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EGTEI – Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues

UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. EGTEI – Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues. Revision of the Annexes and Guidance Documents of the Gothenburg Protocol Presented by Jean – Guy BARTAIRE Co-Chairman of EGTEI EDF ( Electricité de France ).

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EGTEI – Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues

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  1. UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution EGTEI – Expert Group on Techno-economic Issues Revision of the Annexes and Guidance Documents of the Gothenburg Protocol Presented by Jean – Guy BARTAIRE Co-Chairman of EGTEI EDF ( Electricité de France ) Workshop to promote ratification of HM, POPs, Gothenburg Protocols across the entire UNECE region – St. Petersburg, 26-28 of October 2009

  2. EGTEI – Gothenburg Protocol 2 Workshop to promote ratification of HM, POPs, Gothenburg Protocols across the entire UNECE region – St. Petersburg, 26-28 of October 2009

  3. 3 In accordance with item 1.7 of the 2009 work programme for the implementation of the Convention , EGTEI prepared a revised version of Guidance Documents and Technical Annexes of the Gothenburg Protocol , drafted a new Annex on dust and made proposals for Emission Limit Values from stationary engines in a special working group led by Finland. EGTEI – Gothenburg Protocol First versions of the Guidance Documents and Technical Annexes were prepared at the end of September 2008 . Because of the large amount of information to be incorporated into Technical Annexes and Guidance Documents , comments from both national and industry experts were collected till the end of May 2009. Workshop to promote ratification of HM, POPs, Gothenburg Protocols across the entire UNECE region – St. Petersburg, 26-28 of October 2009

  4. EGTEI – Gothenburg Protocol 4 Leading principles followed by experts during the work • Introduce , as much as possible , flexibility to facilitate new ratifications of the Gothenburg Protocol 2 ) Provide , where appropriate , multiple technical options and avoid any discussion on policy aspects pertinent to the negotiation process to be undertaken within the Working Group of Strategies & Review Workshop to promote ratification of HM, POPs, Gothenburg Protocols across the entire UNECE region – St. Petersburg, 26-28 of October 2009

  5. EGTEI – Gothenburg Protocol 5 The following Parties of CLRTAP have nominated in EGTEI a national expert to work on the revision of the Gotenburg Protocol: Austria, Belgium,Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom A large number of EU industrial and manufacturing associations regularly attended the meetings of EGTEI on the revision of the Protocol EGTEI in the revision work cooperates with the Task Forces on Heavy Metals, the Expert Group on PM and the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies ( IPTS ) Seville Workshop to promote ratification of HM, POPs, Gothenburg Protocols across the entire UNECE region – St. Petersburg, 26-28 of October 2009

  6. EGTEI – Gothenburg Protocol 6 Options for Emission Limit Values The following 3 options , corresponding to 3 different ambition levels , have been formulated as basis for negotiation: Option 1: ELV 1, demanding but technically feasible with the objective of achieving a high level of reduction based upon a value ranging between lower and upper BAT AEL Option 2 : ELV 2, while technically demanding , pays greater attention to the costs of measures. ELV 2 is based on the upper value of BAT AEL Option 3 : ELV 3,represents current practices based on Current legislation in Parties to the Convention Workshop to promote ratification of HM, POPs, Gothenburg Protocols across the entire UNECE region – St. Petersburg, 26-28 of October 2009

  7. 7 Revised Technical Annexes EGTEI has revised part A of all Annexes of the Gothenburg Protocol and has drafted a new Annexe VII on dust. The Expert Group cooperated with the European Commission ( DG Enterprises ) in compiling data for the revision of Annex VIII on mobile sources. The list of activities covered by the existing Protocol has not been extended , as agreed in 2007. The new Annex ( VII ) on dust has been developed in close collaboration with experts from the Expert Group on PM and the Task Force on Heavy Metals. EGTEI has also provided a number of proposals for improvement of definitions to be used in the Protocol. EGTEI – Gothenburg Protocol Workshop to promote ratification of HM, POPs, Gothenburg Protocols across the entire UNECE region – St. Petersburg, 26-28 of October 2009

  8. EGTEI – Gothenburg Protocol 8 Revised Guidance Documents The new Guidance Documents which are describing control techniques to reduce emissions from stationary sources including solvent content in products have been modified to be based upon an activity oriented approach. They are organized in different chapters which are compiling general issues for the pollutants covered by the Protocol and in sectoral chapters dealing with the 42 activities covered by the Protocol. The Guidance Documents are informal documents to help Parties in the technical implementation of the Protocol. Workshop to promote ratification of HM, POPs, Gothenburg Protocols across the entire UNECE region – St. Petersburg, 26-28 of October 2009

  9. 9 Opportunities for introducing flexibility in the Protocol The discussion forum in EGTEI has highlighted a number of technical means for introducing flexibility to be considered: 1 Making a distinction between new and existing plants 2 Recognizing regional differences in applicable technologies 3 Granting a longer period of time for existing plants to comply 4 Considering plants characteristics ( e.g. plant size, operational regime..) 5 Using the bubble concept for some activities EGTEI Gothenburg Protocol Workshop to promote ratification of HM, POPs, Gothenburg Protocols across the entire UNECE region – St. Petersburg, 26-28 of October 2009

  10. EGTEI – Gothenburg Protocol The whole technical material produced by EGTEI is publicly available on the EGTEI official Web Site: http://www.citepa.org/forums/egtei/egtei_index.htm The EGTEI experts are usually convened two times per year, usually in France and Italy. Participation of experts from EECCA and SEE Countries is highly encouraged. Workshop to promote ratification of HM, POPs, Gothenburg Protocols across the entire UNECE region – St. Petersburg, 26-28 of October 2009

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