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272: Software Engineering Fall 2012. Instructor: Tevfik Bultan Lecture 1: Software Verification with Spin and Bandera. State of the art in verification : Model Checking. What is model checking? Automated verification technique Focuses on bug finding rather than proving correctness
272: Software Engineering Fall 2012 Instructor: Tevfik Bultan Lecture 1: Software Verification with Spin and Bandera
State of the art in verification: Model Checking • What is model checking? • Automated verification technique • Focuses on bug finding rather than proving correctness • The basic idea is to exhaustively search for bugs in software • Has many flavors • Explicit-state model checking • Symbolic model checking • Bounded model checking • …
Model Checking and Temporal Logics • Model checking tools assume that the properties that one wants to check about a system are expressed using temporal logics • Temporal logics are a type of modal logics • Modal logics were developed to express modalities such as “necessity” or “possibility” • Temporal logics focus on the modality of temporal progression • Temporal logics can be used to express, for example, that: • an assertion is an invariant (i.e., it is true all the time) • an assertion eventually becomes true (i.e., it will become true sometime in the future)
Temporal Logics • We will assume that there is a set of basic atomicpropertiescalled • These are used to write the basic (non-temporal) assertions about the program • Examples: a=true, pc0=c, x=y+1 • We will use the usual boolean connectives: , , • We will also use four temporal operators: Invariantp : G p (aka p or [] p) (Globally) Eventuallyp : F p (aka p or <> p) (Future) Next p : X p (aka p) (neXt) pUntilq : pU q(Until)
LTL Properties . . . X p p . . . G p p p p p p p . . . F p p . . . p U q p p p p q
Example Properties Examples: mutual exclusion: Two processes are not in the critical section (cs) at the same time: G ( (pc1=cs pc2=cs)) starvation freedom: If a process starts waiting (wait) it will eventually get in the critical section: G(pc1=wait F(pc1=cs)) G(pc2=wait F(pc2=cs))
Linear Time vs. Branching Time • In linear time logics we look at the execution paths individually • In branching time logics we view the computation as a tree • computation tree: unroll the transition relation Transition System Execution Paths Computation Tree s3 s3 s3 s1 s2 s3 s4 s1 s4 s4 s1 s2 s3 s3 s2 . . . s3 s4 s1 s3 . . . . . . . . . s4 s1 . . . . . .
Computation Tree Logic (CTL) • In CTL we quantify over the paths in the computation tree • We use the same four temporal operators: X, G, F, U • However we attach path quantifiers to these temporal operators: • A : for all paths • E : there exists a path • We end up with eight temporal operators: • AX, EX, AG, EG, AF, EF, AU, EU • Expressive power of CTL and LTL are not comparable • There are properties that can be expressed in LTL but cannot be expressed in CTL, and visa versa • There are temporal logics which are more powerful than both CTL and LTL (CTL*, mu-calculus)
Model Checking Model checking problem: Given a transition system (a sate machine) and a temporal logic property, determine if all the paths (or all the computation trees) starting from the initial states satisfy the property. • A model checker is a tool that can automatically answer this question • If the property fails, then the model checker generates a counter-example behavior: An execution path that demonstrates the violation of the property If the input system has a finite number of states then model checking can be done fully automatically • Its complexity is linear in the size of the input transition system but could be exponential in the size of the formula
Model Checking Tools • Two model checking tools that had significant impact • Spin model checker: An explicit state model checker that focuses on verification of concurrent protocols • SMV model checker: A BDD-based symbolic model checker that focuses on hardware specifications • Spin and SMV have their own input specification languages • To check a specification using them, you need to write your system in their input specification language • This requires translation of the system to be verified to the input language of the model checker • Most of the time these translations are not automated and use ad-hoc simplifications and abstractions
Automata-based LTL Model Checking • Büchi automata: Finite state automata that accept infinite strings • The better known variant of finite state automata accept finite strings (used in lexical analysis for example) • A Büchi automaton accepts a string when the corresponding run visits an accepting state infinitely often • Note that an infinite run never ends, so we cannot say that an accepting run ends at an accepting state • LTL properties can be translated to Büchi automata • The automaton accepts a path if and only if the path satisfies the corresponding LTL property
LTL Properties Büchi automata The size of the property automaton can be exponential in the size of the LTL formula (recall the complexity of LTL model checking) true p G p p true p F p p p p p G (F p) p
Büchi Automata: Language Emptiness Check • Given a Buchi automaton, one interesting question is: • Is the language accepted by the automaton empty? • i.e., does it accept any string? • A Büchi automaton accepts a string when the corresponding run visits an accepting state infinitely often • To check emptiness: • Look for a cycle which contains an accepting state and is reachable from the initial state • Find a strongly connected component that contains an accepting state, and is reachable from the initial state • If no such cycle can be found the language accepted by the automaton is empty
LTL Model Checking • Generate the property automaton from the negated LTL property • Generate the product of the property automaton and the transition system • Show that there is no accepting cycle in the product automaton (check language emptiness) • i.e., show that the intersection of the paths generated by the transition system and the paths accepted by the (negated) property automaton is empty • If there is a cycle, it corresponds to a counterexample behavior that demonstrates the bug
LTL Model Checking Example Property to be verified Example transition system G q Negation of the property 1 p,q G q F q Property automaton for the negated property 2 3 q p true q q Each state is labeled with the propositions that hold in that state
Transition System to BuchiAutomaton Example transition system Corresponding Buchi automaton i 1 p,q p∧q p∧q 1 q 2 3 q p q 2 3 Each state is labeled with the propositions that hold in that state p
Buchi automaton for the transition system (every state is accepting) Product automaton 1,1 i p∧q p∧q p∧q 2,1 p∧q 1 q q 3,1 q 2 3 p q p 3,2 4,2 p Property Automaton Accepting cycle: (1,1), (2,1), (3,1), ((4,2), (3,2)) Corresponds to a counter-example path for the property G q true q q
Automata Theoretic LTL Model Checking Input: A transition system T and an LTL property f • Translate the transition system T to a Buchi automaton AT • Negate the LTL property and translate the negated property f to a Buchi automaton Af • Check if the intersection of the languages accepted by AT and Af is empty • Is L(AT) L(Af) = ? • If L(AT) L(Af) , then the transition system T violates the property f
Automata Theoretic LTL Model Checking • Note that • L(AT) L(Af) = if and only if L(AT) L(Af) • By negating the property f we are converting language subsumption check to language intersection followed by language emptiness check • Given the Buchi automata AT and Af we will construct a product automaton AT Af such that • L(AT Af) = L(AT) L(Af) • So all we have to do is to check if the language accepted by the Buchi automaton AT Af is empty
SPIN • A model checking tool • Checks finite state systems • Properties are specified using temporal logic LTL • Input language: PROMELA • Asynchronous processes • Shared variables • Message passing through (bounded) communication channels • Variables: boolean, char, integer (bounded), arrays (fixed size) • Structured data types
SPIN Verification in SPIN • Uses automata-theoretic LTL model checking approach • Constructs the product automaton on-the-fly • It is possible to find an accepting cycle (i.e. a counter-example) without constructing the whole state space • Uses a nested depth-first search algorithm to look for an accepting cycle • Uses various heuristics to improve the efficiency of the nested depth first search: • partial order reduction • state compression
Example Mutual Exclusion Protocol in Promela Two concurrently executing processes are trying to enter a critical section without violating mutual exclusion #define cs1 process1@cs #define cs2 process2@cs #define wait1 process1@wait #define wait2 process2@wait #define true 1 #define false 0 bool a; bool b; bool turn; proctype process1() { out: a = true; turn = true; wait: (b == false || turn == false); cs: a = false; goto out; } proctype process2() { out: b = true; turn = false; wait: (a == false || turn == true); cs: b = false; goto out; } init { run process1(); run process2() }
Property automaton generation % spin -f "! [] (! (cs1 && cs2))“ never { /* ! [] (! (cs1 && cs2)) */ T0_init: if :: ((cs1) && (cs2)) -> goto accept_all :: (1) -> goto T0_init fi; accept_all: skip } % spin -f "!([](wait1 -> <>(cs1)))“ never { /* !([](wait1 -> <>(cs1))) */ T0_init: if :: ( !((cs1)) && (wait1) ) -> goto accept_S4 :: (1) -> goto T0_init fi; accept_S4: if :: (! ((cs1))) -> goto accept_S4 fi; } Concatanate the generated never claims to the end of the specification file • Input formula • “[]” means G • “<>” means F • “spin –f” option • generates a Buchi automaton for the input LTL formula
SPIN • “spin –a mutex.spin” generates a C program “pan.c” from the specification file • This C program implements the on-the-fly nested-depth first search algorithm • You compile “pan.c” and run it to the model checking • Spin generates a counter-example trace if it finds out that a property is violated
%mutex -a warning: for p.o. reduction to be valid the never claim must be stutter-invariant (never claims generated from LTL formulae are stutter-invariant) (Spin Version 4.2.6 -- 27 October 2005) + Partial Order Reduction Full statespace search for: never claim + assertion violations + (if within scope of claim) acceptance cycles + (fairness disabled) invalid end states - (disabled by never claim) State-vector 28 byte, depth reached 33, errors: 0 22 states, stored 15 states, matched 37 transitions (= stored+matched) 0 atomic steps hash conflicts: 0 (resolved) 2.622 memory usage (Mbyte) unreached in proctype process1 line 18, state 6, "-end-" (1 of 6 states) unreached in proctype process2 line 27, state 6, "-end-" (1 of 6 states) unreached in proctype :init: (0 of 3 states)
Bandera • A tool set for model checking Java source code • Automated compact finite state model extraction from Java source code • Uses existing model checkers, translates into an existing model checker's input language • Promela (input language of the Spin model checker), SMV, etc. • The properties to be verified are specified in Bandera Specification Language (BSL) • Supports both pre and post conditions and also temporal properties
Design criteria for Bandera • Reuse of existing verification technologies • Automated support for abstractions used by experienced model developers • Specialized models for specific properties • An open design for extensibility • Synergistic integration with existing testing and debugging techniques
Strategy for model checking software • Irrelevant component elimination: Many parts of the code can be irrelevant for the property that we want to check • Data abstraction: State space of the program can be reduced using data abstraction • Component restriction: Using a bounded search that searches only a part of the full state space can still reveal bugs since many bugs reveal themselves even in small versions of a system
Bandera • It uses various techniques to reduce the size of the state space of the program • Slicing to automatically eliminate irrelevant components • Abstraction engine for reduction of the domains of the variables • Uses an intermediate language: Bandera Intermediate Language (BIR) • Maps the error trace generated by the model checkers to the source code • Abstraction library • Users can define their own abstractions for data domains or use one of the existing abstractions from the abstraction library • Users can write abstraction in Bandera Abstraction Specification Language (BASL)
Component based tool architecture • Slicer: Slicing component compresses paths in the program by removing control points variables and data structures that are irrelevant for checking a given property • Abstraction Engine: Allows user to reduce the cardinality of data sets associated with data variables. Includes a language for specifying abstractions which can be collected in an abstraction library for reuse. • Back End: Generates BIR: a low-level intermediate language based on guarded commands that abstracts common model checker input languages. The back end also contains a translator each model checker supported. • User Interface: An advanced graphical user interface that facilitates interaction with various components and displays counter-examples to the user like on the source code like a debugger.