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UNION OF BREWERS IN BULGARIA (UBB). MEMBERS OF THE UNION OF BREWERS IN BULGARIA Regular Members: "Bolyarka – VT" PLC, "Zagorka" PLC, "Kamenitza" PLC, "Carlsberg Bulgaria" PLC, "Lomsko pivo" PLC. Associated Members:

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  2. MEMBERS OF THE UNION OF BREWERS IN BULGARIA Regular Members: "Bolyarka – VT" PLC, "Zagorka" PLC, "Kamenitza" PLC, "Carlsberg Bulgaria" PLC, "Lomsko pivo" PLC. Associated Members: "Malt" PLC, “Bulmalt” Ltd, "Prisoe" PLC, "Ice Technic" Ltd., "Begerov" GmbH - Germany, "Beril Zh" Ltd., "Bulhops" Ltd., "Diversystem" Ltd., “Ikar Bedzhev & Co.”, “APV Bulgaria” Ltd, “Chemko International" Ltd., “Vamer“ Ltd., "Sigroteh" Ltd., "Trimexservice“ PLC, “Bomigan Company” Ltd, “KHS Zagora“PLC, "Rastal" GmbH – Germany, “Actual Industries" Ltd., “Novoservice" Ltd., “IK Zhanet 45“ Ltd. , “Microspectar” Ltd., Institute for Cryobiology and Food Technologies – Sofia, University for Food Technologies – Plovdiv. Mr. Petar Paunkov - an honorary member

  3. Economic impact because of beer • Euro 161 million value added due to the production and sale of beer • 2009 beer sales of UBB members 4 872 480 hl Beer Production and Sales of UBB members period 2005 - 2009

  4. 2009 Total investments of UBB members over€ 33 000 000 Total employment because of beer45 500 jobs • 5% - direct effect (breweries) • 21% - indirect effect (suppliers) • 65% - hospitality industry • 9% - retail sector

  5. Government revenues 2008 Euro 190 million • VAT revenues – 96 million euros; • The total excise revenues on beer – 43 million euros; • Income-related revenues due to beer production and sales – approximately 51 million euros: • Income tax - 11 million euros; • Social security contributions, paid by employees - 11 million euros; • Social security taxes and payroll taxes paid by employers – 29 million euros.

  6. BEER AND SOCIETYUBB Self-regulation system for responsible commercial communications

  7. BEER AND SOCIETYUBB Self-regulation system for responsible commercial communications • 2009 Copy advice – 5 ads • 2009 Post monitoring – 15 ads Results due to SR applied procedures • 4 commercial communications -modified

  8. Informative and educational campaign to celebrate Bg beer excellence

  9. First beer saloon - degustation

  10. First beer saloon – degustation Publications

  11. Second beer saloon - dark beer

  12. Second beer saloon - dark beer Publications

  13. Tour to breweries I

  14. Tour to breweries II

  15. Tour to breweries III

  16. Art contest

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