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Emissions from Aviation

2. International Civil Aviation Organization. Specialized Agency of the United NationsCreated in 1944 by the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention)Membership: 188 Contracting StatesMission: to ensure the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation. . 3. .

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Emissions from Aviation

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    1. Emissions from Aviation Bonn, 21 May 2005

    2. 2 International Civil Aviation Organization Specialized Agency of the United Nations Created in 1944 by the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) Membership: 188 Contracting States Mission: to ensure the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation

    3. 3

    4. ICAO POLICIES A35-5: Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies and practices related to environmental protection

    5. 5 A35-5 Appendix H: Environmental impact of civil aviation on the atmosphere Appendix I: Market-based measures regarding aircraft engine emissions

    6. 6 ICAO Provisions Standards and Practices

    7. 7

    8. 8 Emissions Recommendations New NOx Standards – Part of a two-step approach 12% more stringent than the current levels (CAEP/4) technological review process aiming at CAEP/8 Operational opportunities to reduce emissions – Workshops and ICAO Circular 303

    9. 9 Emissions Recommendations Market-based options – MBOs Voluntary Agreements – Template and guidance Emissions Trading – further work to pursue the concepts of a voluntary and an integrated scheme CO2 Charges Co-operate with other UN bodies ensure that appropriate assistance is given to SBSTA on emission-related data

    10. 10 Emissions Work Programme Assessment of the evolution of the overall aviation emissions contribution Monitor and foster research to characterize further the air quality and global effects resulting from current and projected future aircraft exhaust emissions, including aviation’s contribution relative to other sources

    11. 11 Emissions Work Programme Support to other United Nations bodies and international organizations To continue to cooperate closely with the IPCC and other organizations involved in the definition of aviation’s contribution to environmental problems in the atmosphere, and with organizations involved in policy-making in this field, notably with the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

    12. 12 Emissions Work Programme Provide clarification and advice as necessary to UNFCCC on aviation emissions data and methodological issues including:

    13. 13 Emissions Work Programme b)identify areas for improvement of the quality of data reporting, including revised and updated emissions factors; and

    14. The Data Comparison Activity SBSTA/11 Requested ICAO’s assistance regarding emissions data SBSTA/15 Invited ICAO and UNFCCC to explore opportunities to examine and improve data reporting quality and comparability under provisions of Convention and Kyoto Protocol and under ICAO

    15. 15 The Data Comparison Activity ICAO organized 2 expert meetings aimed at increasing the quality of data for aviation-related emissions with participation from UNFCCC and IPCC Results were reported at SBSTA/..

    16. 16 The Data Comparison Activity SBSTA/18 Requested ICAO to provide modeled fuel consumption and emissions data arising from the use of validated aviation models

    17. Information on the comparison by ICAO of the UNFCCC aviation bunker fuels inventory data with modelled data obtained from three emission tools made available to ICAO: AERO AERO2K SAGE

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