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Presentation Notes Explicit lyrics in musical recordings and text have been included in this presentation. They are not intended to offend any person. I apologise in advance if anyone is offended by the material. Activities

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  1. Presentation Notes • Explicit lyrics in musical recordings and text have been included in this presentation. • They are not intended to offend any person. I apologise in advance if anyone is offended by the material. • Activities You will be asked to stop the recording at some points to complete activities. Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  2. Michelle Lovett 85015 Ed. Foundations III

  3. School, Discourse and Raconteur • School - Investigate images of schooling in rock music. • Discourse - Explore and debate current issues between rock music and society. • Raconteur - Investigate how artists use rock lyrics to comment on society. Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  4. Popular Music and Society • Oral history. • Contemporary lyrics offer partial, fragmented visions of society. • Several limitations Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  5. Limitations in study of society through popular music • Short (3 min) time limit • ‘Popularity’ - broad public acceptance for a particular song. • Radio play for most ‘popular songs’ brief. Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  6. One Hit Wonders • The strongest music and social influence usually comes from a band or artist that has many ‘hits’ from several albums. • Can you recall two or more songs from the following artists/bands? • Elvis Presley • The Beatles • Rolling Stones • Madonna Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  7. The following artists had No. 1 hit songs (listed) - can you name another song from these artists?(You only have one minute !!) Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  8. Where did rock come from? Blues (Oppression) ROCK - LIBERATION Jazz (Freedom)

  9. Blues • Oppression Shown through; • Lyrics • Heartfelt vocals • Rigid song structure • Repeated statement of condition Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  10. Jazz • Freedom • Start with song then improvise variations. • “I can be free, I can express my own personal identity” • The initial song is a point of departure Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  11. Rock • Liberation Liberation through; • Post depression and WW II • Economic and social freedom • Sexual liberation • Technical and industrial advances • Records, radio players, television, amplifiers, electric instruments, cars • Political freedom • Racial integration • Drugs Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  12. Thunder Road • Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band Except roll down the window And let the wind blow back your hair. Oh, come take my hand, Riding out tonight to case the promised land. Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  13. Rock Star • Fishbone - Chim Chim’s Badass Revenge Lyrics provided in the notes for this presentation • This song has been selected as it illustrates the image of the ‘rock star' and the rock lifestyle, highlights industry and censorship issues and it sets the lyrics as an artist (commentator) who, from a child through to a adult, has seen the rise of a rock star stereotype. Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  14. Rock Star - Fishbone Stop the recording and reflect on the musical example just played. Rewind the excerpt if necessary. • Who do you name as your favourite rock star? • Can you recall different ‘favourite’ rock stars throughout your life? • Do you think this song exemplifies the ‘rock star’? • Do you think the sale this song/CD should be restricted to adults only? • but the greedy of the whitey at the top of my frame that’s blurrin’ my art piece, makin’ it weak Explain this lyric from the song, Rock Star. Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  15. School Representations • School is represented as the antithesis of leisure. • In 1960’s rock representations of school became more and more criticised. Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  16. Meaning • Examined for their representational capacities. • Shaped by the answer to how meaning is produced. Meanings may be; • Reflective • Intentional • Constructionist (Hall, 1997) Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  17. Facts about music media • Pre-adolescents and adolescents listen to music between 3 and 4 hours per day. * • 45% of US teens listen to FM radio ** • Musicians their heroes more frequently than athletes.*** Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  18. Facts about music media • More than 20-30 music styles are identified by teens . • Music affects emotions • Music enhances or intensifies mood. • Teens rate the influence of music higher than religion or books*** Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  19. Teens use music to; • Shape their cultural identity • Define their social group.be identified and ‘belong’ • Music is the preferred media choice. Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  20. The Soundscape and Music • Modern industrial society has developed its sonic environment • ‘lo-fi’ broad band noises • Mains hum, ventilators, distant traffic, • Industrial, electric or electronic noise • The current soundscape is generally loud. Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  21. We have no earlids • Nonverbal sound is important to humans. • The human brain constantly monitors sound • In coma or under anaesthetic all senses except the ear is dulled. • Vital to semsomotoric and symbolic learning process at pre-verbal stage of development Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  22. School Chuck Berry • “The most intelligent and most precisely observed lyrics and rock ‘n roll have always come from him” (Wicks, 1990 p 46) Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  23. Chuck Berry • Songs represented the emerging 1950’s teen culture • Songs evoked the teenage experience • Berry’s music mirrored what he observed. • “Symbolic sources of Illumination” Geertz, 1993, p55 Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  24. Chuck BerrySchool Days . Sweet Little 16 . Johnny B. Goode • Song reflects school / leisure opposition. • Music provides the means for leisure's dominance. • Conformity to school (as in a school day) • Introduces teenage rock fan • Lack of commitment to conformity. Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  25. School Days - C. Berry • (As performed by Bart Simpson) • American teenage life of the late 1950’s • Rock theme of “Liberation” • Oppression v. 1&2 • Release from constraints v. 3&4 • Homage to rock music - liberation v.5 Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  26. Sam Cooke - Wonderful World • Shows Binary opposition • School knowledge v. Love and romance • Song theme - Love important - knowledge unimportant Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  27. DISCOURSE Rock Lyrics made me do it!! AC/DC - Shoot to Thrill Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  28. Rock Music and Explicit Lyrics • Most music fans are not at risk • Troubled at-risk youth gravitate to heavier music which correlates positively with casual sex, greater drug use, suicidal thoughts, drunk driving, conflict with parents and more school problems. • Alienation from mainstream school culture often precedes a teen’s choice of heavy metal music. Roberts & Christensen (2001) Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  29. Think I’ll buy a forty-four/Give ‘em all a surprise/Think I’m gonna kill myself/Cause a little suicide - Elton John • I have lost the will to live/ Simply nothing more to give/ There is nothing more for me/ Need the end to set me free - Metalica Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  30. Youth suicide has increased 300 percent since 1950. • The teenage suicide rate in is the highest in Western countries and amongst young men . Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  31. Sixteen year old Steve Boucher committed suicide. His parents blame their son’s suicide with his obsession to AC/DC’s song Shoot to Thrill” . Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  32. Youth and Violent Music Government officials, researchers and parents have been increasingly concerned about the impact of music on teenagers. Is there a connection between the increase in violence portrayed in modern music to the rise in violence amongst kids. Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  33. Censorship Consider these questions whilst listening to “Slim Shady’ - Eminem • Is censorship a violation of freedom of speech? • Should music be open to full expression of the artist? • What is the best method of censoring music? Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  34. RaconteurLyrics • Rock lyrics are words in performance • Meaning is not always evident when read from page Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  35. The Text • Text and representation are literacy meanings or theory. • To apply the text meaning music are reduced to : • songs, then songs are reduced to • words (lyrics). (Firth, 1983) Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  36. Music can be formed in different genres • Lyrics are explored rather than through a musicological analysis. • Lyrics are the main signifying element Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  37. “Rock music is a necessary element of contemporary society. It is functional. It is healthy and valid artistically. It is also educational. It is also big business.”Frank Zappa - The new Rock Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  38. School as a rite of passage • Believe it or not there is life after high school. - Hall and Oates, Adult Education • Dropped out of high school when I was 22. - Kiss, Hooligan • Eddie waited 'til he finished high school, he went to Hollywood, got a tattoo. - Tom Petty, Into The Great Wide Open • I spent four years prostrate to the higher mind, got my paper and I was free. - Indigo Girls, Closer To Fine Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  39. School Violence • The boy's got problems, the boy's got stress, the boy's got a .38 hidden in his desk. - Alice Cooper, Grim Facts • They hit you at school, they hate you if your clever, and they despise a fool. - John Lennon, Working Class Hero Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  40. School Sex Fantasy • In the class she's taking notes, just how deep is my throat. - Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Catholic School Girls Rule • He thinks about his teacher in his literary class, he's staring at her legs. - Alice Cooper, Great American Success Story • I got a cheer leader here, wants to help me with my paper. Let her do all the work, and maybe later I'll rape her. - Frank Zappa, Bobby Brown Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  41. School girl sweeties with a classy kinda sassy, little skirts climbing way up to their knees. There was three young ladies in a school gym locker when I found they were looking at me. - Aerosmith, Walk This Way • Scoring high in procreation, got an A studying female anatomy. - Alice Cooper, Great America Success Story • Oh teacher, I need you like a little child, you got something in you to drive a school boy wild. - Elton John, Teacher, I Need You Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  42. School Bashing • Be cruel to your school, cause you may never get another. - Twisted Sister, Be Cruel To Your School • School's out forever, school's been blown to pieces. - Alice Cooper, School's Out • The bullies beat you up, the teachers put you down. You're sitting in the corner, don't dare make a sound. - Dead Milkmen, How It's Gonna Be • So you think your school is phony, I guess that's hard not to agree. You say it all depends on money, and who's in your family tree. - Supertramp, Bloody Well Right Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  43. Teachers • My teacher said, how you gonna make your life? I said I can play guitar, it will be alright. - Scorpions, The Same Thrill • Nobody interested in learning, but the teacher. - The Temptations, Ball Of Confusion • I was sitting in the classroom trying to look intelligent in case the teacher looked at me. - Elton John, Teacher, I Need You • The bullies beat you up, the teachers put you down. You're sitting in the corner, don't dare make a sound. - Dead Milkmen, How It's Gonna Be • Young teacher, the subject of school girl fantasy. - The Police, Don't Stand So Close To Me Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  44. Rock Philosophy • Information is not knowledge. - Frank Zappa, Packard Goose • You'll learn more from your accidents than anything that you could ever learn at school. - Billy Joel, You're Only Human • They sent me away to teach me how to be sensible, logical, responsible, practical. And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable, clinical, intellectual, cynical. - Supertramp, Logical Song • The more I know the less I understand, all the things I knew I'm learning again. - Don Henley, Heart Of The Matter Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  45. Imagination is sucked out of children by a cathode ray nipple. TV is the only wet nurse that would create a cripple. – Disposable Heroes of Hypocrisy, Television, The Drug Of The Nation • I have only come here seeking knowledge, things they wouldn't teach me in college. - The Police, Wrapped Around Your Finger • Deprived of all his thoughts, the young man struggles on. - Metallica, The Unforgiven • Don't criticize what you can't understand. - Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A-Changing Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  46. Learning • At thirteen they'll be learning, but at fourteen they'll be burning. - Sweet, Teenage Rampage • Knowledge is a curse, but ignorance is worse. – The Devine Comedy, Three Sisters • Learn to be positive, it's your only chance. - The Kinks, Attitude • Learned everything from your books on the shelf, but no one ever taught you how to think for yourself. - Reo Speedwagon, Sophisticated Lady • Lessons learned are like bridges burned you only need to cross them but once. Is the knowledge gained worth the price of the pain, are the spoils worth the cost of the hunt? - Dan Fogelberg, Lessons Learned Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  47. Education Failure • Don't know much about history, don't know much biology, don't know much about a science book, don't know much about the French I took. - Sam Cooke, Wonderful World • Johnny can get down and Johnny can throw up, but Johnny can't read. - Don Henley, Johnny Can't Read • Kid can't read at 17, the words he knows are obscene, but it's alright. - Grateful Dead, Touch Of Grey Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  48. Thank you for listening to this presentation. • A lecture on ‘Images and Imagery in Rock Music’ will be presented on Tuesday 30th April in the H102 (Toowoomba Campus). Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

  49. Resources • Thelonious Monk and John Coltrane. Trinkle, Tinkle, Jazzland. • The Simpsons sing the blues, School Days, Chuck Berry. • Billie Holliday “Lady sings the Blues’ • AC/DC ‘Shoot to Thrill’ • Eminem “Slim Shady” • Drifters “Wonderful World” • Pink Floyd “The Wall Pt.2” Ed. Foundations III M. Lovett

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