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Seerah of The Prophet Peace be upon him. Muhammad The Messenger of Allah. The Message. The First Revelation. Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created (all that exists). He has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood). Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous.
Seerah of The Prophet Peace be upon him Muhammad The Messenger of Allah
The Message The First Revelation Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created (all that exists). He has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood). Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous. Who has taught (the writing) by the pen. He has taught man that which he knew not. العلق
The Message O you enveloped (wrapped) in garments! Arise and warn! And magnify your Lord! And purify your garments! And keep away from Ar-Rujz (the idols)! Nor expect, in giving, any increase (for yourself)! And be patient for the sake of your Lord! المدثر
The Message O you enveloped (wrapped) in garments! Arise and warn! And magnify your Lord! And purify your garments! And keep away from Ar-Rujz (the idols)! Nor expect, in giving, any increase (for yourself)! And be patient for the sake of your Lord! Hard work and relentless effort Abandoning all Shirk and Sins that lead to Allah’s wrath The way of life of the Prophet for the next 23 years المدثر Dedication to Allah and Tawheed Sincerity and selflessness. These meanings are present in Salah Purification from all physical and spiritual filth and impurities Patience and facing hardship and adversity.
The First Muslims • Khadijah: • The first believer • The first Muslim to learn and perform Salah • Revelations were recited in her house • The strongest and earliest supporter of the Prophet • عن عائشة قالت: كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا ذكر خديجة أثنى عليها بأحسن الثناء قالت فغرت يوما فقلت ما أكثر ما تذكرها حمراء الشدقين قد أبدلك الله خيرا منها قال ما أبدلني الله خيرا منها وقد آمنت بي إذ كفر بي الناس وصدقتني إذ كذبني وآستني بمالها إذ حرمني الناس ورزقني الله ولدها... )ابن كثير-البداية و النهاية)
The First Muslims • سمعت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول : ( خير نسائها مريم ابنة عمران ، وخير نسائها خديجة ) . الراوي: علي بن أبي طالب المحدث: البخاري • Narrated 'Ali: I heard the Prophet saying, "Mary, the daughter of 'Imran, was the best among the women (of the world of her time) and Khadija is the best amongst the women. (of this nation)."
The First Muslims • Ali bin Abi Talib: • The first believer amongst children, 10 years old. • Raised in the house of the Prophet • Zaid bin Haritha: • The freed slave and adopted son of the Prophet • The Daughters of the Prophet: • Zainab, Ruqayah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah
The First Muslims • Abu Bakr (Abdullah “Atiq” bin Abu Quhafah) • The first believer amongst free men. • A friend of the Prophet before revelation • A noble man, respected merchant in Quraysh. • Expert in Arabs’ Genealogy and History • Known for his noble character, generosity and manners • 37 years old when he accepted Islam without hesitation. • Most active in inviting people to Islam
The First Muslims • Abu Bakr (Abdullah “Atiq” bin Abu Quhafah) • عن أبي الدرداء: قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ”...إن الله بعثني إليكم فقلتم كذبت وقال أبو بكر صدق وواساني بنفسه وماله“ ... البخاري • The Prophet said, "Allah sent me (as a Prophet) to you (people) but you said (to me), 'You are telling a lie,' while Abu Bakr said, 'He has said the truth,' and consoled me with himself and his money." • عن أبي سعيد الخدري ك:قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إن من أمّن الناس علي في صحبته ومالهأبا بكر. ولو كنت متخذا خليلا من أمتي لاتخذتأبا بكرإلاخلةالإسلام • "No doubt, I am indebted to Abu Bakr more than to anybody else regarding both his companionship and his wealth. And if I had to take a Khalil from my followers, I would certainly have taken Abu Bakr, but the fraternity of Islam is sufficient.."
The First Muslims • Abu Bakr moves with the call to Islam • the First Group of Abu Bakr: • Uthman bin Affan (34 yo)عثمان بن عفان • Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas (17 yo) سعد بن أبي وقاص • Abdur-Rahman bin Awf (30 yo) عبد الرحمن بن عوف • Az-Zubayr bin Al-Awwam (12 yo) الزبير بن العوام • Talha bin Ubaydellah (13 yo) طلحة بن عبيد الله
The First Muslims • Abu Bakr continues his calling to Islam: • Sa’id bin Zaid سعيد بن زيد • Abu Ubaydah ابو عبيدة بن الجراح • Al-Arqam الأرقم بن أبي الأرقم • Uthman bin Math’un عثمان بن مظعون • Ubayda bin Al-Harith عبيدة بن الحارث بن عبد المطلب • Abu Salamh أبو سلمة
The First Muslims • Suhaib bin Sinan (Ar-Rumi) صهيب بن سنان الرومي • Abdullah bin Jahsh عبد الله بن جحش • Ammar bin Yaser عمار بن ياسر • Abdullah bin Mas’ud عبد الله بن مسعود • Bilal bin Rabah بلال بن رباح • Mus’ab bin Umair مصعب بن عمير • Others..
The First Muslims • The Secret Phase: 3 years • Selective Da’wah, people who are likely to respond. • Mostly chosen for their character and noble manners • A mixture of the elite in Quraysh and the poor • Forty men and women, mostly from Quraysh • Those were the dedicated and truthful early community of Sahaba (As-Sabiqoon)
The First Muslims • The Secret Phase: 3 years • Secrecy of Da’wah: Important to protect the few Muslims until their belief is strong enough to face the onslaught of Quraysh. • Salah was ordained from the very beginning. (Tabari) • Quran was received with understanding and deep contemplation. • Early revelation focused on Tawheed and Creed.
The House of Al-Arqam • Headquarter of Early Islamic teaching. • Learning directly from the Prophet • Learning and studying in groups. • Establishing the sense of community and companionship.
The House of Al-Arqam • The smart choice of the house: • Al-Arqam was not known to be a Muslim or among the closest people to the Prophet. • Al- Arqam was young (16 yo) and unlikely to be the host of such an important group. • Al-Arqam is from Makhzoom, which is known for its enmity to the new religion. • Location on the Safa is isolated from the rest of houses in Mecca and easy to access undetected
The First Muslims • The Secret Phase: 3 years • Quraysh did not pay much attention initially to the call of Islam. (they thought that Muhammad was merely a religious outcast like Quss bin Sa‘idah, ‘Amr bin Nufail and their ilk) • Quraysh started paying more attention as Islam started spreading and the followers adhere to the leadership and teachings of the Prophet • Quraysh was alarmed by the content of the message that threatened their way of life and social order.
Uthman bin Math’un Islam is spread in most clans of Quraysh
The First Muslims • Characteristics of Early Revelations: • Establishment of Tawheed: Creed • Belief in the Hereafter: • Life after death • Reckoning • Jannah • Hellfire • Remembrance of Allah and Worship • Stories of the Prophets and followers before Islam
The First Muslims Characteristics of the First Muslims By Al-‘Asr (the time). Verily, man is in loss, Except those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth, and recommend one another to patience. Faith/Sincerity الإخلاص الإيمان Righteous Deeds العمل الصالح Supporting Each other Patience الصبر
The First Muslims Characteristics of the First Muslims Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. And those who are with him are strong against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. الفتح Mercy الرحمة Remembrance of Allah الذكر و العبادة Prayers/Du’a الدعاء Humbleness الخشوع
The First Muslims And by the Mercy of Allah, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about you; so pass over (their faults), and ask (Allah's) Forgiveness for them; and consult them in the affairs. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah, certainly, Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him). آل عمران Mercy الرحمة
The First Muslims Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger from amongst yourselves (i.e. whom you know well). It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He is anxious over you (to be rightly guided); for the believers (he is) full of pity, kind, and merciful. التوبة Mercy الرحمة
Seerah of The Prophet Peace be upon him The Declaration of Islam
The Declaration And warn your tribe of close kindred. الشعراء
The Declaration • عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال لما نزلت وأنذر عشيرتك الأقربين صعد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم على الصفا فجعل ينادي يا بني فهر يا بني عدي لبطون قريش حتى اجتمعوا فجعل الرجل إذا لم يستطع أن يخرج أرسل رسولا لينظر ما هو فجاء أبو لهب وقريش فقال أرأيتكم لو أخبرتكم أن خيلا بالوادي تريد أن تغير عليكم أكنتم مصدقي قالوا نعم ما جربنا عليك إلا صدقا قال فإني نذير لكم بين يدي عذاب شديد فقال أبو لهب تبا لك سائر اليوم ألهذا جمعتنا فنزلت تبت يدا أبي لهب وتب ما أغنى عنه ماله وما كسب • Bukhari reported part of this story on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas [R]. He said: "When the following verses were revealed: "And warn your tribe (O Muhammad [pbuh]) of near kindred." [Al-Qur'an 26:214] The Messenger of Allah [pbuh] ascended Mount As-Safa and started to call: "O Bani Fahr! O Bani ‘Adi (two sects of Quraysh)." Many people gathered and those who couldn’t, sent somebody to report to them. Abu Lahab was also present. The Prophet said: "You see, if I were to tell you that there were some horsemen in the valley planning to raid you, will you believe me?" They said: "Yes, we have never experienced any lie from you." He said: "I am a Warner to you before a severe torment." Abu Lahab promptly replied: "Perish you all the day! Have you summoned us for such a thing?" The verses were immediately revealed on that occasion [Bukhari 2/702; Muslim 1/114]: "Perish the two hands of Abi Lahab..." [Al-Qur'an 111:1].
The Declaration • عن ربيعة بن عباد الديلي وكان جاهليا أسلم فقال رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بصر عيني بسوق ذي المجاز يقول يا أيها الناس قولوا لا إله إلا الله تفلحوا ويدخل في فجاجها والناس متقصفون عليه فما رأيت أحدا يقول شيئا وهو لا يسكت يقول أيها الناس قولوا لا إله إلا الله تفلحوا إلا أن وراءه رجلا أحول وضيء الوجه ذا غديرتين يقول إنه صابئ كاذب فقلت من هذا قالوا محمد بن عبد الله وهو يذكر النبوة قلت من هذا الذي يكذبه قالوا عمه أبو لهب
The Declaration Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab and perish he!His wealth and his gains will not benefit him!He will be burnt in a Fire of blazing flames!And his wife, too, who carries wood (thorns which she used to put on the way of the Prophet or use to slander him).In her neck is a twisted rope of Masad (palm fiber or fire).
The Declaration • عن أبي هريرة قال لما أنزلت هذه الآية وأنذر عشيرتك الأقربين دعا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قريشا فاجتمعوا فعمّ وخصّ فقال يا بني كعب بن لؤي أنقذوا أنفسكم من النار يا بني مرة بن كعب أنقذوا أنفسكم من النار يا بني عبد شمس أنقذوا أنفسكم من النار يا بني عبد مناف أنقذوا أنفسكم من النار يا بني هاشم أنقذوا أنفسكم من النار يا بني عبد المطلب أنقذوا أنفسكم من النار يا فاطمة أنقذي نفسك من النار فإني لا أملك لكم من الله شيئا غير أن لكم رحما سأبلها ببلالها • Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Hurairah— He said: "When the following verses were revealed: "And warn your tribe of near kindred." [26:214] The Messenger of Allah called all the people of Quraysh; so they gathered and he gave them a general warning. Then he made a particular reference to certain tribes, and said: "O Quraysh, rescue yourselves from the Fire; O people of Bani Ka‘b, rescue yourselves from Fire; O Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad, rescue yourself from the Fire, for I have no power to protect you from Allah in anything except that I would sustain relationship with you." [Muslim 1/114; Bukhari 1/385,2/702]
The Declaration Therefore proclaim openly (Allah's Message) that which you are commanded, and turn away from the polytheists.Truly! We will suffice you against the scoffers,Who set up along with Allah another god; but they will come to know.Indeed, We know that your breast is straitened at what they say.So glorify the praises of your Lord and be of those who prostrate themselves (to Him).And worship your Lord until there comes unto you the certainty (i.e. death). الحجر
The Declaration • The Rejection of Quraysh: • Objection to the Concept of Worshiping one God • Objection to the concept of Life after Death • Objection to the concept of Submission to Allah • Objection to the choice of Prophet Muhammad as a Messenger • Objection to the change of social order and hierarchy in the society, fear of losing their status
The Rejection of Quraysh • Objection to the Concept of Worshiping one God • Quraysh believed in the concept of Lordship of Allah, but denied worshiping Him alone. And if you were to ask them: "Who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected the sun and the moon?" they will surely reply: "Allah." How then are they deviating (as polytheists and disbelievers)? العنكبوت
The Rejection of Quraysh • Objection to the Concept of Worshiping one God And they (pagans) wonder that a warner (Prophet Muhammad) has come to them from among themselves. And the disbelievers say: "is a sorcerer, a liar."Has he made the gods (all) into One God. Verily, this is a curious thing!"And the leaders among them went about (saying): "Go on, and remain constant to your gods! Verily, this is a thing designed (against you)!"We have not heard (the like) of this in the religion of these later days. This is nothing but an invention! ص
The Rejection of Quraysh • Objection to the concept of Submission to Allah • They did not want to relinquish power to a higher authority (Allah) • Arrogance and Pride, refusing to obey. • Following the tradition of ancestors, even if they were wrong • Refusing to give up their immoral and sinful practices When it is said to them: "Follow what Allah has sent down." They say: "Nay! We shall follow what we found our fathers following." (Would they do that!) even though their fathers did not understand anything nor were they guided? البقرة
The Rejection of Quraysh • Rejection to the concept of Life after Death • They did not want to face responsibility for their actions And they say: "There is nothing but our life of this world, we die and we live and nothing destroys us except time. And they have no knowledge of it: they only assume.And when Our Clear Verses are recited to them, their argument is no other than that they say: "Bring back our (dead) fathers, if you are truthful!"Say (to them): "Allah gives you life, then causes you to die, then He will assemble you on the Day of Resurrection about which there is no doubt. But most of mankind know not." الجاثية
The Rejection of Quraysh • Objection to the choice of Prophet Muhammad as a Messenger • “He is only human!” And they say: "Why does this Messenger eat food, and walk about in the markets (as we do). Why is not an angel sent down to him to be a warner with him?"Or (why) has not a treasure been granted to him, or why has he not a garden whereof he may eat?" And the wrong-doers say: "You follow none but a man bewitched."See how they coin similitudes for you, so they have gone astray, and they cannot find a (Right) Path. الفرقان
The Rejection of Quraysh • Objection to the choice of Prophet Muhammad as a Messenger • Jealousy: “Why Muhammad??” (He is not rich enough, why not a Al-Walid bin Al-Mughirah, Urwa bin Mas’ud or others) And they say: "Why is not this Qur'an sent down to some great man of the two towns (Makkah and Tâ’if)?"Is it they who would portion out the Mercy of your Lord? It is We Who portion out between them their livelihood in this world, and We raised some of them above others in ranks, so that some may employ others in their work. But the Mercy (Paradise) of your Lord is better than the (wealth of this world) which they amass. الزخرف
The Rejection of Quraysh • Objection to the change of social order and hierarchy in the society, fear of losing their status • Their trade may be affected if they accepted Islam and the rest of Arabia rejected • They my lose status and respect as a custodians of Mecca • Their slaves and servants will have equal human rights • They will lose their legislative and governing power
The Persecution of Muslims • Isolating the Prophet and influencing his Uncle Abu Taleb • "O Abu Taleb! Your nephew curses our gods; finds faults with our way of life, mocks at our religion and degrades our forefathers; either you must stop him, or you must let us get at him. For you are in the same opposition as we are in opposition to him; and we will rid you of him." [Ibn Hisham 1/265] قال ابن إسحاق: مشى رجال من أشراف قريش إلى أبي طالب، فقالوا: يا أبا طالب، إن ابن أخيك قد سب آلهتنا، وعاب ديننا، وسَفَّه أحلامنا، وضلل آباءنا، فإما أن تكفه عنا، وإما أن تخلى بيننا وبينه، فإنك على مثل ما نحن عليه من خلافه، فنكفيكه، فقال لهم أبو طالب قولًا رقيقًا وردهم ردًا جميلًا، فانصرفوا عنه
The Persecution of Muslims • Isolating the Prophet and influencing his Uncle Abu Taleb • ولما رأت قريش أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ماض في عمله عرفت أن أبا طالب قد أبي خذلان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، وأنه مجمع لفراقهم وعداوتهم في ذلك، فذهبوا إليه بعمارة ابن الوليد بن المغيرة وقالوا له: يا أبا طالب، إن هذا الفتى أنْهَدَ فتى في قريش وأجمله، فخذه فلك عقله ونصره، واتخذه ولدًا فهو لك، وأسْلِمْ إلينا ابن أخيك هذا الذي خالف دينك ودين آبائك، وفرق جماعة قومك، وسفه أحلامهم، فنقتله، فإنما هو رجل برجل، فقال: والله لبئس ما تسومونني، أتعطوني ابنكم أغذوه لكم، وأعطيكم ابني تقتلونه؟ هذا والله ما لا يكون أبدًا. فقال المطعم بن عدى بن نوفل ابن عبد مناف: والله يا أبا طالب لقد أنصفك قومك، وجهدوا على التخلص مما تكره، فما أراك تريد أن تقبل منهم شيئًا، فقال: والله ما أنصفتموني، ولكنك قد أجمعت خذلاني ومظاهرة القوم علىّ، فاصنع ما بدا لك. (ابن هشام)
The Persecution of Muslims • Isolating the Prophet and influencing his Uncle Abu Taleb • Some of them then went to see him once more taking with them a youth called ‘Amarah bin Al-Waleed bin Al-Mugheerah, and said, "O Abu Talib! we have brought you a smart boy still in the bloom of his youth, to make use of his mind and strength and take him as your son in exchange for your nephew, who has run counter to your religion, brought about social discord, found fault with your way of life, so that we kill him and rid you of his endless troubles; just man for man." Abu Talib’s reply was, "It is really an unfair bargain. You give me your son to bring him up and I give you my son to kill him! By Allâh, it is something incredible!!" Al-Mut‘im bin ‘Adi, a member of the delegation, interrupted saying that Quraish had been fair in that bargain because "they meant only to rid you of that source of hateful trouble, but as I see you are determined to refuse their favours." Abu Talib, of course, turned down all their offers and challenged them to do whatever they pleased.[Ibn Hisham 1/266]
The Persecution of Muslims • Isolating the Prophet and influencing his Uncle Abu Taleb • وجاءت سادات قريش إلى أبي طالب فقالوا له: يا أبا طالب، إن لك سنًا وشرفًا ومنزلة فينا، وإنا قد استنهيناك من ابن أخيك فلم تنهه عنا، وإنا والله لا نصبر على هذا من شتم آبائنا، وتسفيه أحلامنا، وعيب آلهتنا، حتى تكفه عنا، أو ننازله وإياك في ذلك، حتى يهلك أحد الفريقين. • عَظُم على أبي طالب هذا الوعيد والتهديد الشديد، فبعث إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وقال له: يا بن أخي، إن قومك قد جاءونى فقالوا لي كذا وكذا، فأبق عليَّ وعلى نفسك، ولا تحملنى من الأمر ما لا أطيق، فظن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن عمه خاذله، وأنه ضعُف عن نصرته، فقال: (يا عم، والله لو وضعوا الشمس في يمينى والقمر في يسارى على أن أترك هذا الأمر ـ حتى يظهره الله أو أهلك فيه ـ ما تركته)، ثم استعبر وبكى، وقام، فلما ولى ناداه أبو طالب، فلما أقبل قال له: اذهب يا بن أخي، فقل ما أحببت، فو الله لا أُسْلِمُك لشىء أبدًا وأنشد: والله لن يصلوا إليك بجَمْعـِهِم ** حتى أُوَسَّدَ في التــراب دفيــنًا فاصدع بأمرك ما عليك غَضَاضَة ** وابْشِرْ وقَرَّ بذاك منك عيونًا
The Persecution of Muslims • Isolating the Prophet and influencing his Uncle Abu Taleb • The pagans of Makkah insisted that Abu Taleb put a stop to his nephew’s activities, which if allowed unchecked, they said, would involve him into severe hostility. Abu Taleb was deeply distressed at this open threat and the breach with his people and their enmity, but he could not afford to desert the Messenger too. He sent for his nephew and told him what the people had said, "Spare me and yourself and put not burden on me that I can’t bear." Upon this the Prophet [pbuh] thought that his uncle would let him down and would no longer support him, so he replied: • "O my uncle! by Allah if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left on condition that I abandon this course, until Allah has made me victorious, or I perish therein, I would not abandon it." The Prophet [pbuh] got up, and as he turned away, his uncle called him and said, "Come back, my nephew," and when he came back, he said, "Go and preach what you please, for by Allah I will never forsake you.”[Ibn Hisham 1/265]
The Persecution of Muslims • Distorting the Truth (Propaganda) • قرب موسم الحج، وعرفت قريش أن وفود العرب ستقدم عليهم، فرأت أنه لابد من كلمة يقولونها للعرب، في شأن محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، فاجتمعوا إلى الوليد بن المغيرة يتداولون في تلك الكلمة، فقال لهم الوليد: أجمعوا فيه رأيـًا واحدًا،ولا تختلفوا فيكذب بعضكم بعضًا، ويرد قولكم بعضه بعضًا، قالوا: فأنت فقل، وأقم لنا رأيًا نقول به. قال: بل أنتم فقولوا أسمع. قالوا: نقول: كاهن. قال: لا والله ما هو بكاهن، لقد رأينا الكهان فما هو بزَمْزَمَة الكاهن ولا سجعه. قالوا: فنقول: مجنون، قال: ما هو بمجنون، لقد رأينا الجنون وعرفناه، ما هو بخَنْقِه ولا تَخَالُجِه ولا وسوسته. قالوا: فنقول: شاعر. قال: ما هو بشاعر، لقد عرفنا الشعر كله رَجَزَه وهَزَجَه وقَرِيضَه ومَقْبُوضه ومَبْسُوطه، فما هو بالشعر، قالوا: فنقول: ساحر. قال: ما هو بساحر، لقد رأينا السحار وسحرهم، فما هو بنَفْثِهِم ولا عقْدِهِم. قالوا: فما نقول؟ قال: والله إن لقوله لحلاوة، [وإن عليه لطلاوة] وإن أصله لعَذَق، وإن فَرْعَه لجَنَاة، وما أنتم بقائلين من هذا شيئًا إلا عرف أنه باطل، وإن أقرب القول فيه لأن تقولوا: ساحر. جاء بقول هو سحر، يفرق به بين المرء وأبيه، وبين المرء وأخيه، وبين المرء وزوجته، وبين المرء وعشيرته، فتفرقوا عنه بذلك.
The Persecution of Muslims • Distorting the Truth (Propaganda) • went to see Al-Waleed bin Al-Mugheerah to deliberate on this issue. Al-Waleed invited them to agree on a unanimous resolution that could enjoy the approbation of them all. However, they were at variance. Some suggested that they describe him as Kahin, i.e., soothsayer; but this suggestion was turned down on grounds that his words were not so rhymed. Others proposed Majnun, i.e., possessed by jinn; this was also rejected because no insinuations peculiar to that state of mind ware detected, they claimed. "Why not say he is a poet?" Some said. Here again they could not reach a common consent, alleging that his words were totally outside the lexicon of poetry. "OK then; let us accuse him of practising witchcraft," was a fourth suggestion. Here also Al-Waleed showed some reluctance saying that the Prophet [pbuh] was known to have never involved himself in the practice of blowing on the knots, and admitted that his speech was sweet tasting root and branch. He, however, found that the most plausible charge to be levelled against Muhammad [pbuh] was witchcraft. The ungodly company adopted this opinion and agreed to propagate one uniform formula to the effect that he was a magician so powerful and commanding in his art that he would successfully alienate son from father, man from his brother, wife from her husband and man from his clan. [Ibn Hisham 1/271]
The Persecution of Muslims Leave Me Alone (to deal) with whom I created lonely (without wealth or children, etc..)!And then granted him resources in abundance.And children to be by his side.And made life smooth and comfortable for him.After all that he desires that I should give more;Nay! Verily, he has been opposing Our revelations.shall oblige him to face a severe torment!Verily, he thought and plotted.let him be cursed: how he plotted!And once more let him be cursed: how he plotted!Then he thought.Then he frowned and he looked in a bad tempered way;Then he turned back, and was proud.Then he said: "This is nothing but magic from that of old,"This is nothing but the word of a human being!"I will cast him into Hell-fire.
The Persecution of Muslims • Distorting the Truth (Propaganda) • {وَقَالُوا أَسَاطِيرُ الْأَوَّلِينَ اكْتَتَبَهَا فَهِيَ تُمْلَى عَلَيْهِ بُكْرَةً وَأَصِيلًا} [الفرقان:5] • وكان النضر بن الحارث، أحد شياطين قريش قد قدم الحيرة، وتعلم بها أحاديث ملوك الفرس، وأحاديث رستم واسفنديار، فكان إذا جلس رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مجلسًا للتذكير بالله والتحذير من نقمته خلفه النضر ويقول: أنا و الله يا معشر قريش أحسن حديثًا منه، ثم يحدثهم عن ملوك فارس ورستم واسفنديار، ثم يقول: بماذا محمد أحسن حديثًا مني. • وفي رواية عن ابن عباس أن النضر كان قد اشترى قَيْنَةً، فكان لا يسمع بأحد يريد الإسلام إلا انطلق به إلى قينته، فيقول: أطعميه واسقيه وغنيه، هذا خير مما يدعوك إليه محمد، وفيه نزل قوله تعالى: {وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَن يَشْتَرِي لَهْوَ الْحَدِيثِ لِيُضِلَّ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ} [لقمان: 6].
The Persecution of Muslims • Distorting the Truth (Propaganda) • Contrasting the Qur'an with the mythology of the ancients in order to distract people’s interests from Allah's Words. It is narrated that An-Nadr, headed for Heerah where he got conversant with the traditions of the kings of Persia and the accounts of people like Rustum and Asphandiar, and then returned to Makkah. Here he would always shadow the Messenger’s steps in whatever audiences the later held to preach the new faith and to caution people against Allah's wrath. An-Nadr would directly follow the Prophet [pbuh] and narrate to the same audience long tales about those people of Persia. He would then always append his talk with a question cunningly inquiring if he did not outdo Muhammad [pbuh].[Ibn Hisham 1/299,300,358]. Ibn ‘Abbas [R] related that An-Nadr used to purchase songstresses who would through their bodily charms and songs entice away from Islam anyone developing the least attachment to the Prophet [pbuh]; in this regard, Allâh says: • "And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing, etc.) to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah." [Al-Qur'an 31:6]
The Persecution of Muslims • Negotiations (Compromise) • قال ابن إسحاق: حدثني يزيد بن زياد عن محمد بن كعب القرظى قال: حدثت أن عتبة بن ربيعة، وكان سيدًا، قال يومًا ـ وهو في نادى قريش، ورسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم جالس في المسجد وحده: يا معشر قريش، ألا أقوم إلى محمد فأكلمه وأعرض عليه أمورًا لعله يقبل بعضها، فنعطيه أيها شاء ويكف عنا؟ وذلك حين أسلم حمزة رضي الله عنه ورأوا أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يكثرون ويزيدون، فقالوا: بلى، يا أبا الوليد، قم إليه، فكلمه، فقام إليه عتبة،حتى جلس إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقال: يابن أخي، إنك منا حيث قد علمت من السِّطَةِ في العشيرة، والمكان في النسب، وإنك قد أتيت قومك بأمر عظيم، فرقت به جماعتهم، وسفهت به أحلامهم، وعبت به آلهتهم ودينهم، وكفرت به من مضى من آبائهم، فاسمع منى أعرض عليك أمورًا تنظر فيها لعلك تقبل منها بعضها. قال: فقال رسول صلى الله عليه وسلم: (قل يا أبا الوليد أسمع). • قال: يابن أخي، إن كنت إنما تريد بما جئت به من هذا الأمر مالًا جمعنا لك من أموالنا حتى تكون أكثرنا مالًا، وإن كنت تريد به شرفًا سودناك علينا حتى لا نقطع أمرًا دونك، وإن كنت تريد به ملكًا ملكناك علينا، وإن كان هذا الذي يأتيك رئيًا تراه لا تستطيع رده عن نفسك طلبنا لك الطب، وبذلنا فيه أموالنا حتى نبرئك منه، فإنه ربما غلب التابع على الرجل حتى يداوى منه ـ أو كما قال له ـ حتى إذا فرغ عتبة ورسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يستمع منه قال: (أقد فرغت يا أبا الوليد؟) قال: نعم، قال: (فاسمع منى)، قال:أفعل، فقال: { بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم حم تَنزِيلٌ مِّنَ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ كِتَابٌ فُصِّلَتْ آيَاتُهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا لِّقَوْمٍ يَعْلَمُونَ بَشِيرًا وَنَذِيرًا فَأَعْرَضَ أَكْثَرُهُمْ فَهُمْ لَا يَسْمَعُونَ وَقَالُوا قُلُوبُنَا فِي أَكِنَّةٍ مِّمَّا تَدْعُونَا إِلَيْهِ} [فصلت:1: 5]. ثم مضى رسول الله فيها، يقرؤها عليه. فلما سمعها منه عتبة أنصت له، وألقى يديه خلف ظهره معتمدًا عليهما، يسمع منه، ثم انتهي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى السجدة منها فسجد ثم قال: (قد سمعت يا أبا الوليد ما سمعت، فأنت وذاك). • فقام عتبة إلى أصحابه، فقال بعضهم لبعض: نحلف بالله لقد جاءكم أبو الوليد بغير الوجه الذي ذهب به. فلما جلس إليهم قالوا: ما وراءك يا أبا الوليد؟ قال: ورائي أني سمعت قولًا والله ما سمعت مثله قط، والله ما هو بالشعر ولا بالسحر، ولا بالكهانة، يا معشر قريش، أطيعونى واجعلوها بي، وخلوا بين هذا الرجل وبين ما هو فيه فاعتزلوه، فوالله ليكونن لقوله الذي سمعت منه نبأ عظيم، فإن تصبه العرب فقد كفيتموه بغيركم، وإن يظهر على العرب فملكه ملككم، وعزه عزكم، وكنتم أسعد الناس به، قالوا: سحرك والله يا أبا الوليد بلسانه، قال: هذا رأيي فيه، فاصنعوا ما بدا لكم.