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Course 7: utilities and integration

Course 7: utilities and integration. Digitize log program. Define curve type. Wavelet Editor amplitude freq and phase can be edited separately save reference points wihcu. Change spectrum to observe influence on wavelet. Selecting the required omponend icon allows you to do the editing.

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Course 7: utilities and integration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Course 7: utilities and integration

  2. Digitize log program

  3. Define curve type

  4. Wavelet Editor amplitude freq and phase can be edited separately save reference points wihcu

  5. Change spectrum to observe influence on wavelet

  6. Selecting the required omponend icon allows you to do the editing

  7. Batch Manager schedule and run processes later

  8. Fill Patterns create your own patterns

  9. Previous the pattern you develop

  10. Rebuild work area list: creates a new work area .lst file usually created auto when well is imported

  11. Project mode control: probably will not use since no standalone keys

  12. Log M Integration

  13. Switch to project mode: DC Utilities > Project Mode Control (from the drop down list) > Launch Yes to switch

  14. Wells transferred from discovery to logM

  15. Click on the file menu in the logM well editor

  16. Select buld transfer collowed by > from Discovery to logM workspace

  17. Transfer from disc to logM

  18. File > Bulk transfer > fr0m Log M Workspace Trnasferred into discovery workspace and associated with UWI and API logs velocity etc can be transferred back to Discovery

  19. You can send wells from logM well editor or model builder >

  20. Click on well spots

  21. On cross section window select well-to well Click on wells then click in blan area to initiate the model builder

  22. Change to projected mode

  23. Use to immediately generate 2d trace models in the model builder

  24. Top of the madison group with many wells note producing wells in highs and lows Need stratigraphic modeling

  25. Madison and Torquay horizons picked in seisvision are displayed in the logM Well editor

  26. Note the mismatch using logm time alignment, stretch squeeze we can do much better Synthetic is giving a much stronger peak in the Bakken Wavelet phase and freq must match that in the data. We will use the wavelet extraction shaping filter to obtain a much better match

  27. Original synthetic Use fluid substitution model

  28. Note the presence of slight peak in the synthetic with oil as the pore fluid Next we will examine the influence of water versions of the sonic and density with the extracted wavelet. Note that this peak disappears.

  29. Now wel will attempt to quant results with 2D strat modeling

  30. water oil water

  31. We will thicken the oil sand. Launch the middle well in the logm well editor We will use the multicurve stretch squeeze function to thicken the Bakken sand by about 5 meters

  32. We can now conclude that both oil (rather than water in the zone) and thickening of the oil zone produce increased amplitude

  33. Save back to cross section > auto updated > now out of sync> RMB on traces > regenerate traces

  34. Use view model in seisvision we can have the trace model show up in a second vertical trace window

  35. We can use the create correlation polygon option from the pop-up menu to overlay the thickened Bakken sand on other various locations on our seismic to attempt to discover other prospective drilling locations

  36. Notice the southwest to northeast thickening of the Madison to Torquay interval > open arbitrary line

  37. Shows the peak of the Bakken sand over it’s extend across the field >2D models > high am best oil targets

  38. The End

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