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Mental Health and Illness TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICES AUSTRALIA
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction..........................................................................................................................................3 Part 1 Concept of mental illness...........................................................................................................3 I) Two definitions of abnormality in psychology............................................................................3 II) Three factors which create difficulties in diagnosing mental illness..........................................4 Part 2 Mental health and illness............................................................................................................5 (a) Different forms of Schizophrenia...............................................................................................5 (b) Causes of mental illness from the different perspectives...........................................................6 (c) Different therapies and treatments suggested for schizophrenia by different perspectives.......7 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................8 References............................................................................................................................................9 TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICES AUSTRALIA
INTRODUCTION Mental health and illness have never been the exclusive domain of medicine. The present research report will provide knowledge regarding different kinds of definitions of abnormality. It also identifies the factors that create difficulties in diagnosing mental illness (Rogers and Pilgrim, 2014). On the other side, second part of the report comprises forms of Schizophrenia, causes of mental illness form the different perspectives, different therapies and treatments suggested for mental illness by different perspectives. Finally, it can be said that the major aim and objective of this study is to evaluate the concept of mental health and illness with the help of case study of Sophie and her family. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT FROM PROFESSIONAL WRITERS CONTACT US NOW: TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com PART 1 CONCEPT OF MENTAL ILLNESS I) Two definitions of abnormality in psychology Normality and abnormality are two sides which can only be defined in relation to one another. Generally, there are several key areas which should be taken into consideration when defining what is normal and what is not (Keyes, 2005). The first is known as deviation from the average or statistical infrequency that shows the literal sense of abnormality and takes into consideration what behaviour is typical or common and what behaviour is common or rare. The definition of abnormal or statistically rare would be seen as infrequent behaviour which is unacceptable. On the other hand, definition of normal would be seen as average behaviour and is more acceptable. Hence, this is utilized in conjunction with how the majority or minority behave to TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICES AUSTRALIA
what relation of normality they are perceived. However, this theory of defining abnormality in psychology have a big disadvantage (World Health Organization., 2001). It holds some flaws related to the statistical criterion and does not establish behaviour which is desirable or acceptable either undesirable or unacceptable. Thus, it can be said that statistical criterion gives an insufficient and inaccurate way of defining abnormality. Another definition of abnormality in psychology can also be presented. This is deviation from the norm suggests what behaviour is acceptable in occurrence with society and its social norms. Thus, social norms is defined as a set of unwritten rules and regulations which are acquired by family and social conditioning throughout our lives (World Health Organization., 2001). This can be determined differently by every person dependent upon gender, historical context, age, culture etc. in which the behaviour is placed. Different kinds of age groups think and behave differently, for example, it is acceptable as a baby to be breast fed but not as accepted as a child at the age of 8. Cultural differences can range from what is accepted and not accepted in one cultural setting to another. Thus, it can be said that there are different types of cultures and religions that have different kinds of thinking and behaviours. Condition or situation also decides that what is normal and what is abnormal. For example, if individual shoots another during a war is normal, but if a person shoots without any due cause in a public, this type of behaviour is seen as abnormal. Gender also decides what is normal and what is abnormal (Demyttenaere, Bruffaerts and et.al., 2004). For example, a woman posing topless in a newspaper is seen by most as complying within the social rules but too many if a man did the same and exposed his genitals in the same way it could be condemned as not constricting towards the social norms and could be perceived abnormal in comparison to the women for exploiting themselves in exactly the same way. Finally, abnormality as deviation from ideal mental health, identifies characteristics and abilities which people should possess in order for them to be considered normal. Additionally, Jahonda and Rosenhan and Seligman suggest following ways through which normality and abnormality can be easily defined. (Corrigan, 2004) The absence of mental health Individual suffering with anxiety, depression etc. The ability to introspection Autonomy TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICES AUSTRALIA
II) Three factors which create difficulties in diagnosing mental illness Classification of metal disorders The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM), published by the American Psychiatric Association, offers a common language and standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders. Generally there are two major DSM such as DSM 4 and DSM 5. DSM 4 is the manual published by the American Psychiatric Association which comprises all presently recognized mental health disorders. Hence, this codes is utilized by mental health professionals to describe the element of particular mental disorder and distinguish it from others. On the other side DSM 5 is statement which is helpful in recommending treatment for health care providers for particular mental disorder. Prices of treatment is also decided with the help of DSM 5. Hence, it can be said that both the codes are helpful in providing best and suitable services to society with suitable costs. Both these codes improve reliability and validity of healthcare entities as these set standard prices and treatments. Reliability and validity of diagnosing mental health Reliability and viability of treatment in mental health are depended on the standard or regulations followed by the healthcare association and professionals. If the entity is using DSM 4 and DSM 5 in the entity, then the organization is able in provide standard quality services to the patient with standard prices. The patient will also trust on the healthcare entity as they can get suitable treatment for particular mental disorder. In addition to this patient can evaluate the prices of the services easily in this kinds of cases. Hence, it can be said that DSM 4 and DSM 5 are two major statements that play very crucial role in improving reliability and validity of the business among clients. Generally, there are ranges of elements which must be considered while diagnosing mental illness as these create several difficulties in treatments, such as cultural factors, biological relative, experiences in the womb, stressful life situations, chronic medical condition, brain damage etc. Hence three major factors which create difficulties in diagnosing mental illness can be explained as below (Bunton and Petersen, 2002). Cultural factors: Culture can be defined as a set of behavioural norms, meanings and values or reference points used by members of particular society to build their unique view of the world, and ascertain their identity. This comprises various kinds of variables such as language, traditions, values, religious beliefs, moral thoughts, gender, sex etc. Hence, it can be said that the cultural TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICES AUSTRALIA
background and identity of patient must be thoroughly understood by the healthcare service provided as it has powerful pathogenic impact as triggers of psychopathology. They can also contribute to higher or lower levels of severity of psychiatric symptoms (Use, 2010). Additionally, it can be said that many a time culture can create communication difficulties. For example, there are different kinds of language of different nation, and hence it can create big gap of communication between patient and clinician. Financial status of the patient also influence treatment. For instant, if patient is belonging to low income level, then he will not be able to invest money for his treatment which can make big impact on treatment. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT FROM PROFESSIONAL WRITERS CONTACT US NOW: TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com Chronic medical condition: It is also the big factor which may be occurred while treatment of mental illness (Meyer, 2003). For example, if person or client is suffering form cancer, then clinician must provide treatment of cancer to patient, and for this purpose service provider must make partnership with other specialist of cancer. Biological relative: Blood relation is also major factor in psychological diseases. For example parent or sibling with a mental illness. In this kind of condition psychologist must analyse the mental condition of family member also in order to provide accurate services to patients. There are ranges of mental illnesses which are comes in child from their parents and other family member, which can make big impact on diagnosis of mental illness of particular patient (Kessler and Üstün, 2004). TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICES AUSTRALIA
PART 2 MENTAL HEALTH AND ILLNESS (a) Different forms of Schizophrenia Delusions and hallucinations are the two key indicator of schizophrenia. Hence, in the present case, Sophie is suffering from schizophrenia, which is the common mental disease. Normally, followings are the major forms of Schizophrenia including their major distinguishing features. Paranoid schizophrenia: In this form of schizophrenia, the patient has false delusions which person or group of individual are conspiring to harm them or members of their family. As with most other types of schizophrenia, the patient commonly has auditory hallucinations (hearing things that are not real). The patient may also have delusions of personal grandeur - a false belief that they are much greater and more powerful and influential than they really are (Coker, Davis And et.al., 2002). He/she may spend a great deal of time thinking about ways to protect themselves from their supposed persecutors. Disorganized Schizophrenia: This is also known as hebephrenia, and it is thought to be and extreme expression of disorganization syndrome. This is characterized by incoherent and illogical thoughts and behaviours, such as disinhibited, agitated, and purposeless behaviour. It is more severe form of schizophrenia because the patient cannot perform daily operations i.e. preparing meals and taking care of personal hygiene. Additionally, patient is not able in understanding what the patient is saying. Catatonic Schizophrenia: It comprises extremes of behaviour such as catatonic excitement and catatonic stupor (Prince, Patel and et.al., 2007). Many a time, person with this kind of schizophrenia may deliberately assume bizarre body positions, or manifest unusual limb movements or facial contortions, occasionally resulting in the misdiagnosis with tardive dyskinesia. Childhood Schizophrenia: It is one of the famous form of schizophrenia which known as childhood onset schizophrenia or early onset schizophrenia. Hence, it is generally the same as schizophrenia, but onset takes place earlier in life. Onset means the first appearance of the signs or symptoms of an illness. Hence, the major characteristic of it is that it can be occurred at the age of ten and even earlier. Schizo-affective disorder: This can be defined as the combination of schizophrenia and mood disorder symptoms (Rogers and Pilgrim, 2014). Some specialist disagree on whether this is a TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICES AUSTRALIA
type of schizophrenia or a type of mood disorder. Some even wonder whether it should be treated as a distinct disorder. Finally it can be said that it is the combination of schizophrenia symptoms (hallucinations, delusions) and mood disorder symptoms (mania or depression). (b) Causes of mental illness from the different perspectives Normally, there are ranges of perspectives of schizophrenia through which it can be identified that Sophie is suffering from this disease or not. Bio-psychological perspective believes that there are ranges of chemicals in human mind which can influence behaviour of people. The quantity of these chemicals must be maintained in perfect manner in order to behave normal. Another perspective is Psycho-dynamic which views schizophrenia as the result of the disintegration of the ego. It is the ego's job to keep control of the id's impulses and strike a compromise between the demands of the id and the moral restrictions of the superego. Hence, this kind of view of schizophrenia play very significant role in identifying the mental disease in the person (Keyes, 2005). In addition to this, Behaviourist approach of schizophrenia believes that apart from a few innate reflexes, behaviour is studied as a result of a person's interactions with their environment. The behaviours we call psychological symptoms are no different and to a behaviourist all symptoms can be explained in terms of classical, operant and social learning processes. In the present case study, Sophie is behaving normally, and thus as per behaviourist approach it can be said that she is not suffering from schizophrenia. Aron Beck also developed Cognitive approach as an intervention to partly organic brain disease schizophrenia. Hence, it can be said that schizophrenia symptoms are the result of faulty information processing (World Health Organization., 2001). According to this kind of perspective, it can be stated that there is no evidence through which it can be said that Sophie is suffering from schizophrenia. The final approach of schizophrenia is Humanistic which believes that there are ranges of social factors which can influence behaviour of the person. It believes that person suffering for this disease can be treated with the help of better behaviour with them. In the present case, Sophie comes form the family with a history of schizophrenia, as both her grandfather and an aunt have been diagnosed with the disorder. After death of her father, she has just begun to experience delusions and hallucinations. Both delusions and hallucination are the key symptoms of schizophrenia. Hence, it can be said that Sophie is now showing symptoms of schizophrenia (World Health Organization., 2001). TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICES AUSTRALIA
(c) Different therapies and treatments suggested for schizophrenia by different perspectives Cognitive therapy was invented by Beck and Albert Ellis in the year 1970, in order to help the patient overcome difficulties by identifying and changing dysfunctional thinking, behaviour, and emotional responses. Patients are aided in developing skills for modifying beliefs, identifying distorted thinking, relating to others in different ways, and changing behaviours. The major treatment in this kind of approach is the anti-psychotic medication and psychosocial services provided by local community mental health centres (Demyttenaere, Bruffaerts and et.al., 2004). This increase in activity and motivation put the patients more in touch with reality and reduced hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT FROM PROFESSIONAL WRITERS CONTACT US NOW: TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com Another therapy is related to humanistic approach which therapist provides the individual with sympathetic and constructive feedback in a friendly manner. They believes that social factors can help the patient in improving mental health. The major advantage of it is that it comprised very low level of investment and it can be easily implemented in the society. Many author believes that without proper medicines persons cannot be treated easily. Bio-psychological approach also provide various kinds of medicines through which quantity of brain chemicals can be maintained easily (Corrigan, 2004). This is also useful and fast process of treating patient but require high level of investment in buying medicines. Behaviourist also believes that schizophrenia can be reduced by providing true and accurate information to patient and supporting them in improving mental health with the help of medication and other social activities. TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICES AUSTRALIA
CONCLUSION On the basis of above research report it can be concluded that there are different kinds of definitions of abnormality, and various kinds of elements which create difficulties in the diagnosis of mental illness. Additionally, it has been found that there are various forms of schizophrenia, and also haver ranges of therapies to reduce these kinds of mental illnesses (Bunton and Petersen, 2002). In addition to this there are ranges of perspectives within psychology which must be evaluated in order to solve the mental diseases. TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICES AUSTRALIA
REFERENCES Bunton, R. and Petersen, A., 2002. Foucault, health and medicine. Routledge. Coker, A. L., Davis, K. E. And et.al., 2002. Physical and mental health effects of intimate partner violence for men and women. American journal of preventive medicine. 23(4). 260-268. Corrigan, P., 2004. How stigma interferes with mental health care. American Psychologist. 59(7). 614. Demyttenaere, K., Bruffaerts, R. and et.al., 2004. Prevalence, severity, and unmet need for treatment of mental disorders in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association. 291(21). 2581-2590. Kessler, R. C. and Üstün, T. B., 2004. The world mental health (WMH) survey initiative version of the world health organization (WHO) composite international diagnostic interview (CIDI). International journal of methods in psychiatric research. 13(2). 93-121. Keyes, C. L., 2005. Mental illness and/or mental health? Investigating axioms of the complete state model of health. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 73(3). 539. Meyer, I. H., 2003. Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: conceptual issues and research evidence. Psychological bulletin, 129(5), 674. Prince, M., Patel, V. and et.al., 2007. No health without mental health. The lancet. 370(9590). 859- 877. Rogers, A. and Pilgrim, D., 2014. A sociology of mental health and illness. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Use, F. A. T., 2010. Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration. Routledge. World Health Organization., 2001. Mental health: new understanding, new hope. World Health Organization. World Health Organization., 2001. The World health report: 2001: Mental health: new understanding, new hope. TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICES AUSTRALIA