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There are some problems that arise in almost all the electronic products that you possess. Majority of the people employ technicians for even the simpler error / problems that arise. By applying the few steps you can eliminate the most common problems and AC maintenance can be done without hiring a skilled mechanic thus saving you money.<br>
Info PR: ? I: ? L: ? LD: ? I: ? Rank: ? Age: ? I: ? Tw: ? l: ? +1: ? whois (http://whois.domaintools.com/www.houkac.com?utm_source=seoquake&utm_medium=seoquake&utm_campaign=seoquake) (http://www.houkac.com/wp) (http://www.facebook.com/pages/HOUKAirConditioningInc/241441135923644) (http://www.twitter.com/) q=Houk+Air+Conditioning+Inc,+128+Fairview+Street,+Arlington,+TX,+USA&hl=en&ll=32.739133,97.085559&spn=0.009458,0.021136&sll=37.0625,95.677068&sspn=36.452734,86.572266&oq=houk&hq=Houk+Air+Conditioning+Inc,&hnear=128+Fairview+St,+Arlington,+Texas+76010&t=m&z=16&iwloc=A) Common Air Conditioner Problems (http://www.houkac.com/category/commonairconditioner problems/) Posted on August 12, 2015 (http://www.houkac.com/category/commonairconditionerproblems/) by Prasoon Gupta (http://www.houkac.com/category/author/prasoon/) There are some problems that arise in almost all the electronic products that you possess. Majority of the people employ technicians for even the simpler error / problems that arise. By applying the below mentioned steps you can eliminate the most common problems and AC maintenance can be done without hiring a skilled mechanic thus saving you money. Improper Operation: The first and foremost problem is improper operation. A host of people tend to neglect the fact that the windows and doors of the rooms are open while the AC is running (http://houkac.com). Hence to maintain cooling atmosphere, it’s advised to keep all the doors and windows shut so that the cooling doesn’t flow out. Improper maintenance: Other common problems exist are faulty installation, poor service procedures, and (http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/maintainingyourairconditioner). Improper installation of a central air conditioner can result in leaky ducts and low airflow. It’s very important to inadequate maintenance
properly charge the refrigerant during installation as the performance and efficiency of the unitproperly charge the refrigerant during installation as the performance and efficiency of the unit is directly vary with this procedure.Get an update as to what you need to brief before you hire a technician for the maintenance. Buy high quality AC: Another important tip of AC maintenance (http://www.houkac.com/fort worthtexasairconditionerandheatingrepairserviceandmaintenance/)for (http://www.houkac.com/fortworthtexasairconditionerandheatingrepairserviceand maintenance/) residents is to first buy a good quality air conditioner. Many manufacturers use rugged, high quality products. If your air conditioner is not running smoothly, first check if any circuit has broken or fuse has taken place.These are ideal scenarios which you all might have faced: On a hot summer afternoon due to high/ low voltage, central air conditioner’s compressor stops and the highpressure limit switch may have tripped. You need to reset it by pushing the button, located in the access panel of the compressor. Fort Worth Refrigerant Leaks: There are times when your air conditioner is low on refrigerant due to leakage. In this scenario you should call a trained technician who can fix it, test the repair, and then charge the system with the correct amount of refrigerant. The efficacy of the AC can be maintained when the refrigerant charge exactly matches the manufacturer’s specification and is adequately charged (neither undercharged nor overcharged). Inadequate Maintenance: Make sure that your filters and air conditioning coils are clean, if there are dust particulates; it will affect the efficiency of the AC and will not work properly. It will put pressure on the compressor and fans are likely to fail prematurely. Electric Control Failure: Another important aspect in the maintenance of the AC is to ensure that the AC is not turned on and turned off frequently. In such a case, this puts pressure on the compressor and fan controls can wear out.
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