3. 251.151-Authority of Commissioners Court
The commissioners court of a county may regulate traffic on a county road or on real property owned by the county that is under the jurisdiction of the commissioners court.
251.152-Public Hearing Required
Before the commissioners court may issue a traffic regulation…the commissioners court must hold a public hearing…following publication of notice not less than 7 nor more than 30 days prior to the hearing. Local Government Code
4. 251.153-Load Limits on County Roads and Bridges
Commissioners Court may establish load limits for any county road or bridge in the manner prescribed by §621.301.
The commissioners court may authorize a county traffic officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, or deputy constable to weigh a vehicle to ascertain whether the vehicle’s load exceeds the limit prescribed by the Commissioners Court. Local Government Code
5. 251.157-Prohibiting Use of Road
A road supervisor (person authorized to supervise roads, may be commissioner or unit system supervisor or engineer) my prohibit the use of a road or a section of a road when:
Wet weather or recent construction or repairs causes road to be unsafe or subject to damage to road.
Bridge or culver is unsafe.
Before prohibiting use of road, notice shall be posted stating maximum load, and time of prohibited use, at locations that will allow detour to avoid use of restricted section.
Detour route must be provided.
Method of appeal to County Judge. Local Government Code
6. 251.160-Liability of Owner or Operator for Road Damage
A person who operates or moves a vehicle on a public road or bridge, and is jointly or severally liable for damage to road or bridge for negligent operation, shall be liable for damages to the road. The County Attorney shall represent the county, and damages collected under this section are for the use of the county to benefit the damaged road or bridge. Local Government Code
7. County Authority to Set Maximum Weights
Commissioners Court may establish a load limit, but only with the concurrence of the Department of Transportation.
Must have supporting documentation and calculations reviewed and signed by engineer.
TxDot has 30 days to review, and thereafter is deemed to have consent of TxDot for limit, but TxDot can review at any time.
Appropriate signage required.
State Overweight Permit will allow use of county road despite limits. Transportation Code
8. 201.706-Local Government Assistance.
From appropriated funds, the Department of Transportation shall assist counties with materials to repair and maintain county roads.
Shall provide that the total annual assistance under this section is: (a) at least $12 million per year for fiscal years 1998 and 1999; and (b) at lease $6 million per year for a fiscal year other than 1998 or 1999.
Develop rules and procedures to implement this section and provide for distribution of the assistance with preference given to counties with an above average number of overweight trucks receiving weight tolerance permits based on the previous year’s permit totals. Transportation Code
9. Chapter 623, Permits for Overweight Vehicles
Blanket Bond, or letter of credit
In the amount of $15,000.00 payable to TxDOT and Counties of this State.
Conditioned upon pledge that applicant will pay for damage to a road or bridge, cause by operation of the vehicle permitted at a heaver weight than authorized, and
Provide that the issuer is to notify the department and the applicant in writing after a payment is made on the bond or letter of credit.
If a payment is made on the bond/letter of credit, within 31 days a new bond must be issued, or the permit expires on the 31st day after the date payment is made on the bond.
Transportation Code
10. 621.101-Maximum Weight
Formula for number of axles, gross weight and Length of load.
Or no more than 80,000 pounds.
621.102-TxDot Commission’s Authority to Set Maximum Weights
Excludes farm product, liquefied petroleum gas, groceries delivery.
Allows overweight permits.
Transportation Code
11. 623.011-Permit for Excess Axle or Gross Weight
Axle weight=maximum plus 10%
Gross weight=maximum plus 5%
Not to exceed 80,000 pounds
Security required by 623.012 required.
Permit fee of $75.00 paid.
Permit must be carried in vehicle
Sticker must be placed in window above Inspection certificate.
Non-Compliance a Class C misdemeanor Transportation Code
12. Laundry List of Exceptions
622.952-Fire Department Vehicle
622.953-Seed cotton or Chile Pepper modules
622.954-Tow Trucks
623.071-Superheavy loads
623.094-Manufactured Homes
623.121-Portable buildings
623.142-Oil Field Service Rigs
623.181-Unladen Lift vehicles
623.192-Unladen lift vehicles-trip permit
623.212-Port Authority permit along coastline
Transportation Code
13. Route Restrictions
A permit issued under §623.011 does not authorize operation on a national interstate with weight restrictions, or
A bridge with a maximum weight and load limit as established by 623.102 or Commissioners Court under 623.301
State law preempted power of county to require separate county permit.
County may not issue permit or restrict operation of vehicle with statewide permit.
Scurlock Permian Corp v. Brazos County, 869 S.W.2d 478 (Houston [1st Dist] 1993, reh’g denied
15. If a vehicle has a permit issued under Section 623.011, a commissioners court is prohibited from issuing its own permit, charging an additional fee for, or otherwise regulating or restricting the vehicle’s operation because of weight.
TxDot has no discretion, and must issue a permit if the applicant meets the statutory requirements. Attorney General Opinion JC-0517
16. A county has no authority to regulate a permitted overweight truck.
A county may not close a road to overweight trucks only, but must close the road to all truck traffic if there is a basis for closing the road at all.
Notes that §251.160 provides for actual damages caused by negligent operation of a vehicle. Attorney General OpinionGA-0088
County permitting authority does not extend to a vehicle carrying a statewide permit.
County authority does not include local permits where a statewide permit is in place. Attorney General Opinion GA-0509
18. Closely monitor county road use by overweight trucks.
Implement a weight officer program-enforce law
Ask for proof of permit (must be carried, and must be displayed on windshield)
Cross check with permit notice from TxDOT
Take Action Against Bond for Damage
Issue citation for actual damage to roads.
Seek judgment against bond for damage.
Pursue revocation of bond if inadequate for road damage.
Seek full damage for road under §251.160 What are your Options?
19. Where a known heavy use of a road is to be undertaken, get a Road Use Agreement in advance.
Identify a specific route for heavy trucks for specific period of time.
Estimate anticipated damages
Require bond for amount equal to anticipated damages
Make sure Agreement does not limit damages to estimate, but to actual incurred damage.
The road use agreement is premised upon §251.160, Transportation Code Road Use Agreements
20. Legislature has so weakened county authority to act effectively, our roads are subject to damage unless we vigorously enforce the law as written.
Counties should pursue “weight violators” pursuant to existing law. This will be expensive and frustrating, but it is the only available means left to us. Summary