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Ancient Civilizations: Egypt

Ancient Civilizations: Egypt. Ventre’s Adventures. Geography & Environment. The Geography. On which continent is Egypt located?

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Ancient Civilizations: Egypt

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  1. Ancient Civilizations: Egypt

  2. Ventre’s Adventures

  3. Geography & Environment

  4. The Geography • On which continent is Egypt located? • Africa; in the northeastern region

  5. The Geography • Location • North Africa • Natural barriers: Mediterranean Sea, Sahara Desert, Red Sea • Result = less prone to invasion.

  6. The Geography • On which river did the ancient Egyptians settle? • Nile River • WHY??

  7. The Geography • Nile River • World’s longest river (4130 miles) • “Gift of the Nile”  annual flooding that deposits rich soil. • Benefits • Easy communication. • Transportation. • Ample water supply.

  8. Nile River

  9. Menes: Unifier of Upper & Lower Egypt Upper vs Lower Upper Lower Menes

  10. Society

  11. Great to be an Egyptian? • A social hierarchy not locked in. • Possible to change status via marriage, personal success, etc.

  12. IntellectualHistory

  13. Writing • Earliest form of writing = pictograph

  14. The Importance of Writing • In hieroglyphics: • Images stand for ideas, as well as for sounds • The image of an OWL stands for the m sound, as well as for the bird itself

  15. The Importance of Writing • Hieroglyphics: developed from pictographs • Images stand for ideas, as well as for sounds

  16. Papyrus -A paper-like material - Now scribes could write on a more compact surface, instead of stone or clay.

  17. As the Egyptian civilization declined, any chance of deciphering hieroglyphics was lost…. Rosetta Stone

  18. Religion & Government

  19. Egyptian Religion • Polytheism: • The worship of many gods • Worshipped 2000+ gods and goddesses

  20. Isis – the protective goddess. She used powerful magic to help people in need. Ra – the sun god. He was the most important god of the ancient Egyptians. Brother and Sister Anubis – the god of embalming and the dead. Osiris – god of the dead, and ruler of the underworld.

  21. Atum – the creator god. Believed to be the first god to exist. Seth – the god of chaos. Horus – god of the sky. Protector of the pharaoh. Sekhmet – goddess of war.

  22. Who is this?

  23. Egyptian Government • Theocracy: • Type of gov’tin which rule is based upon religious authority

  24. Egyptian Government • Pharoh • Egyptians believed that their kings, or pharaohs, WERE gods • Pharaohs VERY POWERFUL! • Ruled religion, government & military

  25. What is Ka? • Egyptians believed that the Pharaohs possessed an eternal life force, also known as ka

  26. What is Ka? • Ka allowed pharaohs to rule for all of eternity; therefore, their tombs were even more important than their palaces on earth

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