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Post Paris: a greenhouse emissions reduction target for Macedon R anges Shire Council

Learn about Macedon Ranges Shire Council's target to reduce greenhouse emissions and the process they followed to set this target. Discover the challenges they faced and their next steps in the regional context.

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Post Paris: a greenhouse emissions reduction target for Macedon R anges Shire Council

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Post Paris: a greenhouse emissions reduction target for Macedon Ranges Shire Council . Silvana Predebon , Environmental Policy Officer

  2. Overview Where / What / Who is Macedon Ranges Shire Setting a target - drivers Setting a target - process Setting a target - challenges Next Steps

  3. Macedon Ranges Shire – regional context

  4. Macedon Ranges Shire - settlements

  5. Macedon Ranges Shire - overview Area: almost 50,000 ha (1,747km2) Population at 2015: 45,308 Population at 2036: 64,654 many towns: Gisborne, Kyneton, Woodend, several smaller towns Council services: 2 offices, 1 depot, 2 aquatic centres, 2 centres, approx. 100 smaller buildings, 3 transfer stations (no landfill) “environment” work of Council: traditionally on natural environment EXCEPT – 1st regional council to join CCP in 1997

  6. Setting a target - drivers A new environment strategy, adopted 22 June 2016, with 4 key themes, 1 is Climate Change NB: timing wrt Paris Community expectations / advocacy / action on climate change Alignment of stars: assets, audits, streetlights, costs, experience Investment in external service (Planet Footprint): using info / reports from the service to save money and reduce emissions Politics: regional to state to Paris

  7. Setting a target - process Reconcile energy data / Establish baseline emissions profile for council operations Collate info / business cases: audits, streetlights, CVGA solar study Commission a Greenhouse Reduction Pathways Plan: info to follow “Translate” climate change action to work of staff across Council (demonstrate do-ability and benefits for Council) Acknowledge work done to date - maintenance and capital - and potential to further prove value of work to Council Communicate with and within Council and community

  8. Setting a target - challenges Minimising risks around making commitments Responding to rate capping: “spend to save” Politics / Timing: regional / state / Paris Limited capacity within Council: disadvantage and / or advantage Meeting community expectations =>Benefits of setting a target in a considered manner (vs “set a target then work out how to get there”)

  9. Setting a target - process in GRPP Ironbark Sustainability was engaged to develop the plan, staff: Reviewed / Considered: Goals in IPCC 5th Assessment Report (AR5) Climate Change Authority Interim Goals Goals at other Councils (EG: science-based based goal (at Moreland) The opportunities for reduction at Macedon Ranges

  10. Setting a target - process in GRPP Opportunities for reduction modeled on: The energy hierarchy Initial Capital Cost Payback period / return on investment Ongoing Costs Feasibility of actioning Co-benefits(eg: resilience of assets)

  11. Macedon Ranges Environment Strategy To reduce greenhouse emissions from Council’s operations by 25% by 2020-2021, from 2014-2015 baseline year. The Council Plan / Council budget key actions for 2016-2017: Changeover approx. 2000 streetlights to LEDs Install pool covers at 2 aquatic centres Upgrade heating at Kyneton Town Hall NB: adds to recent work re LEDs at Gisborne, design of new buildings ANDDevelop a Climate Change Action Plan

  12. Next Steps: Mitigation and Adaptation Council Plan 2016-2017: Develop Climate Change Action Plan Future Targets (higher targets? renewable energy targets? checking the science) 2012 Early Adaptation Plan – due for review? – process TBC NB: timing with forthcoming state Climate Change Adaptation Plan vs legislative requirements post 2020 Acknowledge related community climate action eg: Solar Towns, MASH3, Climate Change Grants Explore potential for partnerships with community eg: MRSG

  13. Questions??? Contact Details: Phone: 5421 9679 Email: spredebon@mrsc.vic.gov.au

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