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Ž ILINA SELF-GOVERNING REGION. Žilina Self-Governing Region Location. Žilina S elf- G overning R egion Slovakia. Capital city: Bratislava Area 49 036 km 2 Population 5 421 349 Currency EUR Membership in international organizations EU, UN, OECD, WTO, NATO, V4
Žilina Self-Governing RegionSlovakia Capital city: Bratislava Area 49 036 km2 Population 5 421 349 Currency EUR Membership in international organizations EU, UN, OECD, WTO, NATO, V4 Tax burden Income tax: 19 % (incomebelow 34.000 €) or 25 % Corporatetax: 22 % Dividend tax: 0% VAT: 20% (10% applies to pharmaceutical and healthcare products, books)
ŽilinaSelf-GoverningRegionBasicfacts • Area6 808 km2 • Borders Czech Republic(N-W) Poland (N, N-E) Prešov - BanskáBystrica - Trenčín regions • Capital Žilina • Population 690420 • Density 101inhab./km2 • Territorial administration 11 districts
ŽilinaSelf-GoverningRegionInvestment Strategic location Moscow London 300 millions consumers within a radius of 1.000 km Berlin Kiev Paris Žilina 600 millions consumers within a radius of 2.000 km Rome Istanbul Source: World Resources Institute
ŽilinaSelf-GoverningRegionEconomy Established industry in region: • production and distribution of energy, water, gas • automotive • processing of pulp, paper production and paper products production • engineering • manufacture of electrical equipment • construction • metal industry • wood industry • food production • tourism services...
ŽilinaSelf-GoverningRegionMajor industrialcompanies Company: Country of origin: Nr. of employees: Production: KIA Motors South Korea 3.900 car production INA Kusuce Germany 3.808 high - tech bearings Stredosl.energetika Czech Republic 1.745 wholesale and retail – electr. energy Mondi, SCP South Africa 1.455 pulp and paper production Mobis Slovakia South Korea 1.609 front and rear car axles, car bumpers ŽOS Vrútky Slovakia 1.000 locomotives, trains KINEX Bearings Slovakia 1.207 rolling bearings Panasonic Japan 1.340 accuumulator chargers, TV tunners Ecco Denmark 1.202 shoe production
ŽilinaSelf-GoverningRegionTourism • 2. most visited region in Slovakia • UNESCO sights (Vlkolínec, musical instrument Fujara, Music of Terchová, wooden churches in Lestiny, and Tvrdošín) • Top tourist and ski resorts • 25% of all Slovakmarked hiking trails and cycling routes • Reach culture,many festivals, castles, museums, galleries • Spas, aquaparks, mineral waters • 4 national parks and 3 land protected areas
ŽilinaSelf-GoverningRegionCompetencies The Žilina Region was established in 2001. Act No. 302/2001 on self-government of higher territorial units. The Regional Assembly has 57 members. Every 4 years the inhabitants elect the President of the region in direct elections. 118 organizations administered by Žilina Region Competencies: Transport road administration, roads of II. and III. class Spatial planning spatial plan of the higher territorial unit Social services 26 organizations (social service houses) Health care 4 hospitals, 1 policlinic Education 65 high schools Culture 2 theatres, 5 galleries, 5 libraries, 4 museums ... Tourism UNESCO sights, top tourist destination
Komenského 48, 011 09 Žilina www.zilinskazupa.sk Welcome to Žilina Self-GoverningRegion