1. A Tutorial for TetraMAX & Its Fault Simulator Chih-Yen Lo
Mar.10 2006
2. Chih-Yen Lo & Cheng-Wen Wu 2
3. Chih-Yen Lo & Cheng-Wen Wu 3 Conventions Brackets ([ ]) denote optional choices. Command is still valid when you omit the choice
A vertical bar ( | ) separates different items from which you can choose single one
An asterisk ( * ) indicates the default setting in a list of choices.
Angle brackets (<>) denote a grouping of related items
Italics indicate a user-defined items
\ denotes the change line sign
4. Chih-Yen Lo & Cheng-Wen Wu 4 Invoking TetraMAX Invoking TetraMAX
tmax [ command_file ][ -shell | -gui ]
On-line help
Using the TetraMAX user guide
Text-only help
Type “help command_name” in TetraMAX shell mode or in the command line in GUI mode
Use pull-down menu Help in GUI mode
5. Chih-Yen Lo & Cheng-Wen Wu 5 Before Set Up TetraMAX Require following information in your design
Clock ports
Asynchronous set and reset ports
Scan chain input and output ports
Any ports that place the design in test mode and their active states
Any ports that enable shifting of scan chains and their active states
Any ports that globally control bidirectional drive and their active states
All the information should include in you STIL file
Check “Chap.7 STIL Procedure Files” in tmax_ug.pdf
6. Chih-Yen Lo & Cheng-Wen Wu 6 Basic ATPG Design Flow (1/4) 1. If necessary, preprocess your netlist to meet the requirements of TetraMAX.
2. Read in the netlist.
read netlist xxxxx_syn.v
3. Read in the library models.
read netlist home/users/cic/CIC_CBDK018_UMC_ Artisan_V1.1/CIC/Verilog/umc18.v -noabort
4. Build the ATPG design model
run build_model top_module_name
7. Chih-Yen Lo & Cheng-Wen Wu 7 Basic ATPG Design Flow (2/4) 5. Read in the STIL test protocol file, generated by DFT Compiler or another source. Perform test DRC and make any necessary corrections.
add pi constraints 1 HRESTN
set drc -allow_untestable_set_resets
run drc file_name.stil
report rules -fail > file_name.rpt
report violations -all >> file_name.rpt
8. Chih-Yen Lo & Cheng-Wen Wu 8 Basic ATPG Design Flow (3/4) 6. To prepare the design for ATPG, set up the fault list, analyze buses for contention, and set the ATPG options
add faults -all
set atpg –merge high -verbose \
-abort_limit number –coverage number \
-capture_cycles number
7. Run automatic test pattern generation
run atpg basic_scan_only
8. Review the test coverage and rerun ATPG if necessary
9. Chih-Yen Lo & Cheng-Wen Wu 9 Basic ATPG Design Flow (4/4) 9. Run pattern compression
run pattern_compress number –max number \
10. Save the test patterns and fault list.
write patterns file_name_atpg.stil –format stil \
Write faults fault_file_name.all –all -replace
10. Chih-Yen Lo & Cheng-Wen Wu 10 TetraMAX Fault Simulator Invoking TetraMAX as above
All the detail for TetraMAX fault simulation are listed in “Chap.11 Fault Simulation” of tmax_ug.pdf
Next, we will have a simple fault simulation flow for non-scan test patterns
11. Chih-Yen Lo & Cheng-Wen Wu 11 Fault Simulation Flow (1/3) 1. Prepare the functional test patterns for fault simulation.
Check “Chap.12 Test Pattern Data” of tmax_ug.pdf
2. Prepare the design for fault simulation
read netlist xxxxx_syn.v
read netlist home/users/cic/CIC_CBDK018_UMC_ Artisan_V1.1/CIC/Verilog/umc18.v -noabort
run build_model top_module_name
add clock 0 clk or add clock 1 RESETB
set drc –nofile (non-scan test pattern)
run drc (non-scan test pattern)
12. Chih-Yen Lo & Cheng-Wen Wu 12 Fault Simulation Flow (2/3) 3. Read in the external functional patterns
set patterns ext pattern_file_name.v
Check “Chap.12 Test Pattern Data” of for detail
4. Perform a good machine simulation
add faults –all
set simulation –measure pat –oscillation 20 2
run simulation -sequential
13. Chih-Yen Lo & Cheng-Wen Wu 13 Fault Simulation Flow (3/3) 5. Perform fault simulation to fault-grade the functional test patterns
set simulation –measure pat –oscillation 20 2 \
run fault_sim -store –sequential
report summaries
6. Write the fault list to perform ATPG later
write faults file.dat –all –uncollapsed -rep