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Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Charlotte County. From the Ground Up. Fundy Community Foundation - Youth Dialogue Formation of HCHY Steering Committee Task Forces Survey Implementation Asset Action Youth Conference. Fundy Community Foundation NB School District 10
From the Ground Up • Fundy Community Foundation - Youth Dialogue • Formation of HCHY Steering Committee • Task Forces • Survey Implementation • Asset Action • Youth Conference
Fundy Community Foundation NB School District 10 T.R. Meighen Family Foundation Beaverbrook Canadian Foundation The Tecolote Foundation St. Croix Estuary Project St. Stephen Kiwanis PharmAssist Foundation Town of St. Andrews Tony Huntjens Drug Strategy Initiative Cook’s Aquaculture Town of St. Stephen Town of St. George Fairmont Algonquin Partnerships
SteeringCOMMITTEE • Chandra Leavitt – Healthy Learners Program • Kelly Wilson – John Howard Society • Judey Tidd – School District 10 Student Services • Laura Lee Carrier – Vocational Plus • Miguel LeBlanc – NB Youth Council • Bob Johnson – Wesley United Church • Jay Remer – Windsor House • Mary Colburn-Green – Marketing Solutions • Cathy Halstead – Char. Co. Boys and Girls Club • Muriel Jarvis – 40 Assets / Saint John • Donna Linton – Volunteer Centre • Ghislaine Wheaton – SSES • Richard Lloyd – Principal – GMCS • Jamie Waycott – Principal – SSHS • Andrew Daggett – Town Manager – Grand Manan • Tim Henderson – Town Manager – St. Andrews • Angela Lundrigan – Extra Mural
Profiles of Student Life: Attitudes and Behaviors Survey Results
All students grades 6-12, in Charlotte County Total Population 2,500 Did not write 346 Discarded 203 93% Caucasian 7% Other Total Sample 1,951 Male 920 Female 1,011 Charlotte County Sample
85 – 81% helps friends of neighbors one or more hours per week Eastern 83-82 Western 86-80 Islands 85-83 Helps Others *Data on the following several slides indicate ranges showing trends progressing from Grades 6 to 12
64-59% Places high importance on getting to know people of other racial/ethnic groups Eastern 63-61 Western 62-63 Islands 68-55 Values Diversity
71-43% Pays attention to healthy nutrition and exercise Eastern 72-47 Western 77-41 Islands 54-47 Maintains Good Health
68% have been a leader of a group or organization in the last 12 months Eastern 79-68% Western 65-69% Islands 61-64% Exhibits Leadership
35 - 18% avoid doing things that are dangerous Eastern 25-7% Western 42-24% Islands 29-16% Resists Danger
57-44% saves money for something special rather than spending it all right away Eastern 52-32% Western 61-47% Islands 53-51% Delays Gratification
65-70% Does not give up when things get difficult Eastern 72-68% Western 66-70% Islands 53-72% Overcomes Adversity
10-61% used alcohol once or more in the last 30 days. 7-47% got drunk once or more in the last two weeks Eastern 12-61% Western 8-63% Islands 11-55% Eastern 12-48% Western 6-47% Islands 5-43% Alcohol
3-32 % smoked cigarettes once or more in the last 30 days 0-10% Used smokeless tobacco once or more in the last 12 months Eastern 7-25% Western 1-34% Islands 2-41% Eastern 1-3% Western 0-15% Islands 0-7% Tobacco
11-5% sniffed or inhaled substances to get high once or more in the last 12 months Eastern 11-9% Western 10-3% Islands 11-7% Inhalants
2-53% Used marijuana once or more in the last 12 months Eastern 1-48% Western 2-57% Islands 0-43% Marijuana
1-19% Used other illicit drugs once or more in the last 12 months Eastern 1-28% Western 2-18% Islands 0- 17% - 9% Other Drug Use
2% - 25% drove after drinking once or more in the last 12 months Eastern 3-32% Western 1-22% Islands 2-25% Driving and Alcohol
18-50% rode with a driver who had been drinking once or more in the last12 months. Eastern 19-56% Western 18-50% Islands 15-40% Driving and Alcohol
6-58% has had sexual intercourse one or more times Eastern 10-56% Western 5-60% Islands 4-56% Sexual Intercourse
16-45% has gambled once or more in the last 12 months Eastern 31-49% Western 10-42% Islands 13-48% Gambling
16-15% has engaged in bulimic or anorexic behavior Eastern 18- 23- 17% Western 15-18 -16% Islands 17-9% Eating Disorders
8-17% felt sad or depressed most or all the time in the last month Eastern 7-24-14% Western 7-18% Islands 14 - 21% Depression
8-19% has attempted suicide one or more times Eastern 13-28-16% Western 7-22% Islands 4-20-12% Attempted Suicide
48% report being alone at home 2 or more hours per school day 29% report watching TV or video 3 or more hours per school day Eastern 49% Western 45% Islands 59% Males 35% Females 23% Other Deficits
20% have Shoplifted vandalized and/or been in trouble with police in last 12 months Antisocial Behavior Males Females Shoplifting 21 14 Vandalism 29 14 Trouble with police 26 11
School Truancy • 21% have skipped school once or more in the last 4 weeks
39% have hit someone once or more in the last 12 months Males 50% Females 29% Violence
14% have physically hurt someone once or more in the last 12 months Males 21% Females 8% Violence
25% have been in a group fight once or more in the last 12 months Males 27% Females 24% Violence
12% have carried a weapon for protection once or more in the last 12 months Male 18% Female 5% Violence
32% have threatened physical harm to someone once or more in the last 12 months Male 39% Female 24% Violence
29% reports one or more incidents of“have you ever been physically harmed (i.e. where someone caused you to have a scar, black and blue mark, welt, bleeding, or broken bone) by someone in your familyor someone living with you”. Male 30% Female 29% Eastern 35% Western 26% Islands 32% Violence
35% report one or more incidents “how many times in the last two years have you been the victim of physical violence where someone caused you physical pain or injury?” Males 43% Females 28% Violence