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Measuring, managing, marketing, documenting and proving your worth!. Joyce Kasman Valenza. Warning!. This is a hybrid presentation! Listen and think about what you want to explore later. Download this presentation at: http://mciu.org/~spjvweb/treefalls.ppt. Why?.
Measuring, managing, marketing, documentingand proving your worth! Joyce Kasman Valenza
Warning! • This is a hybrid presentation! • Listen and think about what you want to explore later. • Download this presentation at: • http://mciu.org/~spjvweb/treefalls.ppt
Why? • Data is important to prove your worth • To understand your impact • To reflect on your practice
About pies They just don’t get bigger!
For the sake of your learners. . . • You must figure out how to get an appropriate slice • Or bake another pie!
Perception is critical! You must: • Craft “reporting forms” that show you at your best • Demonstrate your impact on learners and learning • Demonstrate how you have made teachers’ jobs easier, more effective. • Demonstrate your vision for the program Money tends to flow where success is, where the excitement it!
Does that person who slices the pie really know what you do?Does he or she understand your contribution to the learning community?
Quick: Name something important you do for learners that no one knows you do!
According to an SLJ survey: • Only 37% of principals said that the teacher-librarian made them familiar with current research of library programs and student achievement. • Only 35% of principals were made familiar with current research on reading development • Lau, Debra. “What Does Your Boss Think About You.” SLJ Sept. 2002.
More from the SLJ survey: • Only 47% believed there was a direct link between an effective media center and student achievement • Only 26% believed that librarians taught regularly scheduled classes • Only one third believed that librarians took a pro-active role in the school • Half said their librarian’s primary role was “caretaker.”
Gary Hartzell’s response: Though expressing support for the media center is the “socially preferred” response, when you dig deeper “the truth comes out. . . Principals think they should say that but they don’t back it up with a budget or appropriate staffing.”
According to SLJ: “The message is clear: librarians must make themselves more visible by better articulating their mission and the impact they have on student learning.”
We all value and protect the things and people that make us more successful,make our jobs easier, and make us look good. Convincing your principal that you and your library can do those things will go a long way toward making clear that it's in his or her best interests to give you the time and tools you need to sustain a quality library media program. Gary Hartzell, Professor, Department of Education Administration, University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Do you know. . . what keeps that person up at night?
Concerns How you can help Supporting those who support you:
Put others first • Our projects and practices should benefit others • Do no appear self-serving • Take part in school activities and meetings— decisions are made by those who show up • Make others look good
Library’s “outputs” "[Librarians] need to talk about how many research lessons they presented, how many books they booktalked, and detail the collaborations they've had with teachers." Mike Eisenberg. "This Man Wants to Change Your Job." SLJ. September 2002)
One LM_Netter • Goal? Flexible scheduling Is that the goal?
How are you perceived? • As an add-on or drop-and-run special? or • As an instructional partner who directly impacts student learning?
Is the perception. . . That your library and its initiatives make a difference in student learning? Do teachers and administrators say, “We need to see more of this!”? That the library contributes to the continuous improvement of the school program?
Two weapons “You really need two psychological weapons when fighting to make your program a budget priority: a thick skin and a deep-felt mission. Without them, you’ll get eaten alive; with them, you can accomplish anything.” Doug Johnson
Your mission: • Guiding principles that state goals, values, and vision • Should be achievable • Consider larger mission of the school • Should be a mission the whole school can endorse
Libraries don’t exist in vacuums. It’s about others! Faculty goals: Principal’s goals: Needs of learners: Parent goals: Others?
Setting goals • Building • Instructional • District • Professional and. . . • Teaching and learning • Program Administrative • Information access and delivery Mid-year and end-year updates
SMART Guidelines for Goal Setting • Specific: What exactly do you wish to accomplish? • Measurable: benchmarks? How will you know you have reached them? • Attainable /Action Oriented: what specific steps will you take? • Realistic • Timely: Set target date(s) Examples? * Michael Angier
Making Instruction Explicit! “Pedagogical intervention is at the core of being a teacher-librarian.” “If school libraries do not contribute to learning outcomes, and if teacher-librarians cannot articulate what these outcomes are, then school libraries are on shaky ground.” Ross Todd, IASL, 2003
A cut-back scenario When asked why teacher-librarians were cut, the director of human resources said: “these proposed cuts will not affect student learning and will not disrupt the learning process.”
How is learning demonstrated? 1. What the student knows 2. What the student can do with what he or she knows 3. The student’s confidence and motivation in carrying out the demonstration. Spady and Marshall. “Light not heat on OBE.” ASBJ Nov. 1994
Ask your learners • Cognitive • Affective • Social • Physical
Surveys as powerful tools • Student satisfaction • Faculty satisfaction • Plagiarism / academic integrity • Readers’ interest
Surveys • Student feedback is very revealing! • Surveys reflect attitudes, confidence • Baseline and comparison • First grade and fifth grade • Before and after a unit • Freshmen and senior • Before and after an initiative • Paper • Video focus groups
Two-question survey: • During this term, how did the library best help you learn? • During this term, how could the library help you learn better? Ross Todd, IASL, 2003 (quoting one teacher-librarian’s feedback survey)
Need to Communicate! • Newsletters • Frequent, targeted emails • Intrude politely on meetings • Decisions are made by those who show up • Get invited, offer to host meetings • USE your website! • As your teaching portfolio • As a dynamic public relations tool • As a knowledge management site with you as CIO
Share success • Document • Memos • Goals and updates • Newsletters • Reports No one will know what you are doing unless you report it! “Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil”WebShots.com 26 May 2003http://www.webshots.com/g/25/522-sh/18287.html
Essentials! • Skills with • Spreadsheets • Desktop publishing • Presentation • HTML editors, blogs • Importance of library assistants!