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NASREDDIN HODJA. What If It Happens !!!. Nasreddin Hoca goes to his field in a nice summer morning . He works until midday . The weather is so nice….
Nasreddin Hoca goesto his field in a nice summermorning. He worksuntilmidday. Theweather is so nice…
He decidestogoback his homebywalkingbythe Lake Akşehir. Thegrass is sogreen, the lake is soblue.. Thebirdsaresinginghappily…
He sitsbythe lake. And he feels a bit hungry. He has gotsomethingtoeat in his pack. He takesthefood, there is a pot of yogurtwiththefood. He eats his food.
There is someyogurtleft in the pot. He beginstopourtheyogurtintothe lake with his spoon. A man is passingby, he sees Hoca andasks: - I hopenothing’swrong Hoca, whyareyoupouringyogurttothe lake?
Hoca smiles: -I amtryingtoleaventhe lake, as yousee. Themanlaughsridiculously: - Oh mydearfrieend, Has a lave ever beenleavened, don’t be silly.
Hoca answers: -Don’t talk likethat. Whatif it happens!!!