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Economic Surplus in Hine Estate, 1501-1504: How Much was There and Who Got What?. 1501-1504 年における日根荘の経済的余剰:その額と得をしたのは誰か. I. Taxes, in all their variety. a. 年貢 , nengu, annual tax
Economic Surplus in Hine Estate, 1501-1504: How Much was There and Who Got What? 1501-1504 年における日根荘の経済的余剰:その額と得をしたのは誰か
I. Taxes, in all their variety a. 年貢, nengu, annual tax b. 段銭, tansen, initially an extraordinary tax based on unit of land, the tan, 991 sq. meters; temple “tax-free land” included c. 半済, hanzei, warrior “half-tax” for military needs d. 加地子, kajishi, supplemental land tax or supplemental rent (文亀二年十月六日)根来寺ニ所買得之加地子、悉従守護陥落 Bunki 2/10/6, The kajishi tax that had been bought by Negoroji was completely confiscated by the shugo.
e. 夫銭, busen, taxes paid in lieu of corvee Bunki 2/10/30: “However, as for the taxes paid in lieu in corvee, a three-month portion is due within the year. [We ask] that you pardon the remaining portion. In making this request we agree that from next year we will not be negligent in the least in paying the various levies [to his lordship].” (文亀二年十月三十日)但夫銭之事ハ当年中ニ三ヶ月分沙汰可申候。相残分ハ相閣候て可被下候、如此申入候上者、来年より時々の成物等不可有無沙汰候。
(文亀元年五月十六日)者在利自日根野参候。昨日依召也。申云。去二月彼岸銭事此間加催促、今朝且納之了。今耕作時分百姓等難儀之時分也。来月中令延引者可畏存之由雖詫言申、不可叶由仰付、小々如此沙汰云々。神妙之由仰之。来月ハ反銭事又可催促条、於彼岸銭者不可延引也。(文亀元年五月十六日)者在利自日根野参候。昨日依召也。申云。去二月彼岸銭事此間加催促、今朝且納之了。今耕作時分百姓等難儀之時分也。来月中令延引者可畏存之由雖詫言申、不可叶由仰付、小々如此沙汰云々。神妙之由仰之。来月ハ反銭事又可催促条、於彼岸銭者不可延引也。 Bunki 1/5/16, In other matters, Aritoshi came from Hineno; I had summoned him yesterday. He said that “he had been urging [the farmers] recently to pay the second month equinoctial tax, and just this morning had collected it, but incompletely. Because this is the planting season, it is a difficult time for the farmers. They petitioned him, saying that if the collection of this tax could be put off until the middle of next month, they would be much obliged, but Aritoshi had told them this couldn’t be done, and so he had been able to accomplish just this.” I told him that this was fine. Next month, the tansenwould be due, so the higantax can not be postponed.
Accounting Document for Hineno Village Equinoctial Week Tansen (Bunki 1) Of the total of 1 kan 300 mon: (but this is just what remains minus the unproductive land) 200 mon beans for the horses, 5/15 150 mon dishware: five trays, 5/17 100 mon borrowed by Aritoshi, same 72 mon sea bream, four slabs 30 mon sea eel, four lengths 500 mon rice payment, monthly expense 50 mon sugiwara [paper], 2 quires, 5/28 24 mon various paper, 2 quires, same 10 mon jars/drinkware?, one pair 50 mon teabowl, one 8 mon ladles, two 20 mon straw mat Total above, 1 kan, 390 mon Aritoshi (cipher) Nagamori (cipher) 日根野村彼岸銭算用之状 (文亀元年) 合壱貫三百文内 但不作分引候て残分也 二百文 馬ノ大豆 五月十五日 百五十文 こき(御器) 五膳 五月十七日 百文 在利借用申候, 同日 七十二文 ひたい(干鯛) 四まい(枚) 卅文 はむ(鱧) 四すち (筋) 五百文 米代 御在庄用 五十文 杉原 ニてう(帖) 五月廿八日 廿四文 雑紙 ニてう 同日 十文 こせう(壺觴) 一両 五十文 御茶椀 一ツ 八文 杓 二ツ 廿文 御莚 以上壱貫三百九文 (石井) 在利 (花押) (信濃小路) 長盛 (花押)
g. 閏月段銭, urūzuki tansen, intercalary tansen tax (永正元年十一月十一日)従殿下被注送云。依当閏月之年境内段銭被相懸云々。 Eishō 1/11/11, Denka [Kujō Hisatsune] sent a message. Since this is a year with an intercalary month, there will be an extraordinary tansen tax imposed within keidai [境内、けいだい, refers to Kujō lands in Yamashiro, Higashi Kujō estate]
II. Big harvest; drumming of bellies! (永正元年正月一日)当秋之満作、万民有鼓腹之楽、云々。 Eishō 1/7/1, “This autumn the rice heads are full, and the people are drumming their bellies with joy, I have heard.“
These were the questions--whether we should execute him immediately or summon the accusers and have them face off in court with the accused--that were running through my mind when word came that that ShōenUma had secretly sent word that he would send 20 kanmonas payment [for his crime]. He also said the would provide a written confession of his guilt. For the villagers to accept a payment in exchange for dismissing a crime of thievery would be an affront to their honor, completely inappropriate. Tonight is the 28th. I gave instructions that early tomorrow [Shōen] is to be executed by decapitation. (永正元年三月二十八日)此上ハ可切歟、又訴人召出テ可令対決歟之由廻思慮之処、彼正円右馬内々献料ヲ廿貫文可沙汰由申之。然上者白状之儀也。以献銭可閣盗人成敗事、地下外聞尤後難不可然。今夜廿八日也。明日早旦可切頸之由仰付了。
List of paddies 1) dai, 40 bu [大 (dai) = 2/3s of a tan], in Matsushita [Iriyamada]; daisemachi [field division] 2) 20 buFurukaito land [Iriyamada] 3) half a tan, in Shimotaira [Iriyamada] 4) 90 bu, same area 5) 80 bu, paddy in the mountains 6) 150 bu, in Tsuchimaru [Iriyamada], “lower mouth” region 7) 90 bu, dry fields Shō’en’s residential land within minamikaito Residential land 1) half a tan, in Wakasaki 2) 60 bu, in Shitarukuchi [within Iriyamada] 3) 40 bu, in the Daiwa kubo [Iriyamada, Ōgi] Eishō 1/i3/3 田之分日記 大四十歩松下ニアリ、大セマチ 廿歩フルカイトノツホ 半下タイラニアリ 九十歩オナシツホ 八十歩ヤマノ田 百五十歩ツチマルニアリ、下ルクチ 又 九十歩ハタケアリ 正円之南カイト 屋敷分ハ 半若崎ニアリ 六十歩シタルクチニアリ 四十歩大ワノクホニアリ 永正元甲子閏三月三日
(永正元年閏三月三日)此下地売買過分之儀也。先年根来寺御代官之時も、如此之闕所ハ即令没収売取畢、三・四千疋余地也。(永正元年閏三月三日)此下地売買過分之儀也。先年根来寺御代官之時も、如此之闕所ハ即令没収売取畢、三・四千疋余地也。 “There has been too much buying and selling of land and cultivation rights like these. Some years back at the time of the Negorojiintendant, this sort of confiscation of land occurred, and the result was that it was taken and sold. This land is worth 3000 or 4000 hikior more.”
IV. Negoroji placard expenses, Bunki 2/9/12 首礼ニ毎度百疋,initial offering of 100 hiki, each time 札之代百疋、二枚取之,the cost of the edict boards, 200 hiki each 惣分之樽 十荷, casks of sake for the general body of monks, 10 hoists 内談之輩十余人太刀之代以下貳千余疋, sword money for the 10-plus members of the “inner group,” over 2000 hiki
Bunki 2/9/12, I again spoke to Nagamori. “In short, clearly the villages of Sano, Ibara, Kaminogō, Kumatori, Shinge, and Kijima have entrusted goods, as well as cattle and horses, with Iriyamada in numbers beyond counting. If an enemy army decides to set up camp here [in Iriyamada], none of those goods will remain safely here. Because their property has been protected through my mediation, as for the necessary funds, it makes sense to discuss having these [neighboring towns help with the repayment], does it not?” (文亀二年九月十二日)重而長盛ニ仰云、所詮佐野・井原・上郷・熊取・新花・木嶋以下此入山田中ニ所預之財物・牛馬等不可得員数歟。敵軍取陣者不可遺一物。以本所之扱無事之条、件用分事如然之方ヲモ可仰合哉
秘計申料足事 合壱貫参百文者 右御在庄用として被借召処也。毎月貫別六十文宛加利平、来秋御年貢にても段銭にても直ニ取渡可有返弁之状如件。 文亀四年三月十四日 竹原 判 御所谷源六宮内 Regarding the funds privately raised: In sum, 1 kan 300 mon Regarding the amount to the right borrowed and received [by Lord Kujō] for the purpose of estate expenses. Each month interest will accrue to the extent of 60 mon per kan, and the coming autumn, whether from the income of the annual tax or the tansen tax, the debt will be directly paid off. Such is written and contracted here. Bunki 4/3/14 Takehara seal [To:] Genroku Kunai of the hamlet of Goshodani [Iriyamada]
Bunki 1/7/13, Tonight it was the Funabuchi village members who came to the temple grounds for furyū nenbutsu. After the nenbutsu, they carried out various colorful dances [furyū]. As the performance of countrified peasants, it was certainly interesting. In their learning/understanding, each acted with skill. Whether in movement and bearing or in speech they were equal to the skilled performers of the capital. (文亀元年七月十三日)今夜船淵村之衆風流念仏又来堂之庭、念仏以後尽種々風流。田舎之土民所行可為比興哉之由、成其覚之処、各能作、云風情、云言詞不恥都之能者。
(永正元年六月二十八日)太井関社連歌事去十一日発句下行事、仰付当段銭之処、番頭無沙汰、仍善興等以私之儀沙汰之云々。言語道断次第也。堅仰付状、東方番頭三人五十疋且納之。以其今日重而令沙汰云々。 Eishō 1/6/28, Regarding the Ōizeki shrine renga gathering set for the 11th I prepared the opening verse and instructed that [funds be provided for this] from the present tansen tax. But the bantō were uncooperative. So Zenkō, etc., covered expenses from his own private funds, I was told. This is an unspeakable development. After I issued harsh orders, the East Side bantō, three in number, brought more or less 50 hiki. And today they apparently tried to raise more, I heard.
Bunki 1/7/6,In other matters, the villagers who were captured in Sano two months previous on the 17th were released and sent back last night at the people’s request--such was the word sent by the Wakasaki bantō. A ransom fee was paid, this according to the shugo’s demands. In short, this was behavior appropriate to a common foot soldier! How unseemly, beyond belief! At this point, when I told them to send immediately, as villagers, a report to Kyoto to Aoki, they responded that this not was a matter of concern for me as lord of the estate. They decided to provide the ransom fee because of a request that parents and children could come [together] for the Urabon festival. (文亀元年七月六日)者去々月十七日於佐野搦取地下人ヲ昨夕自地下乞請テ取返由、若崎之番頭来而申之云々。以代物出之儀、守護沙汰之次第、併可謂足軽風情之所作也。慮外〜〜。早々京都へ為地下青木二可令注進之由仰付之処、為上之御届ニテハ無之、以代物親子か先盂蘭盆前トテ、乞取之条、
(文亀二年九月一日)抑宗兵衛衆等猶以出張、吉見・海生寺・シンケ.佐野等地下人不謂男女生取了。櫟之井館ヲ退之時、妻女遅ク出テ、根来衆之足軽等捕取畢。以代物百貫可請之由雖懇望、猶不承引、云々。不便〜〜。(文亀二年九月一日)抑宗兵衛衆等猶以出張、吉見・海生寺・シンケ.佐野等地下人不謂男女生取了。櫟之井館ヲ退之時、妻女遅ク出テ、根来衆之足軽等捕取畢。以代物百貫可請之由雖懇望、猶不承引、云々。不便〜〜。 Bunki 2/9/1, On another matter, Sōbei’s men are once again out in force, having attacked Yoshimi, Kaishōji, Shinge, and Sano, taking villagers captive, male and female. [As the shugo official] Ichiinoi was withdrawing from his residence, his wife [or wife and daughter, can be either] was slow and as a result was captured by Negoroji foot soldiers. Though he earnestly requested that they be freed for a ransom of 100 kan, they wouldn’t accept it, I was told. Unfortunate, unfortunate.
VII. Warrior perspective (文亀元年六月十七日)此間令活計歟、己レト仰テ逃げサマヲ切了。 Bunki 1/6/17, “‘Recently you people have been living too comfortably,’ he said as I was trying to escape but was cut down.”