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Welcome!. CS Teaching Assistants Fall 2008. Introductions. Faculty Dr. Ken Calvert, Chair Dr. Andy Klapper , DGS Dr. Jurek Jaromczyk , DUS Staff Martha Wells, graduate records Dee Fuhs , payroll / finances Paul Linton, systems manager. TA Supervisors.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome! CS Teaching Assistants Fall 2008

  2. Introductions • Faculty • Dr. Ken Calvert, Chair • Dr. Andy Klapper, DGS • Dr. JurekJaromczyk, DUS • Staff • Martha Wells, graduate records • Dee Fuhs, payroll / finances • Paul Linton, systems manager

  3. TA Supervisors • Dr. Debby Keen, TA Coordinator for the department, CS 101, CS 115, CS 221 • Mr. Paul Piwowarski, CS 215 • Dr. Ken Calvert, CS 100 • Dr. Judy Goldsmith, CS 275, CS 375 • Others for graders as determined by need

  4. Balance! • You have a teaching job, classes, research and a LIFE! • How do you balance it? • TALK to your supervisor AND your advisor if you are getting overloaded • Schedules can be adjusted with some notice!

  5. Your class schedule • If you are a returning student, you should have already registered for classes – if not, then do it NOW! • If you are registered, please do not make changes unless absolutely necessary • If you make a change or have made one in the last few days, TELL ME NOW!

  6. Class / Section assignments • Rules for changing assignments are online • Tell me what you want to change TO, not just what you want to change FROM • Write down what sections are changing and who else is involved • Both people sign the request • MUST be done before first day class meets

  7. Observations / Evaluations • Every TA is observed by a faculty member every semester (usually their supervisor) • Every TA is evaluated by their supervisor at the end of every semester • The TA gets a copy of each form and a chance to respond to it • Copies are kept by TA, Dr. Keen and Graduate School, and TA’s advisor

  8. Peer Observations • Experienced TA paired with new TA • New TA observes experienced TA before their first class/lab • Later in the semester experienced TA observes new TA • After each observation, TAs meet to give feedback • Final report to Dr. Keen

  9. Useful Information • Last day you must be available – Monday December 22 – AFTER finals week! • Code for Xerox machine – 08980 – ABET copies • TA page www.cs.uky.edu/~keen/tas/tas.html • PLEASE do not give this URL to anyone!! • Start of Semester reminders on page

  10. More Useful Information • TA mailboxes are in 763 Anderson Hall • Dr. Keen’s cell phone number is 576 5949 • All TAs should KEEP ALL emails sent to them by students and all emails sent to students, at least until final grades are done • University account? If you haven’t activated it yet, get it done! • If you're new, you need to get an I-9 form so you can get paid - see Dee Fuhs in the main CS office as soon as possible!

  11. Another way to be Green Opt-out of getting a printed pay stub every month Log into myuk.uky.edu Use Employee Self-Service tab Then Benefits and Payment tab Then check the box by “Opt out of Printed Pay Stub” and Submit

  12. YOUR OFFICE HOURS! • YOUR Office Hours! BE there! • They will be in the Multilab or in the RGAN lab, scheduled in a couple weeks • Students can show up at any time! Not just the start of the hour • Even if more than one TA is scheduled for a time, it is your job to be there

  13. If you have to miss… • If you know that you are going to miss a • TA meeting • Class meeting • Exam proctoring • Exam grading • Let your supervisor KNOW about it! Even if you have it covered, they need to know! In advance if possible but even after the fact!

  14. The Last Lecture

  15. How to improve…

  16. Academic Alert!! • New program to alert students and advisors to 'risky' behavior of students • Missed Classes (at least 2-3 in the first weeks) • Habitually Late (more than 10 minutes on a regular basis) • Homework assignments not completed or of inconsistent quality • Poor performance on tests or quizzes • Disruptive Behavior in class • Disruptive Behavior in Residence Hall • Other

  17. Academic Alert! • http://www.uky.edu/UGS/alert/index.html • I will be asking for regular reports on students in your sections

  18. What next? • 101 TA meeting Tuesday 1pm - RGAN 102 • 115 TA meeting Tuesday 2pm - RGAN 102 • 221 TA meeting Tuesday 3pm - RGAN 102 • TAs assigned to other classes – contact your supervisors for instructions • Graders – wait a few days for decisions of assignments

  19. Ending Activities • Take Pictures • Supplies • Night Tas • New 101 TAs go to Young Library Lab • projector • zoom • food/drink policies • how to print

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