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This project aims to provide technical assistance for economic analyses within river basin management plans and improve water efficiency in 3 pilot river basins in Turkey. The project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. Contents This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. • 1. Theprojectscope • WHAT SCOPE? Thefocusedcomponents • Component 0. Horizontal activities • Component 1. Development of 3 RBMPs • Component 2. Economic Analysis as required by the WFD. • Component 3. Water Efficiency Improvement. • WHERE? Thefocusedbasins • 2. Theteam
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. Theprojectscope This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 1. WHAT SCOPE? Thefocusedcomponents • Theproblems: • Water resources under strong pressure in terms of both quantity and quality. • Reduced efficiency in the main water consuming sectors: • loss of approximately 60% in the irrigation networks, reluctance of metering the irrigation water • Municipal water distribution system: average leakage ratio of 45% (improvements carried in the Greater Metropolitan municipalities, regular cities to be focused). • Thetooltowardsthesolution: RBMPs according to the WFD • Contractcomponents: • Component 0. Horizontal activities • Component 1. Development of 3 RBMPs • Component 2. Economic Analysis as required by the WFD. • Component 3. Water Efficiency Improvement. 1.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. Theprojectscope This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. • 1. 1. 1. Component 0: Horizontal activities • Project Kick-off and team mobilisation • Public awareness raising / visibility events: kick-off (today) and closure meetings • National workshop for dissemination of project results • Study tours • Teamleadership/ project management, including liaison with the Beneficiary Management Structure 1.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. Theprojectscope This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 1. 2. Component 1. Development of the RBMPs for the Akarçay, Batı Akdeniz and Yeşilırmak River Basin Districts (1/4). Outputs : 3 RBMPs and 3 Programmes of Measures (PoM) 1. Where we are: characterisation 2. Where we want to be (Env. Obj. & demands satisfaction). 3. PoM: to close the gap. • First step: RB diagnosis according to WFD • Characteristics of the river basin districts: • RB Characterisation (including water resources) • WBs Delineation, identification, characterisation, classification • * Surface WB (rivers/lakes/ transitional/ coastal WB; Natural/ prelim. artificial/ preliminary heavily modified) • * Groundwater bodies • Reference conditions NOTE: Economic analysis in Component 2. NWB/AWB/HMWB surface water bodies in Konya Closed Basin. Source: http://ribamap.ormansu.gov.tr Groundwater Bodies in Konya Closed Basin. Source: http://ribamap.ormansu.gov.tr 1.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. Theprojectscope This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 1. 2. Component 1. Development of the RBMPs for the Akarçay, Batı Akdeniz and Yeşilırmak River Basin Districts (2/4). • Analysis of significant pressures and the impact of human activity on the status of surface water and groundwater: • pressures and impacts analysis, risk assessment (SWB &GWB); • status classification (NSWB, GWB, protected areas), ecological status (HM &AWB, final designation). • Identify and map protected areas. • Review monitoring programs (surface and groundwater). Risk assessment criteria. 1.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. Theprojectscope This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 1. 2. Component 1. Development of the RBMPs for the Akarçay, Batı Akdeniz and Yeşilırmak River Basin Districts (3/4). • Prepare a list of environmental objectives (SWB, GWB and protected areas): • general objective in all surface and groundwater bodies: good status by a certain year (in Turkey: tentative date is 2033). • Output: technical report on the environmental objectives and related derogations: • extension of deadlines; • less stringent environmental objectives, • temporary deterioration in the status of bodies of water, • new modifications to the physical characteristics of a SWB or failure to prevent deterioration from high status to good status of SWB. • Proposal of measures (2nd step of component 1) and cost analysis (component 2), effect evaluation (models): technical feasibility/ disproportional cost. • Develop a baseline scenario as a result of the previous activities: a basis for identifying supplementary measures, as it reveals the Significant Water Management Issues (SWMI) in the RBs, the major current and foreseeable problems affecting water environmental objectives: • Present scenario • Forecast scenario: Demands, Climate Change, foreseen hydraulic infrastructures and environmental protection, etc. 1.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. Theprojectscope This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 1. 2. Component 1. Development of the RBMPs for the Akarçay, Batı Akdeniz and Yeşilırmak River Basin Districts (4/4). • Secondstep: RBMPs & PoMs • Develop a Program of Measures • Scope: closing the gap between the current and good water status according to Economic Analysis (Component 2) and integrating the main outputs of Component 3. Solve the SWMIs • Inputs: baseline & forecast scenario. • Parallel activity: Develop cost-effective combination of measures to be included in the PoM. • Assist MoFWA in the public information and consultation process, at least 6 months for each step • 1st step: a timetable and work programme for the production of the plan, including a statement of the consultation measures to be taken • 2nd step: after delivery of SWMIs Report (1/RB) • 3rd step: 6 months required for public information of the draft RBMPs • to be done after contract completion 1.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1 Theprojectscope This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. • 1. 1. 3. Component 2: Economic Analysis as required by the WFD (1/2) • WFD key economic principles: • Member States shall take account of the principle of recovery of the costs of water services, in accordance with the “polluter pays” principle. • A must: applying economic analysis in the management of water resources and assessing both the cost-effectiveness and overall costs of alternatives in decision making. Linked with components 1 and 3. • Prepare economic analysis of water uses: • Data compilation and analysis • Socio-economic profile of the RBs • Water uses & Demands per socio-economic sector (Urban, Industrial, Agriculture, Livestock, energy): present and forecast. 1. Spatial distribution of irrigated areas in Büyük Menderes Basin. Source: http://ribamap.ormansu.gov.tr
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. Theprojectscope This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. • 1. 1. 3. Component 2: Economic Analysis as required by the WFD (2/2) • Make calculations necessary for taking the principle of costs recovery of water services: • Assess the financial rate of cost recovery ( investment and O&M costsvs revenues –tariffs-). • Identify environmental and resource costs. • Clarify the mechanism of cost recovery. • Assess the rate of cost recovery, possible exemptions. • Identify cost distribution for users and polluters. • Analysis of water pricing policies (related to Component 3). • Develop cost-effective combination of measures to be included in the PoM (related to Component 1) • Assess the needs for / perform CBA of PoM • Assess socioeconomic implications of PoM • Perform scan of economic analysis already conducted for on-going project integrating lessons learned from on-going contract • Draft a Guidance on Economic Analysis 1.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. Theprojectscope This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. • 1. 1. 4. Component 3: WaterEfficiencyImprovement • Focusedsectors: • Municipal water supply and sewage management • Industrial uses • Agricultural demands (74% of allocated national water resources) • Workshops • Municipal water supply and wastewater management efficiency and pricing • Industrial water management efficiency and pricing • Agricultural water management efficiency and pricing • Capacity to pay! Component 2 • Methodology on Pricing Drinking Water Supply and Waste Water Management • Feasibility studies & Detailed Action Plans on the improvement of water efficiency in 3 areas • Water supply and wastewater management: preliminary proposal Muğla Metropolitan Municipality (BatıAkdeniz RB). • Industrial water supply and wastewater management: preliminary proposal: Samsun Central Organised Industrial Zone (OIZ), in Yeşilırmak RB, and the largest industrial zone. • Agricultural water : preliminary proposal “Irrigation Cooperatives Union of Afyon Region”, in Akarçay Closed Basin. • Action Plan on the Improvement of Water Efficiency in Turkey 1.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. Theprojectscope This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. 1. 2. WHERE? Thefocusedbasins Akarçay, a closed (endorheic) river basin: Source: http://geodata.ormansu.gov.tr/i and the RBPAPs. 1. • Mainproblems: • Over-exploitation of groundwater for at least 56% (irrigation: 82,8% of the total water demand) water shortage and drought • Water pollution.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. Theprojectscope This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. Batı Akdeniz basin (West Mediterranean Basin) : • Estimated allocated water demand 219 Hm³/year: 5,6% of the total average exploitable water. Source: http://geodata.ormansu.gov.tr/i and the RBPAPs. 1. • Mainproblems (accordingtoRBPAPs): • Water pollution, mostly due to seasonal variation of pollution loads produced by summer tourism.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 1. Theprojectscope This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. Yeşilırmak basin : • Estimated water demand 909 Hm³/year: 21,8% of the total average exploitable water. Source: http://geodata.ormansu.gov.tr/i and the RBPAPs. 1. • Mainproblems (accordingtoRBPAPs): • Water pollution; main pressures: widespread agriculture and animal farming, untreated domestic and industrial wastewaters, solid waste dumping sites, erosion around the dam lakes and rivers and gravel mining on river beds.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 2. Theteam This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. • Contractsignature date: 29/5/2017 • Contractstarting date: 29/5/2017 !!!! • Key Experts • Team Leader / Senior River Basin Management Expert. Rosa MONZÓ. • MSc. in Civil Engineering, MSc. in Political Sciences • 18 years of professional experience in the environmental and hydraulic field: • * implementation of several RBMPs in accordance with WFD (Júcar River Basin, 43.000 km²; 5,7 millions inhabitants). • * TL/PM: FS and DD of hydraulic infrastructures (waterways and water conduits, channels, dams, hydropower schemes, water supply and sewage networks and systems), high expertise in hydraulic infrastructure for irrigation, water supply, sanitation and flood regulation PoM • Senior Environmental Economics Expert. Spartak KEREMIDCHIEV. • M.Sc. and PhD in Economics. • >20 years experience in preparation of economic analysis of water use, cost recovery assessment, cost-effectiveness CBA, investment project budgets in the water sector: • * Strong specialisation in the water sector modernisation and water utility restructuring. • * Experience in river basin management planning in accordance with the WFD and Floods Directive. 2.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. 2. Theteam This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. • Senior Water Efficiency Expert. José Alberto COLINO. • MSc. In Agricultural Engineering, MSc. in Applied Geography (Natural Resources and Environmental Studies), PhD. in Engineering (Projects and Rural planning) • > 30 years experience in the water governance and engineering sectors in Europe, Central America, USA and Middle East: • * Experience with water utilities both at the client´s side (ACUAES, during 12 years) and the Consultant´s side. Experience in measures for the assessment and improvement of the water efficiency use, economical and financial evaluation of the water sector and cost recovery. • * Experience in the planning, design and follow-up of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the water use in accordance with the WFD, particularly in the agriculture sector. • 9 Non Key Experts, 3 have already been proposed for approval: • NKE1 - River Basin coordinator Akarçay • NKE2 - River Basin coordinator BatiAkdeniz • NKE3 - River Basin coordinator Yesihrmak 2.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC ANALYSES WITHIN RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANS AND WATER EFFICIENCY ASPECTS IN 3 PILOT RIVER BASINS IN TURKEY. Contact This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. • Key Expert 1: Team Leader / Senior River Basin Management Expert: TYPSA • Rosa MONZÓ ENGUIX • rmonzo@typsa.com