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Explore Shakespeare's Macbeth, a tragedy of ambition, witchcraft, and regicide, set in Scotland under King James I's rule. Follow Macbeth's rise to power, Lady Macbeth's manipulations, and the tragic downfall of the characters. Analyze themes, characters, and the final scene to understand the essence of this classic play.
MACBETH Macbeth isone of the four best tragediesincludingOthello, Hamlet and King Lear, written by William Shakespeare Itwaswrittenwhenkingof Englandwas James I (he wasJames VI of Scotland) and Shakespeare ‘s aimwas to flatterhim
KING JAMES I The company of William Shakespeare changeditsname from «The Lord Chamberlain’smen» into«The King’s men» during James I ’ s reign Macbeth is set in Scotland and James I wasborn in Scotland In thistragedy the ancestors of James I can be identifiedwith Banquo’schildren
KING JAMES I Moreover Shakespeare dealtwith the themes of witchcraft and supernaturaleventsbecauseking James I wasveryinterested in witchcraft and he practisedit. So the theme of witchcraftisanotherexample of flattery
MACBETH Macbeth is a very short tragedy and itisnotevenloved by companies of act0rs thatperfomit, becauseitbringsbadluck and actorsavoid to repeatlines or even the title of the tragedyoutside the stage.
THEMES Macbeth ischaracterized by severalthemessuchas: Ambition Witchcraft Regicide
MACBETH: The plot Macbeth is the thane of Glamisbutafter a battlecoming back home with anotherthanewhosenameis Banquo , he meetsthreewitches
MACBETH: The plot After the prophecy he isappointedthane of Cawdor by King Duncan. Thus Macbeth starts to believethat the prophecymay come true and that he maybecomeking of Scotland.
Lady Macbeth Macbeth sendshiswife a lettertellingabout the threewitches and theirprophecy . He plans with hiswife the murder of king Duncan. In the first part of tragedy Lady Macbeth isstronger and more ambitousthanherhusband. Shestirs up Macbeth to kill the king , likeEvethat led Adam to commit the original sin.
Duncan’ s murder Lady Macbeth organisesDuncan’s murder . Macbeth kills Duncan but he isworried, he isfrightened by his crime and he takeshisdaggers with him. He should go back to Ducan’s room and he shouldleave the bloodyswordnearDucan’swatchersbut he refuses to do it His wifetakes the bloodysword and putsit in the hands of the watchers.
DUNCAN Duncan hastwosons: Donalbain and Malcom. Theyleave Scotland becausethey are consideredguilty of theirfather’s murder. Thus Macbeth becomesking of Scotland and the prophecycomestrue.
BANQUO Macbeth isafraid of Banquo as he is the witness of the threewitches ‘s prophecy. He couldsuspect he hasmurdered the king, so he hirestwo killers to murder Banquo thatiskilled by them. Buttheydon’tkillBanquo’s son. Meanwhilethereis the so-calledcoronation party duringwhich Macbeth seesBanquo’sghost and he isscared by it.
MACBETH: THE SECOND PART In the second part of thistragedy Macbeth becomesstronger and strongerwhilehiswifebecomesweaker and weaker. Shefeelsremorse , shecan’tsleepanylonger, sheis a sleepwalker and sheseesherhandsstained with kingDuncan’sblood,shebecomesmad and shecommits suicide
MACBETH: THE SECOND PART Macbeth is more and more violent and ambitious . Meanwhile the thanes of Scotland doubtabouthissuccession to the throneand join Malcom’sarmyagainsthim. Macbeth goes back to the threewitches and he wantsthem to tellhimanotherprophecy.
THE PROPHECY The witchestellhimthat no onewillkimhimifborn from woman and he willnever be killeduntil the Birnamwoodwillarriveathiscastle
MACDUFF Macbeth sendshissoldiers to kill Macduff, anotherthanethatisjoiningMalcom’sarmy to fightagainsthim. The soldiersdon’tfindhimbuttheykillallhis family, so Macduff must revengeit. Together with Malcolm and Donalbain theymovetowardsMacbeth’scastle.
Macbeth sees from the top of hiscastleMacduff’sarmyarriving. The soldiershavecoveredthemselves with branches of the trees of the wood so itseemsthat the woodismovingtowardshiscastle.
THE FINAL SCENE Macduff wasn’tborn from a woman in a natural way but with surgicalinstruments so, Macbeth iskilled by Macduff. Malcolm, Ducan’sson , becomesking of Scotland.
THE MONOLOGUE In this soliloquy Macbeth demonstrates consistently the cold loneliness in his soul, a desolation and lack of hope in his being showing the entire trajectory of the character, who after committing the murder, goes from outrage and remorse to bitternessand gradually reaches a pathological stage of apathy