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Michigan High School Science Content Expectations

Michigan High School Science Content Expectations October 2006 Become familiar with HS Science Content Expectations Practices of Scientific Literacy Levels of expectations Coding Participate in group activities to Better understand how to use the documents

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Michigan High School Science Content Expectations

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  1. Michigan High School Science Content Expectations October 2006

  2. Become familiar with HS Science Content Expectations Practices of Scientific Literacy Levels of expectations Coding Participate in group activities to Better understand how to use the documents Plan implementation in your district Goals for This Session

  3. Two Documents • High School Content Expectations (HSCE) • Michigan Merit Curriculum Course/Credit Requirements (CCE)

  4. FourDisciplinesof Science • Physics • Chemistry • Earth Science • Biology No order implied

  5. NAEP Content Statement Early in the history of the universe, matter, primarily the light atoms hydrogen and helium, clumped together by gravitational attraction to form countless trillions of stars and billions of galaxies. (E12.2) Built from NAEP 2009 Framework HSCE Content Statement Early in the history of the universe, matter clumped together by gravitational attraction to form stars and galaxies.(E5.1)

  6. FourPracticesof Scientific Literacy • Identifying • Recall, define, relate, represent basic principles • Using • Make sense of the natural world, predict and explain observations • Inquiry • Identify and explain patterns, habits of mind • Reflecting • Critique and justify strengths and weaknesses of scientific knowledge

  7. Identifying:Stating Models and Patterns

  8. Using Models and Patterns to Predict or Explain Observations

  9. Inquiry: Finding and Explaining Patterns in Data

  10. Reflecting:Understanding the Nature and Limitations of Science

  11. FourLevelsof Expectations • Prerequisite • Knowledge needed when entering high school • Recommendations to K-7 committee • Essential • Critical knowledge regardless of course • Aligned to large-scale assessment (MME, NAEP) • Core • Specific to the discipline (course) • Required for credit in required areas (Biology, and Chemistry or Physics) • Preparation for advanced study • Recommended • Appropriate for rigorous college preparation courses

  12. All Choice All All All All Credit for high school Earth Science, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry will be defined as meeting BOTH essential and core subject area content expectations. Represents required for graduation

  13. Organizational Structure Discipline Standard Content Statement Content Expectation

  14. Structure of Document

  15. Content Expectations Earth Science • 5 Standards • 17 Content Statements • 65 Essential Expectations • 43 Core Expectations Biology (Required for All) • 5 Standards • 20 Content Statements • 57 Essential Expectations • 65 Core Expectations Physics (Choice) • 4 Standards • 25 Content Statements • 62 Essential Expectations • 62 Core Expectations Chemistry (Choice) • 5 Standards • 29 Content Statements • 42 Essential Expectations • 89 Core Expectations

  16. Example of Structure Discipline:Chemistry Standard C5: Changes in Matter Students will analyze a chemical change phenomenon from the point of view of what is the same and what is not the same Content Statement C5.4 Phase Change/Diagrams Changes of state require a transfer of energy. Water has unusually high-energy changes associated with its changes of state. C5.4A Compare the energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of aluminum and one gram of water the same number of degrees. C5.4BMeasure, plot, and interpret the graph of the temperature versus time of an ice-water mixture, under slow heating, through melting and boiling

  17. Coding • Four High School Disciplines • Chemistry (C) • Physics (P) • Earth (E) • Biology (B) • Three Middle School Disciplines • Life (L) • Physical (P) • Earth (E)

  18. ContentStatementCoding • Two digits to the left of the decimal indicatediscipline and standard • Four or five standards for each discipline Example: B3.2 Ecosystems B indicates the discipline of Biology 3 indicates Standard 3 in the discipline of Biology

  19. ContentStatementCoding • One or two digits to the right of decimal point indicate level of content statement • The number is the content statement sequence in the standard • “x” in content statement indicates all core expectations • “p” in content statement indicates all prerequisite expectations

  20. ContentStatementCoding Example: B3.2 Ecosystems B indicates the discipline of Biology 3 indicates Standard 3 in the discipline of Biology 2 indicates Content Statement 2 in Standard B3 (this content statement may contain both essential and core expectations)

  21. Content StatementCoding Example: B3.4x Human Impact B indicates the discipline of Biology 3 indicates Standard 3 in the discipline of Biology 4x indicates the allcore Content Statement 4 in Standard B3 (content statement contains only core expectations)

  22. ContentStatementCoding Example: L3.p1 Populations, Communities, & Ecosystems (prerequisite) L indicates the discipline of Life (MS) 3 indicates Standard 3 in the discipline of Biology p1 indicates a prerequisite Content Statement 1 in Standard L3 (prerequisites are coded by their MS discipline)

  23. Content ExpectationCoding • Two digits to the left of the decimal indicatediscipline and standard • Four or five standards for each discipline Example: B3.2A Identify how energy is stored in an ecosystem. B indicates the discipline of Biology 3 indicates Standard 3 in the discipline of Biology

  24. ContentExpectationCoding • The number to the right of the decimal is the content statement number sequence. • The letter following this number designates the expectation sequence. • Capital letters indicate essential content expectations; lower case letters represent core content expectations. B2.4h

  25. ContentExpectationCoding Example B2.4h Describe the structures of viruses and bacteria. B indicates the discipline Biology 2 indicates Standard 2 4 indicates Content Statement 4 h indicates Content Expectation 8 (lower case means core expectation)

  26. ContentExpectationCoding IF there is a letter preceding this number to the right of the decimal, it represents the expectation level as prerequisite or recommended L3.p3D B3.r5g Which brings us back to levels of expectations…

  27. CodingLevelsof Expectations • Prerequisite: “p” first letter to the right of decimal in Content Statement and Content Expectation codes (e.g., L3.p4, L3.p4A) • Essential: • No extra letters in Content Statement codes (e.g., B3.4) • Capital letters in Content Expectation codes (e.g., B3.4A)

  28. CodingLevelsof Expectations • Core: • “x” in Content Statement codes (e.g., B3.4x) • Lower case in Content Expectation codes (e.g., B3.4c) • Recommended: “r” first letter to the right of decimal in Content Statement and Content Expectation codes (e.g., B4.r5x, B4.r5a)

  29. Document Walk Through • The Course/Credit Requirement documents will eventually contain the most, but not all, of the information in HSCE. • We will use HSCE for today’s activities.

  30. Document Scavenger Hunt • Activity 1 – Document Scavenger Hunt • Find C3.4g.

  31. Document Scavenger Hunt How did you know where to look? • Describe your searching process to your neighbor. Did you use the same process? • How did you know to look under C3.4x?

  32. Document Scavenger Hunt • Find an expectation that addresses changing the variables. Record the expectation code. Did everyone at your table find the same expectation?

  33. Document Scavenger Hunt • Open Earth Science to page 11. • Suppose you want to design a climate unit. • By yourself, find applicable expectations and list them. • Share with your table and record on a poster.

  34. Document Scavenger Hunt NOTE: Your climate unit utilized and addressed several content expectations that were not listed together in the document. The documents are NOT organized by units of instruction. Teachers will create their own units of instruction as part of their district curriculum development.

  35. District Schedule • Activity 2 – Analyze current course offerings • Discuss possible schedules that will offer opportunities for meeting these expectations

  36. District Schedule • Individually, think of your own district with respect to science. How do you offer courses to students? What doyou offer? • Thinking of your district, break your classes and other opportunities into the possible sequences for a student’s career. What courses do you currently offer? Write them down on activity sheet 2. (5 minutes)

  37. District Schedule • As a table, discuss and write on the chart paper at least three unique sequencing options. • Do the options meet both NCLB and state high school requirements?

  38. District Schedule As a group, look at the sequencing options listed, walk around to review the sequences posted on the wall. (5 min) Discuss: • Did you see any new options that fit your district’s needs? • Did you include 8th grade? • Do you offer alternate opportunities for earning credit? • How will the new graduation requirements affect your district?

  39. Course Sequence Options • Example 1 Traditional

  40. Course Sequence Options • Example 2 – Essential in 8th Grade

  41. Course Sequence Options • Example 3 – Physics First – 8th Grade

  42. Course Sequence Options • Example 4 – Integrated Approach

  43. Course Sequence Options • Example 5 – Trimesters

  44. Course Sequence Options • Example 6 – Outside Feeder School

  45. Course Sequence Options • Example 7 – Semester Classes

  46. District Curriculum • Points to consider for discussion • HSCE vs. Graduation Requirements • Credit vs. Carnegie • 8th Grade • Online options • CTE • Other

  47. District Curriculum Alignment • Alignment Record (in Tool Kit) • Tool for analyzing and aligning current district curriculum • ACT alignment tool found at • http://www.act.org/standard/instruct/pdf/ CurriculumReviewWorksheets.pdf

  48. ACT and Inquiry • Activity 3 – “ACT and be a student” • Experience ACT practice sample (subset of ACT sample test)

  49. ACT Science Timed Test • Do not turn the page until instructed. You have 3.5 minutes to complete the 5 items. • There is one passage on this test. This passage is followed by five questions. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question. • You are NOT permitted to use a calculator on this test.

  50. How did you do? • Tier I Answers 36 H 37 D 38 G 39 C 40 J

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