2019 UNLV. Sixty participants.
Download Athena++: http://princetonuniversity.github.io/athena/index.html
My concern: Athena++ is already too big to be sustained by application scientists alone. Athena++ lines of code 2014-2019
Athena++ is a framework for adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) calculations of plasma dynamics on Eulerian meshes. • Various physics modules are built on this framework: • Non-relativistic/relativistic MHD • Self-gravity • Radiation transfer • Many more are under development • Good performance and scaling on modern CPUs and GPUs is achieved. • The code is developed by a loose collaboration of application scientists. • Hopefully the code will enable new understanding of radiation-dominated astrophysical fluid flows. • This work follows the example set by Åke’s career: developing new numerical tools is important for solving new astrophysics problems. 5. Summary