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TE-09-1313 2 sks Tim Bidang Studi Telekomunikasi Multimedia (Achmad Ansori, Devy Kuswidiastuti, Gatot Kusrahardjo, M Aries Purnomo). Modul – 9 Antena dan Propagasi Gelombang Radio (2). Propagasi Gelombang Radio. radio waves, hertzian waves :
TE-09-1313 2 sks Tim Bidang Studi Telekomunikasi Multimedia (Achmad Ansori, Devy Kuswidiastuti, Gatot Kusrahardjo, M Aries Purnomo) Modul – 9Antena dan Propagasi Gelombang Radio (2) Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Propagasi Gelombang Radio Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
radio waves, hertzian waves : An electromagnetic wave propagated in space without artificial guide and having by convention a frequency lower than 3 000 GHz. Note : The electromagnetic waves having frequencies around 3 000 GHz may be regarded either as radio waves or optical waves. Propagasi adalah perambatan gelombang melalui suatu media ( udara, air, ruang hampa ) Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Band Frekuensi Radio (ITU) • ELF • SLF • ULF • VLF • LF • MF • HF • VHF • UHF • SHF • EHF 3-30 Hz Extremely Low Frequency 30-300 Hz Super Low Frequency 300 Hz-3 kHz Ultra Low Frequency 3-30 kHz Very Low Frequency 30-300 kHz Low Frequency 300 kHz-3 MHz Medium Frequency 3-30 MHz High Frequency 30-300 MHz Very High Frequency 300 MHz-3 GHz Ultra High Frequency 3-30 GHz Super High Frequency 30-300 GHz Extremely High Frequency Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Band Frekuensi Radio (IEEE)(Alternatif) • P Band 0.23 - 1 GHz • L-Band 1 - 2 GHz • S-Band 2 - 4 GHz • C-Band 4-8 GHz • X-Band 8-12.5 GHz • Ku-Band 12.5-18 GHz • K Band 18-26.5 GHz • Ka Band 26.5-40 GHz • U Band 40-60 GHz Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Sistem Komunikasi Radio yang sederhana Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Atmosfir dari Bumi Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Troposphere : The lower part of the Earth’s atmosphere extending Upwards from the Earth’s surface, in which temperature decreases with height except in local layers of temperature inversion. This part of the atmosphere extends to an altitude of about 9 km at the Earth’s poles and 17 km at the equator. Stratosphere : 20 – 50 km Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Ionosphere : That part of the upper atmosphere characterized by the presence of ions and free electrons mainly arising from photo-ionization, the electron density being sufficient to produce significant modification of the propagation of radio waves in certain frequency bands. Note : The Earth’s ionosphere extends approximately from a height of 50 km to a height of 2 000 km. Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Mekanisme perambatan Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Ground wave : A radio wave basically determined by the properties of the ground which propagates in the troposphereand which is mainly due to diffraction around the Earth. A ground wave is composed of two separate component waves- the surface waveand the space wave The surface wave travels along the surface of the ground. A surface wave flows the curvature of the Earth due to the process of diffraction. The space wave follows two distinct paths from transmitting antenna to receiving antenna--one through the air directly to the receiving antenna (direct wave or path), and the other reflected from the ground to the receiving antenna (ground-reflected wave or path). Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Propagasi Gelombang Tanah (Ground Wave/Surface wave) Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Propagasi Gelombang Tanah (Ground Wave / Surface Wave) • Mengikuti contour bumi • Dapat merambat pada jarak tertentu • Frekuensi sampai 2 MHz • Contoh : • Gelombang Radio AM, Komunikasi untuk navigasi, Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Space wave propagation Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
line-of-sight propagation : Propagation between two points for which the direct ray is sufficiently clear of obstacles for diffraction to be of negligible effect. free-space propagation : Propagation of an electromagnetic wave in a homogeneous ideal dielectric medium which may be considered of infinite extent in all directions. Note : For propagation in free space, the magnitude of each vector of the electromagnetic field in any given direction from the source beyond a suitable distance determined by the size of the source and the wavelength is proportional to the reciprocal of the distance from the source. Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Impedance of free space : The impedance of free space, Z0, is a physical constant relating the magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields of electromagnetic radiation travelling through free space. That is, Z0 = |E|/|H|, where |E| is the electric field strength and |H| magnetic field strength. The impedance of free space equals the product of the vacuum permeability Ɛ0 or magnetic constant μ0 and the speed of light in a vacuum c; its value is approximately 376.73031 ohms Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
There are numerous other synonyms, including: • intrinsic impedance of vacuum, • intrinsic impedance of free space, • the vacuum impedance, Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Fresnel zones : If unobstructed, radio waves will travel in a straight line from the transmitter to the receiver. But if there are obstacles near the path, the radio waves reflecting off those objects may arrive out of phase with the signals that travel directly and reduce the power of the received signal. On the other hand, the reflection can enhance the power of the received signal if the reflection and the direct signals arrive in phase. Sometimes this results in the counterintuitive finding that reducing the height of an antenna increases the signal-to-noise ratio. Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Fn = The nth Fresnel Zone radius in metres d1 = The distance of P from one end in metres d2 = The distance of P from the other end in metres λ = The wavelength of the transmitted signal in metres Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Propagasi Line-of-Sight (diatas 30 MHz) Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Propagasi Line-of-Sight • Sinyal pada VHF dan range yang lebih tinggi tidak selamanya dapat dikembalikan ke bumi oleh ionosphere • Kebanyakan komunikasi terrestrial menggunakan frekuensi-frekuensi yang diradiasikan langsung dari pemancar ke penerima • Tipe propagasi ini disebut propagasi gelombang ruang (space-wave), garis pandang (line-of-sight), atau propagasi troposfer Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Persamaan Line-of-Sight • LOS, secara optik (Penerima harus bisa melihat pemancar) : • LOS efektif, atau radio (Penerima bisa “melihat” sinyal yang dikirim) : • d = jarak antara antenna dan horizon (km) • h = Tinggi antenna (m) • K = faktor kelengkungan bumi, karena sifat refraksi, misal : K = 4/3 Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Rugi Free Space • Rugi Ruang bebas, antena isotropik ideal • Pt = daya sinyal antena pemancar • Pr = daya sinyal antena penerima • = panjang gelombang carrier • d = jarak propagasi antar antena • c = Kecepatan cahaya (3 10-8 m/s) Dimana d dan sama satuannya (misal: meter) Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Propagasi Line-of-Sight • Pemancar dan Penerima harus dalam garis pandang (line of sight) • Komunikasi satelite – sinyal diatas 30 MHz tidak dipantulkan oleh ionosfer • Komunikasi di Bumi (Terrestrial) – antena harus berada dalam garis effective karena adanya refraksi • Refraksi – pembelokan gelombang mikro oleh atmosfer • Kecepatan gelombang elektromagnetik merupakan fungsi kerapatan medium • Bila gelombang berubah medium, kecepatan akan berubah. • Gelombang akan dibelokkan pada bidang batas antar medium Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Propagasi Gelombang Angkasa (Sky Wave) • Komunikasi jarak-jauh pada band frekuensi tinggi, dimungkinkan karena adanya refraksi didaerah atmosfer yang disebut ionosfer • Ionosfer dibagi menjadi tiga daerah yang disebut lapisan D, E, dan F • Ionisasi berbeda untuk ketinggian diatas bumi yang berbeda dan dipengaruhi oleh waktu (siang-malam) dan aktivitas matahari. Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Ionospheric wave : A radio wave returned to the Earth by ionospheric reflection. Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Propagasi Gelombang Angkasa (Sky Wave, 2 – 30 MHz) • Sinyal dipantulkan dari lapisan ionofer kembali ke bumi • Sinyal dapat menjalar dalam beberapa lintasan, bolak-balik antara ionosfer dan permukaan bumi • Efek pantulan disebabkan oleh refraksi • Contoh : • Radio Amatir • Radio CB Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Mode Propagasi Lainnya • Tropospheric Scatter– memungkinkan peng-gunaan penghamburan (scattering) gelombang radio di lapisan troposfer untuk merambatkan sinyal dalam range frekuensi 250 MHz –5 GHz . Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Sistem Troposcatter di Indonesia Surabaya – Banjarmasin Troposcatter System : Surabaya – G Sandangan ( Madura ) : Line of Sight G Sandangan – G Gerahan Lalang (Madura) : Line of Sight G Gerahan Lalang – G Karamaian ( Kalimantan ) : Troposcatter G Karamaian – Banjarmasin : Line of Sight Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation
Ringkasan Mode Propagasi Anetenna & Radio-Wave Propogation