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Explore how fitness, weight training, and anti-aging practices contribute to increasing life expectancy and vitality. Learn about the impact of muscle aging, bone density, joint health, cardiovascular aging, and more. Discover scientific evidence supporting strength training to combat sarcopenia and maintain muscle mass as you age.
Life expectancy • In 1796, average life expectancy was 25 years old • In 1896 was 45 years old • In the beginning of the XXI century is 80 years old • In the future, scientists predict that life expectancy will be 120 years before 2046
Increase of life expectancy depends fundamentally • Improvement of sanitary conditions • Advances in medicine • Preventive medicine • Increase of communications
But, although we have been able to extend life expectancy We have done very little to improve quality of life … We live more but not better
Main causes of death • 1896: influenza, diarrhoea, pneumonia • 2006: cardiovascular disease, cancer, accidents Nowadays, subtle changes in physical activity patterns over the adult lifespan allow most people not engaged on an exercise program to lose a very large proportion of their physical work capacity before they even notice that something is wrong or find that they have crossed a threshold of disability.
v Aging means illness?? • Approximately 50% of the >65 years old takes an average of 12 medicines daily • The majority suffers: arthritis, loss of memory, cardiovascular disease, cancer…
Morphologic and metabolic facts related to aging and loss of vitality
Metabolic and Physiological Clocks • Dehydration • Decrease of Lean Body Mass • Increase of Body Fat • Decrease in Bone Density • Decrease in Physical Work Capacity (VO2max)
Muscle Aging I • Slow progressive decrease in the number of muscle fiber • Faster decrease of Lean Body Mass (dehydration process) • Increase of connective tissue and fat • Bottom line:
Muscle Aging II • No change in number of blood capillaries (capillaries/fibers) • Decrease in blood flow • Decrease in oxidation capacity (decrease in number of mitochondria) • Decrease in number of motor units
Bone Aging • Progressive loss of calcium • Osteomalacia (diminution of volume) • Osteopenia (diminution of density) • Osteoporosis NARROW RELATION BETWEEN LOSE OF MUSCLE MASS AND BONE DENSITY
Joint and Cartilage Aging • Composition: • 2%: condrocites (matrix) • 20-40%: extracellular matrix • (collagen and mucopolisaccharides) • 60-80%: water • Aging: dehydration and diminution in the level of polysaccharides less elasticity, pain, inflammation and deformity
Cardiovascular Aging • Progressive loss of flexibility in blood vessels • Decrease in the internal diameter of vessels (less flow) • Lose in contraction capacity of cardiac muscle • Lose of closing capacity in cardiac valves and flow return • Hypertension
Endocrine Aging • Aging process reduces levels of testosterone and growth hormone and increases levels of Cortisol
Facts involved in speeding up & slowing down aging
Who doesn´t want to live Healthy and vital at 75´s as was on 45´s ?
Scientific Evidence • Kitgead: “… 70-year-old men trained with weights since 50’s present same muscle mass than a pattern group of healthy adults of 25-30 years old …” • Fiatarone: “… > 90-year-old men, without previous training, trained with weights and increased their muscle mass and bone density compared with a pattern group of adults of the same age …”
Scientific Evidence Sarcopenia In this review, the authors outline the magnitude of the losses in Sarcopenia, their functional consequences, and the efficacy of strength training (ST) as an intervention strategy for delaying, preventing or reversing the effects of sarcopenia. Proposed mechanisms of sarcopenia are outlined and, where information is available, they examine the effects of ST on these potential mechanisms, which include neurogenic factors, anabolic hormones, protein synthesis, gene expression, muscle morphology, and muscle regeneration. The evidence presented on this review suggests that Strength Training is an effective intervention for improving strength, muscle mass and muscle quality and delaying the onset of physical disability in the elderly. Roth, S.M. et al. Strength training for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia. J Nutr. Health Aging. 2000;4(3):143-55.
Scientific Evidence Sarcopenia Methods: Using stable isotope tracer methodologies and mass spectrometric detection, we observed: (a) 76-92-year-old physically frail and 62-74-year-old middle-age adults have lower mixed muscle protein synthetic rates than 20-32-year-old men and women; (b) 2 weeks and 3 months of weightlifting exercise increased the synthetic rate of myosin heavy chain (MHC) and mixed muscle proteins to a similar magnitude in frail, middle-age, and young women and men; (c) Serum myostatin-immunoreactive protein levels were elevated in physically frail women and were inversely correlated with lean mass. Conslusion: This suggests that the protein synthetic machinery adapts rapidly to increased contractile activity and that the adaptive response(s) are maintained even in frail elders. Schulte JN & Yarasheski KE. Effects of resistance training on the rate of muscle protein synthesis in frail elderly people. Int J Sport Nutr ExercMetab. 2001 Dec;11 Suppl:S111-8.
Scientific Evidence Osteoporosis PURPOSE: To determine the effects of 6 months of whole-body resistive training (RT) on total and regional bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) by age and gender in young and older men and women. METHODS: Younger men (n=10) and women (n=7) aged 20-29 years (25+/-1 years) and older men (n=10) and women (n=10) aged 65-74 years (69+/-1 years) participated in 6 months of progressive whole-body RT. Upper- and lower-body strength was assessed by the one repetition maximum (1RM) test, and total body fat, lean tissue mass, femoral neck BMD, Ward's triangle BMD, greater trochanter BMD, total-body BMD, and L2-L4 spine BMD were determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry before and after 6 months of RT. CONCLUSION: A 6-month RT program increases muscle mass and improves BMD of the femoral region in young and healthy older men and women as a group, with a trend for this to be greater in young subjects. Ryan A.S. et al. Regional Bone Mineral Density after resistive training in the young and older men and women. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2004 Feb;14(1):16-23.
Scientific Evidence Osteoporosis PURPOSE: This investigation examined the effect of 6 months of high- or low-intensity resistance exercise (REX) on bone mineral density (BMD) and biochemical markers of bone turnover in adults aged 60-83 yr. METHODS: Sixty-two men and women (68.4 +/- 6 yr) were stratified for strength and randomly assigned to a control (N = 16), low-intensity (N = 24), or high-intensity (N = 22) group. Subjects participated in 6 months of progressive REX training. Subjects trained at either 50% of their one repetition maximum (1-RM) for 13 repetitions (LEX) or 80% of 1-RM for 8 repetitions (HEX) 3 times x wk(-1) for 24 wk. One set each of 12 exercises was performed. 1-RM was measured for eight exercises. BMD was measured for total body, femoral neck, and lumbar spine by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). CONCLUSION: These data indicate high-intensity REX training was successful for improving BMD of the femoral neck in healthy elderly subjects. Also, these data suggest REX increased bone turnover, which over time may lead to further changes in BMD. Benton M.J. & White A. Osteoporosis: recommendations for resistance exercise and supplementation with calcium and vitamin D to promote bone health. J Community Health Nurs. 2006. 23(4):201-11.
Scientific Evidence Flexibility PURPOSE: to investigate the effects of aerobic training, strength training and their combination on joint range of motion of inactive older individuals. METHODS: Thirty-two inactive older men (65 - 78 yr) were assigned to one of four groups (n = 8 per group): control (C), strength training (ST), cardiovascular training (CT), and combination of strength and aerobic training (SA). Subjects in the S, A, and SA trained three times a week for 16 weeks. ST included 10 resistance exercises for the major muscle groups at an intensity of 55 - 80% of 1-RM and CT included walking/jogging at 50 - 80 % of maximal heart rate. Body weight and height, physical activity level and maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2)max) were measured before the training period. Isokinetic (60 and 180 deg x sec(-1)) and concentric strength (1-RM in bench and leg press) were assessed prior to and at the end of the training period. Hip flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction, shoulder extension, flexion, and adduction, knee flexion, elbow flexion and sit-and-reach score were determined before and at 8 and 16 weeks of training. CONCLUSION: Results indicate that resistance training may be able to increase range of motion of a number of joints of inactive older individuals (increased sit-and-reach performance, elbow flexion, knee flexion, shoulder flexion and extension and hip flexion and extension both mid- and post-training) possibly due to an improvement in muscle strength. Fatouros I.G. et al. The effects of strength training, cardiovascular training and their combination on flexibility of inactive older adults. Int J Sports Med. 2002 Feb;23(2):112-9.
The main problems: Obesity Stress Sedentary
Over weight: not only the weighting machine • TOFIS: “Thin outside, fat inside” • Scientific research from Imperial College of London 2006 shows that people who would be considered slim can have large quantities of fat within them. • % Body fat X BMI • Conclusions: • Sumo fighters can show lower levels of cholesterol than a thin person. Bodybuilders has percentage of fat infinitely lower than average population • Tofis can have an unhealthy, even dangerous build-up of fat around their organs, • Low calorie diets without physical activity could be damaging for health
Close relationship between lifestyle and hormonal secretion Positive Influences: Well precribed training, good nutrition, adequate rest, good mental actitude. Hypothalamus Negative Influences: Overtraining, insufficient rest, bad nutrition, emotional stress Pituitary Gland Gonadas Adrenals Androgens Cortisol Muscle Anabolic Effects Catabolic Effects
Decalogue of Immortality • Sleep 7 to 8 hours a night • Always eat balanced and rich in proteins breakfast • Increase into 5 the number of meals per day • Control calorie and fat intake (high unsaturated fatty acids) • Take care of the teeth and chew correctly • Drink high amount of water • Control body weight • Exercise regularly with weights • Consume little or no alcohol • Don’t smoke
Anti-Aging Nutrition • Essential part of Anti-aging Medicine • Natural alternative and complement of therapeutic drugs • Improve life quality • Prevent and reduce muscular, joint and bone injuries
Nutrition • Diet: • Caloric Intake • Rational distribution of caloric intake • Food Quality • Protein Minimum • Supplements: • Natural substances that help to complete diet and to improve results
CALORIC INTAKE:(calories/Kg. Body weight / day) • 35-40 calories / Kg. / day for 20-55 years old • Since 55 years old: • 35 cal/kg – 1% per year Fats 0,8g/Kg (aprox. 15 to 20% of daily caloric intake) Proteins 1,5g/Kg (aprox. 20% of daily caloric intake) Carbohidrates 5 to 6g/kg (aprox. 60% of daily caloric intake)
Master Men Bodybuilding (40-49 years / up to 90 Kg)
Master Men Bodybuilding (40-49 years / over 90 Kg)
Master Men Bodybuilding (50-59 years)
Master Men Bodybuilding (over 60 years)