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Sample Assignment on Human Resource Management

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  1. Human Resource Management TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  2. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3 TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Distinguish between personnel management and human resource management.............3 1.2 Assessing the function of the human resource management in contributing to organizational purposes..........................................................................................................4 1.3 Roles and responsibilities of line managers in human resource management.................5 1.4 Impact of the legal and regulatory framework on HRM..................................................6 TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7 2.1 Reasons for HR planning in Marriott...............................................................................7 2.2 Stages involved in planning human resource requirements.............................................8 2.3 Comparing the recruitment and selection process in Marriott and Tesco........................8 2.4 Effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in Marriott and Tesco...........9 TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................10 3.1 Assessing the link between motivational theory and reward..........................................10 3.2 Process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay.........................................11 3.3 The effectiveness of reward systems in different contexts.............................................12 3.4 Examining the methods organizations use to monitor employee performance..............13 TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................14 4.1 Reasons for cessation of employment within business..................................................14 4.2 Employment exit procedures used by Marriott and Tesco.............................................15 4.3 The impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation...............15 CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................16 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................17 TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  3. INTRODUCTION Human resource management (HRM) is the process through which employees can be managed in a structured manner. It includes the processes such as recruitment, selection, placement, induction, training and development, motivation, compensation, benefits, etc. It helps in increasing the productivity of the organization by effective utilization of employees. It also helps in improving the performance of the employees. Main objective of HRM is to acquire, develop and retain best talent in the organization (Davenport, 2013). However, HR department of enterprise is highly concentrating upon planning different policies and practices so that the set goals can be attained. Also, it is crucial for firm to manage the human resources significantly and value them in order to retain them for long term in business. Human resource professionals involves all the employees in decision making process so that they make healthy relations with them and grow the organization in an effective manner. In this regard, present report has been prepared that involves discussion over HRM practice within the context of Marriott Hotel UK. Further, the areas that are covered in this report are differences among human resource management and personnel management, methods of recruiting, rewarding employees in order to motivate and retain them and the mechanisms for the cessation of employment (Delahaye, 2015). THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT & SCORE A+ GRADE CONTACT US TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  4. TASK 1 1.1 Distinguish between personnel management and human resource management HR manager of any organization plays a crucial role in determining the training and development sessions to workers so that they can enhance their skills and capabilities up to a great extent. HR department follows planning, recruiting, training and development programs in order to keep the human resources efficient and improve their skills and knowledge effectively. Here, personnel management can be stated as the process that focuses upon the development of human resources so that functions of business can be carried out effectively (Hafiza and et. al., 2011). Thus, the top management of Marriott provides rewards and bonuses to efficient workers and encourage them. While, HRM possess a wider scope than personnel management and helps in managing the functions of employees. Following is the difference between personnel and human resource management are discussed underneath- Personnel Management Human Resource Management It is related with employees, their payroll and It is related with the management of employees other administrative functions. and contribute to organizational success. It is a traditional approach. It is a modern approach. It is a routine function. It is a strategic function. It is based on job evaluation. It is based on performance evaluation. In this, communication is indirect. In this, communication is direct. It has slow decision making process (Uyar and It has fast decision making process (Guest, Deniz, 2012). Paauwe and Wright, 2012). In this, division of work among employees is For performing any work, employees are divided done. into groups. As it has seen that human resource management is better than personnel management, so it is essential for the Marriott hotel to follow human resource management in their organization. It helps the cited company to improve its productivity by proper utilization of employees. Further, it also helps in training and motivating the employees so that they can perform better. Putting the right person at the right job is also one of the important function of HRM. Moreover, it also helps in retaining the employees of an organization (Yeo and Li, 2011). TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  5. 1.2 Assessing the function of the human resource management in contributing to organizational purposes For fulfilling the organisational goal, it is necessary for HR department of Marriott to follow functions of HRM. There are various functions of HRM-  Managerial Functions – In an organization, manager has to perform many managerial functions such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling. Planning helps in determining the goal of an organization and identify the policies and procedures to reach those goals. Organizing refers to assigning and coordinating the functions to different individuals (Hoobler and Johnson, 2004). Directing means to put the plan into action and motivate employees to perform better. Controlling refers to control the actions of individuals in an organization.  Operative Functions – The various operative functions which are performed by the manager are employment, development, compensation, integration and maintenance of employees in an organization. Employment includes recruitment, selection, placement, etc. Development includes the functions which helps in developing the employees of an organization through training and development program. Compensation involves monetary and non-monetary rewards (Jackson, 2002).  Advisory Functions – Manager of Marriott performs advisory functions by giving advices to the top management and departmental heads. They give their advice in formulation and evaluation of rules and procedures, maintaining good relations with the employees, manpower planning, job analysis and design, etc (Kaufman, 2010).  Selection and recruitment- HRM team of Marriott hotel undertake such function effectively in regard to conduct interview and selection procedure so that the skilled candidate can be hired for performing the specific operation. Human resource department needs to analyse the efficiency of candidates at the time of applying and then select the best from them to enhance the performance of hotel in order to fulfil the needs of guests (Lamond and Zheng, 2010). TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  6. Training- It is another important function of HRM. However, it is essential for management of Marriott to organize effective training sessions for its employees so that they can enhance their skills and capabilities and achieve organizational goals. 1.3 Roles and responsibilities of line managers in human resource management Line manager is a person who have direct authority to manage a team or a group of people. In turn, they have the authority to report to higher level regarding their team member's performance. Further, line manager of Marriott plays various roles in HRM such as they fill out performance appraisal forms of employees, carrying out interview of new entrant, providing recommendations, deciding salary of the employees regarding increment, resolving the issues of the employees, performing advisory functions, etc (Williams and Naumann, 2011). The responsibilities of line manager in human resource management are as follows:-  Maintaining relation- It is the main responsibility of line manager at Marriott that they maintain strong relationship with employees and determine their needs regarding working environment, bonuses etc. Thus, analysing all such factors helps in developing a positive environment at business and carry out the operations in a smooth flow. Line managers are also required to conduct regular meetings and conferences with employees so that they can assess their feedback and provide best solutions to them (Zairi, 2012).  Monitoring- Further, line manager also monitors the work carried out by employees so that best products and services can be delivered to guests. For instance, it is the duty of the line manager to closely monitor the work done by employees so that output can be assessed effectively. Thus, it helps in analysing the possibility of any improvement in the work done and achieve desired goals (Hale, 2012).  Job analysis- It is the crucial responsibility of the line manager to determine the requirements of workforce for carrying out specific tasks so that best results can be attained effectively. Thus, line manager is required to convey the message regarding any specific needs of workers to the top management so that it can be fulfilled and enhance the skills of candidates (Monk and Wagner, 2012). TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  7. 1.4 Impact of the legal and regulatory framework on HRM Laws and regulations have a great impact on HRM which helps in smooth functioning between employer and employee. Therefore, it is essential for Marriott hotel to undertake different legal laws and regulations framed by the UK government so that brand image of firm can be created in market. It also resolves issues related to equal opportunity, equal wages, health and safety, etc. Such laws are as follows :-  Equality Act, 2010 – This law says that all people should be treated equally based on gender, race, beliefs, age and sexual orientation. It has a great impact on organisation, sometimes employer is unable to reject some people even if they do not have the required attributes because of this law (Nuttin, 2014).  Working Time Regulations, 1998 – It provides the right to holidays, taking break from the work and control the working hours. It affects company when there is a heavy workload and because of this law employer cannot force the employee to stay and work for long. Also, it is essential for employer to provide breaks to workers in between of the work so that they can relax and overcome their stress level (Purce, 2014).  Health and Safety Act, 1974 – This act provides a safe environment of work to the employees. Sometimes company may incur heavy cost because of employee's mistake as they do not follow the safety measures. Also, it is essential for Marriott organization to implement different safety equipment such as fire extinguisher in order to overcome the hazards. Moreover, training should be provided to employees in regard to face the challenges at the time of any incident at the workplace thus, all such impacts the HRM of firm (Hafeez and Aburawi, 2013).  Minimum Wages Act, 1998 - Under this act, company must have to pay a minimum set wages to every employee of an organization even though they do not work well according to the standards. TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  8. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT & SCORE A+ GRADE CONTACT US TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com TASK 2 2.1 Reasons for HR planning in Marriott Human resource planning (HRP) is a most important part of HRM. It is a process through which anticipated need of human resource is identified in order to achieve the organizational goals. It links the HRM and overall strategic plan. It is a systematic planning which helps in achieving optimum utilization of human resources in an organisation. There are various reasons for which HRP is done in Marriott are as followss:-  Identifying the current and future need of human resource- Here, HR department is required to anticipate the current and future requirement of skilled workforce within business. Thus, analysing such need helps management of hotel to recruit best candidates and meet the demand up to a great extent (Huemann, Keegan and Turner, 2007).  Fulfilling the demand to remove the shortage of skilled employees- HR professionals of Marriott fulfils the demand of employees in order to overcome the shortage of skilled and capable workers within business. However, it assists in carrying out the operations in terms of providing best services to guests and attaining results (Morris, 2001). TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  9.  Helps in retaining talents- Through carrying out proper human resource planning it helps business to retain talented employees within business. For instance, through retaining talented people in hotel it helps in satisfying the needs of visitors up to a great extent. In order to motivate the employees, organization should provide them bonuses and increments and achieve organizational goals (Palmer, 2005).  Helps in avoiding the shortage and surplus of employees- With the help of human resource planning, organization can easily overcome the human resource surpluses and shortage as well. It assists Marriott in maintaining a balance between employee shortages and surpluses so that equilibrium position can be attained (Vidaver-Cohen, 2001). 2.2 Stages involved in planning human resource requirements Human resource planning is the process through which gap between the current and the anticipated demand of employees can be filled up through proper planning. It involves various stages such as:  Assessing human resources- It is significant for Marriott to assess the requirements of employees needed within firm. Here, HR department of firm should anticipate the requirement of skilled human resources so that strengths can be developed and weaknesses can be overcome of the firm (Martin, 2006).  Forecasting demand- Further, HR is required to forecast the demand of employees within firm. With the assistance of this, management of Marriott needs to determine the future requirement of workers as per the current situation so that best skilled candidates can be recruited (Millmore, 2007).  Forecasting supply- In order to evaluate the supply of workforce within the firm through adopting different sources such as internal and external. Thus, organization adopts promotion, transfer, job enlargement and recruiting fresh candidates to carry out the operations.  Matching demand and supply- At this particular stage, human resource planning is required to reach at equilibrium position and match the demand and supply of employees. However, with the help of such matching, organization overcomes the position of shortage and surplus in the enterprise (Nankervis, Compton and Baird, 2008). TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  10. Corrective action plan- Furthermore, managers of Marriott is required to develop HRP so that they can achieve organizational goals and objectives. Thus, proper action plan need to be developed for this in order to take corrective action and thus fulfil the HR objectives and policies. 2.3 Comparing the recruitment and selection process in Marriott and Tesco The recruitment and selection process varies from organization to organization. For the purpose of comparing the recruitment and selection process of Marriott, Tesco has been undertaken. Marriott International is a global leading company whose revenue is about $14 billion in year 2014. As this is a larger organization, they follow complex recruitment and selection process which contains various stages which are as follows:-  First of all, they identify vacancy and evaluate needs.  Then create Job Description and Job Specification.  Then vacancy announcement is done through online job portals and employment newspapers (Nkomo, Fottler and McAfee, 2010).  After the vacancies are announced, scrutiny of applications is done on the basis of job specification.  Then preliminary interview is done and select those candidates whose profiles are matched with the job.  Then employment test is conducted if necessary to evaluate better candidates (Pulakos, 2009).  Those who cleared the employment test, they have to face Technical Interview(Based on job profile).  Personal Interview is conducted for those who have cleared all the above hurdles.  Then background and reference checks would be done.  Whose background is good that candidate is eligible for health check up.  Then the decision regarding the final selection of candidate would be taken (Topolosky, 2014). TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  11. While, Tesco which is a retail organization follows a simple procedure which contains following stages:-  First of all HR identify number of vacancies arises.  Then they advertise those vacancies in local newspaper.  After the applications are received then they scrutinized those applications based on requirements. After then they invite applicants for an interview (Townley, 2014).  Then an interview is done based upon requirements.  Then final selection decision is taken. 2.4 Effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in Marriott and Tesco For evaluating the effectiveness of the processes of both the above mentioned company, it is necessary to evaluate each and every process of recruitment and selection process. As it is seen that Marriott has a more complex process as it contains many steps. That's why it takes much time and effort in recruitment and selection process. But it has the capability to choose the best candidate among all. Sometimes they reject those candidates who lack in some skills but are more capable to do the job. It is all because Marriott being in an international brand of best hospitality service provider and thus they need to maintain their standard by employing skilled candidates so that best services can be rendered to guests (Harter and Schmidt, 2002). But in Tesco, recruitment and selection process is far more simple. It takes less time and effort in selecting the candidates. Because of simple process, they sometimes lack in selecting the best candidate and doesn't even judge the required skills for the job. Sometimes because of delay in selection process, company have to incur heavy losses and even sometimes lose the best candidate. Following are the different ways of evaluating the effectiveness of recruitment and selection process which are as follows- Metric- Such method is used in order to measure the effectiveness of hiring, recruiting and retaining the employees within business. Following are the key metrics that can be used by the HR of the firm-  Total number of applications received  Conducting telephonic interview for hiring candidates TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  12. Calculating the cost of hiring  Evaluating the performance of selected employees  Assessing the retention rate of employees Feedback- It is another effective method of assessing the recruitment and selection process through carrying out survey, focus group interview and collecting feedback from workers about the process of selection (Strandberg, 2009). However, HR personnel is required to assess the feedback given by employees and implement the required changes within the selection process for Marriott and Tesco. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT & SCORE A+ GRADE CONTACT US TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com TASK 3 3.1 Assessing the link between motivational theory and reward In an organization, motivation plays a crucial role. It helps in achieving organizational goal by motivating the employees. The motivation is an internal drive to do any task. It is a TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  13. reason for which any person act or behave in a particular manner. There are various motivational theory which says that every human being wants to fulfil their needs, if their current need is fulfilled then they switch to another need (Walters, 2009). These needs works as a motivational drive. Various motivational theories are:-  Maslow's Hierarchy Need Theory  Herzberg's Two Factor Theory  Alderfer's ERG Theory  Goal Setting Theory  Self-determination Theory Reward is something that a person can get in lieu of their work. Reward can be positive or negative. Positive reward motivate employees while negative reward creates discontentment. Reward plays an important role in motivating the employees which helps in achieving organizational goal. Reward can be monetary and non-monetary. Some employees are motivated by monetary rewards such as incentive, bonus, etc. while some are motivated by non-monetary rewards such as recognition, promotion, etc (Davenport, 2013). It can be assessed that the motivational theory is linked with the reward system so that morale of employees can be raised to work effectively and accomplish goals. Each and every organization is required to adopt best reward system within firm to motivate employees and thus improve their performance as well. For improving the workforce motivation, there are several things which are necessary:-  Identify the psychology of employees to know their motivational factor (Delahaye, 2015).  All employees does not have the same motivational drive, so motivate them according to their needs.  Employee can be motivated by building satisfaction.  Proper training helps in motivating the employees (Guest, Paauwe and Wright, 2012). 3.2 Process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay Job evaluation is a systematic process through which comparison is done between different jobs in order to identify the worth of the job in a job hierarchy. The main objective of TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  14. job evaluation is to identify the more paid job than others. It includes job grading, job ranking, etc. to identify the job's worth. Marriott management undertakes job evaluation process at the beginning and thus direct their workforce to carry out the desired tasks in an effective manner. All the identified methods of job evaluation helps in deciding a rational pay structure for same level of workers so that satisfaction can be attained (Jackson, 2002). Ranking method is the best way that can be adopted by Marriott hotel which helps in performing the job evaluation through using ranking method and thus analyse the performance of workforce. With the assistance of such method, it helps business to improve its knowledge regarding the working pattern of workers and direct them to accomplish desired targets. However, business is required to determine the skills of employees and then allocate them the work accordingly so that productivity can be improved (Kaufman, 2010). The importance of job evaluation are as follows:-  Job evaluation helps in deciding the position of the job in the job hierarchy.  It helps in effective staffing by identifying the number of personnel required in a department.  It helps in determining pay scale of the employees in accordance with the worth of the job (Zairi, 2012).  It helps in reducing inequalities in salary structure.  It also helps in selecting the best suitable candidate for the job.  It helps in maintaining cordial relationship between employees and manager (Monk and Wagner, 2012). 3.3 The effectiveness of reward systems in different contexts In any organisation, pay is not only the appropriate method of reward system because sometimes, employees are motivated by non-monetary rewards. Some employees want recognition and good status in their life while others wants incentives and bonuses. Different people have different wants and needs. Even non-monetary reward is better than monetary rewards because value of monetary reward may finish after sometime but non-monetary reward is even long lasting with the employee (Nuttin, 2014). There are basically two types of reward system:- TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  15.  Monetary Reward – It is related with the money such as incentives, bonuses, etc. For instance, here HR professionals play crucial role in determining the efficiency of employees and thus provide them monetary rewards so that their morale can be enhanced. It involves bonuses, incentives etc. that helps in satisfying the needs of workers and encourage them to work hard and improve the productivity (Hafeez and Aburawi, 2013).  Non-monetary Reward – It is related with the prestige such as promotion, recognition, etc. Management of Marriott undertakes such method as it helps in improving the overall performance of workers. HR provides promotion, recognition to workers based on their work and thus maintain good relationship with each other to carry out the work efficiently (Huemann, Keegan and Turner, 2007). In Marriott organization, non-monetary reward system is the best option because the employees working in the organisation always try to upgrade their status. They are more prestigious. While, in Tesco, reward system should be based on the situation. At some moment, monetary is the best way while at the other non-monetary is the best option (Palmer, 2005). 3.4 Examining the methods organizations use to monitor employee performance Organization basically follow simple performance rating structure in which manager is undertaking the performance review of each employee. But it is not the appropriate method of performance judgement. Performance can be better judged by using performance appraisal method. Performance appraisal is a systematic method by which employee's performance is documented and evaluated (Lamond and Zheng, 2010). It helps in career development of employees and identifying the strength and weaknesses of employee. It also helps in identifying the training need of an employee. Manager can judge their employee's performance based on the following parameters:-  Quality of work  Quantity of work  Job knowledge  Degree of supervision requires  Attitude during work TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  16. Target completion  Attendance and punctuality These above parameters better help in identifying the performance of employees. These parameters also helps in identifying the training and developmental needs of the employees. However, it is essential for Marriott to effectively measure and monitor the performance of their workers so that they can perform the task effectively and provide best results to the firm in the form of high sales and profitability (Monk and Wagner, 2012). HR department is required to anticipate the required performance of workers and then compare it with actual performance so that desired outputs can be attained. Marriott adopts performance appraisal system that helps in identifying the accurate and efficient performance measurement and build employee potential in order to deliver best services to consumers. Workers of hotel are required to set SMART goals so that it can be attain timely and appropriately. Thus, monitoring and measuring the performance of individual helps in identifying the development needs of workers (Vidaver-Cohen, 2001). TASK 4 4.1 Reasons for cessation of employment within business It can be evaluated that there are different causes of termination of employment within Marriott such as dissatisfaction from the working environment, inefficient pay structure, health factors etc. All these considered as the reasons for cessation of employment. Because of such issues business faces challenges in order to hire new skilled employees, providing training to them etc. requires huge cost and expenditure (Millmore, 2007). However, workers are also affected if they are not getting proper recognition, inadequate payment and status as required from the job, at that time they exit from the job. Furthermore, management is not having good relationship with employees and does not treat them equally is also one of the main reason of leaving the job. Cessation of employment refers to the end of the employment of an employee. It occurs due to various reasons:-  Job dissatisfaction  Retirement of an employee  Unhealthy work environment TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  17. Inadequate Job performance  Business condition  Unacceptable behaviour  Absenteeism There are following ways through which employee turnover can be reduce :-  Right job should be allotted to the right person.  Solve the problems or issues of the employee.  Providing healthy work environment to the employees (Nankervis, Compton and Baird, 2008).  Providing opportunity for career growth and development.  Providing proper training to the employees.  Employees should be involved in decision making process.  Duties and responsibilities should be defined clearly during employment (Pulakos, 2009).  Pay according to the work.  Friendly work environment should be provided, in which communication should be done openly. 4.2 Employment exit procedures used by Marriott and Tesco In Marriott hotel, exit procedures contains exit interview and retaining strategy. They take interview of the employee who is leaving the organisation just to find out the reason for their cessation. And trying to solve their problem and retain them in their organization. They provide various benefits to these employees for retaining them. But at the same time within Tesco, there is a simple exit procedure which contain only a resignation letter. They don't even try to retain those employees and trying to find out their problem. It is because they find skilled employees easily (Townley, 2014). Also, there is no formal meeting conducting by the employer with the employees within Tesco at the time of leaving the job and thus final settlement is done. Exit interview is the interview which is conducted at the time of leaving the organisation. This interview plays a significant role in identifying the problem faced by the employee. It also helps in identifying the main reason of employee turnover and in future they try to remove those TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  18. problems. It also helps in retaining the talent in the organisation by providing some benefits to them (Topolosky, 2014). There are different reasons that affects the workers to exit the job. For instance, workers are not getting required recognition in regard of their work done and inadequate payment scales affects the satisfaction level of workers. It is one of the major reason of employees leaving the job. Further, management is also not able to provide best training and development to their workers that influences the employees and thus they leave the job. 4.3 The impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation It can be evaluated that the top management of organization implies different rules and regulations so that proper legal and regulatory framework could be developed and develop positive brand image of Marriott in market. UL government implies different laws regarding employment cessation such as Civil Rights Act 1964 in order to overcome anti-discrimination of workers on the basis of religion, race, sex and culture etc. Business is required to follow proper employment rules and regulations so that workers can be satisfied (Strandberg, 2009). It is essential for organization to develop legal and regulatory framework so that workers can be protected from termination from work. It safeguards the interest of workers and thus provide them safe working environment to carry out their operations. For instance, if any employer is practicing unfair and illegal acts with employees such as extra working hours without payment, ineffective working environment etc. affects the employees and thus they leave the job. Thus, government implements different policies such as Equal Opportunities Act, Discrimination Act, Health and Safety Act, Working Regulations Act etc. so that employers are required to carry out their practices according to it (Walters, 2009). CONCLUSION From the above study it can be concluded that human resource functions are crucial in regard to meet the defined goals and objectives of organization. HR department of Marriott undertakes best motivational and reward system for its employees so that they can be encouraged to perform the specific task in an effective manner. Business also focuses on providing best selection and recruitment process so that skilled candidates can be hired in regard to perform the operations. Marriott management also adopts stages of human resource planning so that they can match the demand and supply of personnel and overcome the limitations of shortage and over TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

  19. staffing of human resources. Further, impact of legal and regulatory framework assess that implications of Equal Opportunities Act states that it is essential for firm to provide equal opportunities to each and every worker and attain satisfaction. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT & SCORE A+ GRADE CONTACT US TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 424715655 WEBSITE: https://www.assignmentprime.com ASSIGNMENT HELP & WRITING SERVICE AUSTRALIA

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