Domination of Mobile Apps and Social Sites • The world is rapidly moving towards smart phones. No wonder social media sites and mobile apps will take center stage
Responsive Design • The importance of website being compatible to all the devices can’t be ignored. Moreover it shall be backed with high power
Interface Design • Microsoft and Pinterest are largely responsible for the introduction of Card Based Interface design and trend will pick up even more speed.
Flat Design • No one is untouched with the highly favorite flat design and it is poised to rise more and more in the years to come due to introduction of gadgets with large screens.
Videos • The background and full screen videos give and intriguing touch to the websites. So the trend is here to stay.
Typography • One of the things of critical importance for the web designers is to choose a correct font for the website.
Story Telling • It makes you standout from your competitors. This is the evergreen trend that is here to stay forever.
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