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A Wrapper-Based Approach to Image Segmentation and Classification

A Wrapper-Based Approach to Image Segmentation and Classification. Michael E. Farmer , Member, IEEE, and Anil K. Jain , Fellow, IEEE. 大綱. Introduction Overview of the approach Experiment: Vision-Base airbag suppression application

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A Wrapper-Based Approach to Image Segmentation and Classification

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  1. A Wrapper-Based Approach to Image Segmentation and Classification Michael E. Farmer, Member, IEEE, and Anil K. Jain, Fellow, IEEE

  2. 大綱 • Introduction • Overview of the approach • Experiment: Vision-Base airbag suppression application • Experimental result

  3. Introduction

  4. Traditional processing • The traditional processing flow for image-based pattern recognition consists of image segmentation followed by classification.

  5. Three limitations of traditional processing • The object of interest “should be uniform and homogeneous with respect to some characteristic” and “adjacent regions should be differing significantly” • There are few metrics available for evaluating segmentation algorithms • Inability to adapt to real-world changes

  6. The contributions in this paper • Developing a closed-loop framework for image segmentation to find the best segmentation for a given class of objects by using the shape of the object for classification of the segmented object • Using the probability of correct classification of the object to provide an “objective evaluation of segmented outputs” • The system can adapt to “real-world changes.”

  7. Overview of the approach

  8. Wrapper-Based Approach • Wrap the segmentation and the classification together, and use the classifier as the metric for selecting the best segmentation. • Using the classifier to intelligently re-assemble to solve over-segmented problem. • The classification is correct when the minimum distance between the classification of the candidate segmentation and one of the desired pattern classes < T

  9. Traditional vs Wrapper-Base

  10. Experiment: Vision-Base airbag suppression application

  11. Problem Infant or Adult

  12. Challenges • Nonuniform illumination • Poor image contrast • Shadows and highlights • Occlusions • Sensor noise • Background clutter

  13. Variability for the infant class

  14. Variability for the infant class

  15. Proposed approach

  16. Preliminary Segmentation • Reduce the number of blobs that must be processed. • Once the correlation value for each region is determined, an adaptive threshold is applied, and any region that falls below the threshold is considered a part of the foreground.

  17. Preliminary Segmentation

  18. Preliminary Segmentation

  19. RegionLabeling • Using the EM algorithm with a fixed number of components, and then rely on the classification accuracy to determine if more components are required. • Merging the very small blobs by mode filter • Merging any regions that are smaller then 20 pixels in size with their larger neighbors

  20. RegionLabeling Results

  21. RegionLabeling Results

  22. Blob Combiner • We have framed the blob combiner problem as one of blob selection, where there exists a subset of blobs that will provide the highest classification accuracy for a given pattern class • Forward selection mode • Backward selection mode

  23. Blob Combiner( plus-L, minus-R algorithm )

  24. Blob Combiner ( plus-L, minus-R algorithm )

  25. Feature Extraction

  26. Feature Extraction

  27. Acceleration Methods for Feature Extraction: • Precompute the moments for each blob • Compute the moments using only the local neighborhood of each blob. • Attain over a ten thousand-fold reduction in processing for each moment calculated.

  28. : class - A points : class - B points : point with unknown class Feature 2 Circle of 1 - nearest neighbor The point is class B via 1-NNR. Feature 1 Classification of Blob Combinations • Using the nearest neighbor classifier to compute classification distance

  29. Proposed approach

  30. Demonstrating

  31. Demonstrating

  32. Demonstrating



  35. Correct segmentations

  36. Incorrect segmentation

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