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Research TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ONLINE ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA
TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1.............................................................................................................................................3 Title..............................................................................................................................................3 Introduction..................................................................................................................................3 Research Aim...............................................................................................................................3 Research Objectives.....................................................................................................................4 Research Questions......................................................................................................................4 PART 2.............................................................................................................................................5 Literature review..........................................................................................................................5 Research Methodology................................................................................................................7 Data analysis................................................................................................................................8 Conclusion.................................................................................................................................10 Recommendation.......................................................................................................................10 REFERENCE.................................................................................................................................11 TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ONLINE ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA
PART 1 Title " To examine the use of fracking in shale oil and gas production sector of UK " Introduction There are several techniques which are used by different public and private oil production firm for extraction of oil and gas to meet globe demand of energy. In this context, it has been identified that, the government of UK is meeting its one third energy demand through gas. It is mainly used in electricity generation, cooking etc (Developing Onshore Shale Gas and Oil – Facts about ‘Fracking’, 2013). By increasing the use gas as an important tool of energy rather than coal, public authorities of UK try to fill the gap between renewable energy and nuclear electricity with less carbon emission. This approach has increased consumption of gas in the country. In this regard, the present study is focused to examine the use of fracking in shale oil and gas production sector of UK. The term fracking is associated with extraction of shale oil and gas. Shale gas is termed as North Sea gas which is trapped in impermeable shale rock. To extract gas, fracking technique is used to create fractures in rock by using hydraulic fracturing. It is termed as conventional approach through which fracking is done by injecting water at high pressure along with chemicals. This process increases gas production which provides several benefits such as public finance, investment, clean energy (The Economic Impact on UK Energy Policy of Shale Gas and Oil, 2014). This research is going to assess various economic benefits associated with shale oil and gas production such as energy security, growth, jobs as well as tax revenue by considering appropriate legal legislation. The investigation also examines different rules and regulations which are applied in fracking activities. Along with that, the research also examines several negative effects of fracking on environment. Research Aim The aim of current research is to examine the use of fracking in shale oil and gas production sector in UK. With reference with the aim of investigation, researcher is going to cover several aspects associated with fracking operation in shale oil and gas production such as TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ONLINE ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA
benefits to country and negative effects on environment. It also assists the researcher in evaluating different government rules and regulations which influence several operations related to fracking activities. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY QUALITY ASSIGNMENT TO SCORE TOP GRADES CONTACT US NOW: TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com Research Objectives The present study is carried out with reference to below mentioned objectives: To evaluate the importance of fracking in shale oil and gas production in UK To assess the impact of fracking on economy of UK To identify adverse effects of fracking on environment To examine regulations to control fracking activities in oil and gas sector Research Questions Researcher considers several aspects for handling a variety of research operations with an appropriate manner. In this regard, researcher questions assist investigator in collecting different kinds of information to attain goals of study. Research questions for present study are mentioned below: How fracking is important for shale oil and gas production along with economy of UK? What are the adverse impacts of fracking on environment and different regulations to control fracking activities? TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ONLINE ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA
PART 2 Literature review Hill (2014) defined fracking as an important technique of drilling by using high pressure water with some chemical to extract gas from the shale rock. In this process, different elements such as water, sand and other chemicals are injected into shale rock with high pressure which provides a way to gas to flow out from head of well. Therefore, it has been considered as most effective approach of drilling to extract different minerals. Further, evaluation of fracking activities is carried out by considering its strength, weakness, opportunities and threat. SWOT analysis In this regard, study of Jaspal and Nerlich (2014) has addressed that fracking activities provides energy resource with less cost. So, it is considered as strength of shale oil and gas production. Author further explained that, this system provides natural gas in cheaper cost as compared to conventional coal. Moreover, it reduces the cost of electricity generation and carbon emission is going to be reduced by 50% in comparison of coal based electricity generation plants (What is fracking and why is it controversial?, 2013). Fracking has been identified as quick and high speed tool for gas extraction so that it can be said that, this approach creates significant impact on gas prices. Kovats and et. al. (2014) have addressed some weaknesses in the form of small earthquakes and damages the homes. Further, some researcher has argued that, release in pressure of gas causes larger earthquakes in future. Researcher further found that, this process requires significant amount of clear water, chemicals etc. which is the major cause of environment damages. The study of Hill (2014) has determined that, fracking brings up different issues associated with land rights because of horizontal drilling and it leads issues among companies related to underground segments (The Economic Impact on UK Energy Policy of Shale Gas and Oil, 2014). In addition to that, fracking activities results in several adverse impacts on environment such as ground water contamination in which groundwater can be contaminated through methane gas. Furthermore, clear water is required for drilling activities which increases issues related to water sourcing and disposal. TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ONLINE ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA
The research of Tissot and Welte (2012) has found shale oil and gas production through significant opportunities to grow. This technique provides clean energy and reduces carbon emission in electricity generation plants. Author further argued that, public authorities also support fracking activities by considering perception of local citizen. In addition to that, application of high tech equipment and environmental friendly materials in the fracking process is going to make shale oil and gas production more secure and safe. The study Olah, Goeppert and Prakash (2011) has found that, the shale gas and oil as most clean source in comparison of other non-renewable sources which has great opportunities to meet secure energy needs of a country. The investigation of Rahm (2011) has determined several factors or threats which leads negative impact on fracking operations. First of all, fracking increases various environmental issues such as earthquakes, groundwater contamination etc. that shifts the government supports toward local communities by developing strict policies for fracking related practices. This thing increases chances to enhance costing of gas production. Apart from that, environmental safety and security agencies are going to strengthen their policies and standards associated with fracking operations. All these factors are the major threats for fracking activities in UK. Impact of fracking of economy of UK Fracking is identified as one the most important technique of shale oil and gas production. The report of Edward and et.al. (2015) on has stated that fracking activities lead significant impact on the oil and gas production in UK that has created direct impact on several aspects of economy of UK. In this regard, it has been addressed that fracking operations have developed significant employment opportunities in UK that leads positive impact on economy of UK. In this context, it has been examined that approximately 5600 jobs will created by the period of 2016 to 2019 which are directly related with this sector. This growth in employment opportunities starts consumption cycle. Everett and et.al. (2012) has argued increase in consumption has led vital role in growth of other segments of economy such as service sector, retail sector and hospitality sector and overall economy. TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ONLINE ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA
The investigation of has addressed that growth in fracking operations to extract shale oil and gas also creates positive impact in low cost electricity generations with less carbon emission that has been attract various internal and external investors in order to invest in electricity generation sector along with fracking practices. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY QUALITY ASSIGNMENT TO SCORE TOP GRADES CONTACT US NOW: TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com Regulations to control fracking operations in UK The government of UK has developed a range of rules and regulations to control and monitor fracking activities. The research of Tissot and Welte (2012) has addressed that Petroleum Exploration and Development licence (PEDL) is identified as most important important agency that manages different operations related to onshore licensing system in oil and gas production as per the norms of Petroleum Act, 1998. Author further evaluated that Mines Act, 1966 is playing role to assess rights for shale oil and gas extractions. It affects operations of oil and gas production firm in acquisition of land. Olah, Goeppert and Prakash (2011) have derived that consideration of Town and Country Planning Act 1990 influences planning activities and infrastructure development in fracking. Apart for that Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 creates huge impact and safety and security standards which are required to considered while performing shale oil and gas production. In similar way, Infrastructure Act 2015 has influenced fracking activities along with monitoring of ground water and its composition each year. The primary objective of this act is to avoid any kind of contamination that could be occurred in handling of shale oil and gas production. TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ONLINE ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA
Research Methodology The present investigation is carried out to examine the use of fracking in shale oil and gas production sector of UK by considering its positive and negative implication. As per the nature of research, qualitative research method is applied by researcher. This method of research has been identified as a very effective tool for carrying out in-depth investigation with reference to aim and objectives (Manion, Cohen and Morrison, 2007). It is considered an important approach which is used for theoretical evaluation. In the contrary, quantitative analysis is not useful in the context present investigation. With reference to nature of investigation, descriptive research design is the most appropriate research design to determine several aspects of research and collection along with evaluation of theoretical data with an appropriate manner. In addition to that researcher has selected secondary sources for collection of wide range of information associated with fracking practices. In this regard, investigator evaluates various tools of secondary sources such as books, journals, online articles and online blogs as well as finding of past studies and reports (Burns, 2008). All these sources have played vital role in collection of a range of information as per the distinct needs of investigation. By focusing research aim and technique, investigator considers thematic analysis tool for evaluation of various facts and figures associated with shale oil and gas production. As per the qualitative nature investigation, thematic analysis is considered as best tools for study in which researcher creates different theme according to research goals for evaluation of a variety of data (Manion, Cohen and Morrison, 2007). In addition to that investigator tries to maintain validity and reliability of research outcomes by considering valid and appropriate sources of investigation through which researcher is able to acquire appropriate secondary information that assists in generation of appropriate research outcomes. Data analysis Thematic analysis is carried out to examine several aspects of fracking that is mentioned below: Theme 1: The growth of fracking in UK TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ONLINE ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA
This theme determines the growth of fracking or shale oil and gas production in UK. As per the report of British Geological Survey, it has been estimated that there is about 1300 trillion cubic feet of shale gas lying underneath in UK. This thing has promoted the growth of fracking in UK. It is identified that 3 trillion cubic feet natural gas are being used by UK per year. As per the government projections, it has been addressed that the demand of natural gas in UK will be raised by 4 to 5 trillion cubic feet in next decades (Fracking in the UK: half a century of gas supply?, 2015). All these figures have played significant role to increase production of shale gas as well as requirement of fracking activities in different part of country. As per the above evaluation, it can be stated that fracking activities are playing significant role to meet energy requirement of UK. In addition to that projection of British Geological Survey has influenced activities related to shale gas production. Theme 2: Fracking influences various elements related to economy of UK There are several aspects of economy of UK analysed which are influenced by fracking with reference to above theme. As per the government report, it has been addressed that shale oil and gas production is going to provide more 5600 jobs which are directly associated with fracking. In addition to that it also creates more 74000 sportive jobs related with gas production. It increases income and expenditures of people along with GDP growth of country (Shale Gas Rural Economy Impacts, 2014). It is examined that fracking has promoted investment flow within in economy of UK that could be reached to £3.7 billion a year. This evaluation evaluates that fracking operations are playing important role in economic growth of UK by developing new employment opportunities along with external and internal investments. Theme 3: Benefits of Shale oil and gas production for local communities UK The above theme determines welfare activities used of local communities who are living near the shale gas production site. As per the report of Developing Onshore Shale Gas and Oil – Facts about ‘Fracking’ (2013) it has been examined that communities who are hosting energy sites provided significant benefits such as £100,000 is facilitated at per well-site during exploration. Furthermore, 1% of revenues is paid to communities that has been valued between TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ONLINE ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA
£5-10m per well till 25 years (Developing Onshore Shale Gas and Oil – Facts about ‘Fracking’, 2013). Natural gas plays significant role to reduce carbon emission in electricity generations. On the basis above evaluation, researcher has determined that fracking activities provide an opportunity to local authorities to manage various operations to resolve various issues of local citizens with an appropriate manner. THIS IS A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BUY QUALITY ASSIGNMENT TO SCORE TOP GRADES CONTACT US NOW: TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com Theme 4: Adverse impact on fracking on environment By considering above theme, there are several adverse effects identified based on fracking operations. In this context, it has been examined that earthquakes due to faults in rock, contamination of ground water even drinking water through natural gas and other chemicals, emissions of volatile components like CO2 or methane along with leakage of contaminated drilling waste have found as important causes for environmental degradation. However, fracking leads positive impact on economy but it also contains risk of environmental degradation due to different pollutants and practices. Theme 5: A range of government legislations controls fracking practices in UK This section evaluates different government legislations which are developed for controlling fracking practices in UK. In this regard, Petroleum Act 1988 has identified as one the most important legislations that controls licensing and various other operations of Oil and gas production through Petroleum Exploration and Development licence. Furthermore, Infrastructure act 2015 influences shale oil and gas in order to carry out systematic monitoring of groundwater near the fracking site (Edward and et.al., 2015). By using Health and Safety act, government TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ONLINE ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA
authorities have enforced different regulations in order to ensure safety and security of employees. Conclusion On the basis of above research, it can be concluded that fracking is identified as most important aspect of shale oil and gas production. It plays vital role for meeting requirement of clean energy. By using high tech equipment and technology along with proper government legislation, different aspects of fracking can be controlled to increase production by ensuring safety of environment. Recommendation With reference to above evaluation, some recommendation are suggested associated with shale gas production. Shale oil and production needs to apply appropriate techniques of fracking that could reduce the chances of earthquakes. In addition, government authorities should have to develop proper controlling and monitoring measures or legislation as per the distinct needs of fracking operations for handling shale gas production ethical manners. This elements will increase safety of environment along with employees from fracturing activities. TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ONLINE ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA
REFERENCE Journals and Books Burns, B. R., 2008. Introduction to Research Method. 4th ed., Pearson Education. Everett, R. and et.al., 2012. Energy systems and sustainability: power for a sustainable future. Oxford Univerity Press. Hill, M., 2014. Shale gas regulation in the UK and health implications of fracking. The Lancet. 383(9936). pp.2211-2212. Jaspal, R. and Nerlich, B., 2014. Fracking in the UK press: Threat dynamics in an unfolding debate. Public Understanding of Science. 23(3). pp.348-363. Kovats, S. and et. al., 2014. The health implications of fracking. The Lancet. 383(9919). pp.757- 758. Manion L., Cohen, L., and Morrison, K., 2007. Research methods in education. Routledge. Olah, G. A., Goeppert, A. and Prakash, G. S., 2011. Beyond oil and gas: the methanol economy. John Wiley & Sons. Rahm, D., 2011. Regulating hydraulic fracturing in shale gas plays: The case of Texas. Energy Policy. 39(5). pp.2974-2981. Tissot, B. and Welte, D., 2012. Petroleum formation and occurrence: a new approach to oil and gas exploration. Springer Science & Business Media. Online Developing Onshore Shale Gas and Oil – Facts about ‘Fracking’. 2013. [Pdf]. Available through:<https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/2 65972/Developing_Onshore_Shale_Gas_and_Oil__Facts_about_Fracking_131213.pdf>[ Accessed on 9th Sept. 2015]. Edward, W. and et.al., 2015. Shale gas and fracking. [Pdf]. Available through:<https://www.google.co.in/url? sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0CE0QFjA GahUKEwiVqsCv0OnHAhUTGY4KHQlBAfM&url=http%3A%2F %2Fwww.parliament.uk%2Fbriefing-papers TOLL-FREE NO: +61 879057034 EMAIL: help@assignmentprime.com WHATSAPP NO: +61 450461655 WEBSITE: www.assignmentprime.com ONLINE ASSIGNMENT HELP SERVICES IN AUSTRALIA
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