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LARP Accelerator Systems Status & Plans

US LHC Accelerator Research Program. BNL - FNAL- LBNL - SLAC. LARP Accelerator Systems Status & Plans. 19 June 2008 DOE Review, LBNL Tom Markiewicz/SLAC. Overview. By its nature Accelerator Systems encompasses a broad spectrum of projects and lacks the focus of the LARP magnet program

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LARP Accelerator Systems Status & Plans

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  1. US LHC Accelerator Research Program BNL - FNAL- LBNL - SLAC LARP Accelerator Systems Status & Plans 19 June 2008 DOE Review, LBNL Tom Markiewicz/SLAC

  2. Overview • By its nature Accelerator Systems encompasses a broad spectrum of projects and lacks the focus of the LARP magnet program • The only unifying theme is “enhanced LHC luminosity, sooner” • Credit accrues to LARP insofar as we efficiently transfer novel US designs (fabricated by CERN) or deliver actual hardware (hard deliverables) or provide quality personnel to commission hardware or the beam or deliver to LAUC Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  3. Instrumentation – “Ending” Tasks • Can only be considered a success • By end of FY07, collaboration on • Tune & Coupling feedback • Schottky Monitor • AC Dipole • resulted in installed hardware. • In FY08 LARP provided modest support for testing, improvements, software interfaces and commissioning. • In FY09 these tasks may be ended and activity advanced to ‘Beam Commissioning’ although proponents would generally prefer to see “line item” commissioning support Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  4. Instrumentation – “Continuing” Tasks • In FY08 and earlier, major support was provided to • Luminosity Monitor • As this is/will be the first LARP produced hardware installed in LHC • Recent letter from CERN luminosity monitoring group leader raises concern that a CERN-identified “Hard Deliverable” will be late • Response: • Install remaining 2 of 4 detectors, readout boards and cables before FY08 beam (August?) • Major LARP support in FY09, before CY2009 run (April?), to fully complete the system (firmware, software & integration) • Commissioning support during the CY2009 run (deconvolution, crossing angle, luminosity optimization) • Detailed schedule by Task Leader & weekly meetings or reports • Follow-up by LARP management Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  5. Instrumentation – “New” Tasks • Common architecture of LHC and PEP-II LLRF systems and visits of SLAC LLRF team convinces CERN to strongly support a new LLRF Instrumentation task in FY09 • Program: • Adaptation & application of PEP-II configuration and analysis tools to LHC LLRF system • Future: • Indefinite • Cost: • FY08: Travel as a “Beam Commissioning Activity”, ~$35k • FY09: Travel as a fully approved task • Labor provided by SLAC base program, subject to DOE approval Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  6. Collimation – Ending Tasks • By end of FY07 • RHIC Benchmarking of SIXTRACK • MARS-based study of tertiary collimators • Irradiation study of Carbon & Glidcop collimator materials • resulted in presentations & publications • While each of these STUDIES nominally finished, each could have gone on indefinitely but were stooped to create funds for new tasks Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  7. Collimation-Continuing Tasks • Rotatable Collimator Program • Major support ($950k) in FY2008 to Rotatable Collimator program • Looks on-track to ship ‘deliverable’ to CERN mid-2009 • Similar level of support required for FY2009 • Management oversight? • Possible LAUC project depending on CERN prototypes & beam test success • CERN plan to be discussed tomorrow • Crystal Collimation experiment at Tevatron • “High Risk, High Gain” • Challenge to turn experiment from Tevatron-unique to generically applicable science Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  8. Collimation-New Tasks • Crystal Collimation experiment at SPS • Sub-task of “Crystal Collimation” • Synergy with Tevatron • same people • shared hardware, • Low cost $200k + common fund + travel + (salary time?) • Limited duration: over by end 2009 • Designed for single-particle dynamics study and knowledge that could be applicable to LHC Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  9. Accelerator Physics-Ending & Continuing Tasks • None Ending • Very little interest by CERN for continued “academic” studies • Reminder, existing tasks are • Ecloud • Beam-Beam-general • Beam-Beam & Wire compensation • E-lens • Crab Cavity • Minor: Rama Calaga as Toohig fellow provides horsepower • However… • we are trying to package & redirect open-ended simulation “studies” towards specific hardware for LHC Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  10. Accelerator Physics-New Tasks &/or WBS Structure • Ecloud • Simulation • Ecloud control in SPS through RF Feedback • Ecloud control in SPS through Grooved Chambers • Beam-Beam • Simulation • Wire compensation • E-lens • Crab Cavity • Minor: Rama Calaga as Toohig fellow provides horsepower • requesting major increase from $25k to $700k “Blue Sky” • New Initiatives • CRYSTAL at SPS in FY08 • PS2 Studies • Strong CERN interest that LARP participate in Injector “white paper” studies • Uli Wienands (SLAC) assembling a multi-lab proposal Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  11. Proposed US LARP Accelerator System Tasks in FY09 Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  12. FY09: First Cut Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  13. New Initiatives Discussed at CM#10-April 2008 BNL • The initiatives discussed were: • LLRF Studies at LHC • Control of Ecloud Instability in the SPS with Transverse RF Damping • SPS Ecloud Remediation via Grooved and Coated Vacuum Chambers • The CRYSTAL collimation test at SPS • An Optical Diffraction Monitor for LHC • Coherent Electron Cooling for LHC • Collimation Studies at LBNL’s HCX facility • Studies of Intensity Dependent Performance Limits to the LHC Injector Chain • PS2 Studies • Instrumentation Commissioning Proposal • The use of PEP-II “Model Independent Analysis” at LHC • The use of PEP-II “Phase Advance Analysis” at LHC Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  14. LARP ASAC MeetingsBruning, Fischer, Markiewicz, Peggs, Ratti • Initiatives were graded on the following topics with the first three being considered the most important factors. The CERN point of contact canvassed the relevant parties at CERN to gauge CERN interest and committee consensus was reached on the other topics based on CM#10 presentations and supporting documentation. • Impact on LHC luminosity enhancement • Level of interest by CERN • State of art use of physics or technology • Level of institutional collaboration • Time scale • Average yearly cost • University Involvement • Relevance to the US Program • Whether or not the program would be done in any event without LARP funds • Level of CERN resources contributed to the program • Level of non-LARP US resources contributed to the program • Definite end of program with clear definition of deliverable or result Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  15. NI Decisions for Spring 2008 • While the level of support LARP can provide is not yet definite and in most cases less than that requested by the proponents, the LARP ASAC has agreed to: • Create a LLRF Studies task under Instrumentation • Expand the scope of the existing “Electron Cloud” task to include • Ecloud Simulations • SPS Ecloud Feedback • SPS Ecloud vacuum chamber study • Support the CRYSTAL collimation experiment at the SPS as part of the existing Crystal Collimation task • Create a new “PS2 Studies” task under Accelerator Physics whose scope still needs more definition but which will include the proposed intensity limitation to the LHC injector chain performance Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  16. Tabled or Rejected Initiatives • It was agreed that LARP did not have the resources to fund at this time • An Optical Diffraction Monitor for LHC • Coherent Electron Cooling for LHC • Collimation Studies at LBNL’s HCX facility • It is our understanding that the proposal to contribute to LHC instrumentation commissioning (Synchrotron Light Monitor system, Beam loss Monitor system and Luminosity Monitor) will be funded through LARP’s Long Term Visitor program coupled with salary support from the proponent’s home institution. • We suggest that the MIA and Phase Analysis proponents develop similar support at CERN for their studies and/or come to an agreement with the task leader of the continuing AC Dipole task of how to incorporate their studies into that program in at an affordable level. Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  17. Other AS Project Management Decisions • Increase (was $25k in FY08) “New Initiatives” category at beginning of new fiscal year • synonymous with “contingency” or “uncommitted funds” • move from Accelerator Systems to “Project Management” • held by Project manager at DOE, not lab were Task Manager lives • At Fall CM, beginning 2009, entertain proposals for “seed money” for new initiatives from this pot • added as “New Initiatives” (as CRYSTAL at SPS in FY08) • in Spring, as for task sheet & oral report & judge for inclusion in new FY Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  18. Suggestions for Non-Accelerator Systems Procedures • Beam Commissioning • becoming & will become more important as time progresses • in FY08, with cooperation of Elvin Harms, began a “proposal driven” competition for Beam Commissioning funds • Funded SLAC & LBNL SPS Ecloud FB and SLAC LLRF pre-tasks • essentially another pot of “New Initiative” money • Less clear to me what it funded at FNAL; BNL did not propose • In FY09 need to consider • distribution via lab proposals (as in FY’08) • distribution via “finished” tasks (Schottky, AC Dipole, LumMonitor, etc.) • Programmatic Travel • as large/larger than “Beam Commissioning” • currently treated as an entitlement (imho) • suggest a “by-name, by-place, by-duration” scheme be developed to make this as well more “proposal driven” • admittedly difficult to do this well given uncertainties 1 year in advance Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  19. Example of Travel Planning Submitted to Harms Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  20. LHC Accelerator R&D at SLAC LARP Funded Work at SLAC Rotatable Collimators Beam-Beam Simulations Simulations in support of Electron lens Proposals for LHC Work at SLAC LLRF (PEP-II) Commissioning at LHC LLRF (PEP-II) Studies at LHC Electron cloud instability control at SPS through LLRF (w/LBL) Model Independent Analysis (PEP-II) applied to LHC Optics Impedance and Stability at LHC LHC Remote Monitoring @ SLAC Instrument Commissioning (SLM, BLMs and Luminosity Feedback) Phase Advance Data Analysis (PEP-II) Study of Beam-Beam Limit in Hadron Machines Crab Cavity Parameters and Design (ILC) Electron Cloud Suppression through Vacuum Chamber Design (ILC) Discussions underway of which of these proposed R&D activities to pursue and how to fund them Basic FY08 Model: SLAC Salary support w/ LARP Travel Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  21. SLAC Account Numbers for LARP Work: FY08½ Fiscal Year for SLAC ~ 1.6M$/year Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  22. SLAC “New Initiatives”FY08 Travel Funded by LARP Beam Commissioning or Programmatic TravelFY08 Labor Funded by SLAC Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  23. Beyond My Pay Grade • With death of US Program at the energy frontier, there are a lot of US Accelerator physicists looking for interesting topics • LARP has the topics but not the money • Strongly supported by P5 recommendations • I know that this has been discussed in Germantown • Personally I like the model where the DOE core program supports the physicists (labor) and LARP supports the program (engineering, shop, M&S, travel). • Difference between FNAL/SLAC and BNL/LBNL core programs • Work for hire model of temporary LARP support needs discussion • Quite challenging managing LHC Accelerator R&D in labs and via LARP Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  24. Inter-Task Connectivity Within LARP is Good & Getting Better • Electron Cloud • SLAC-LBNL Simulation • SPS work on grooved chambers (SLAC) • SPS LLRF feedback proposals (SLAC/LBNL) • Beam-Beam • Simulations (FNAL/LBNL/SLAC) • Wires (BNL) • E-lens (FNAL) • Luminosity Monitor (LBNL) and Luminosity FB (SLAC) • Crab Cavity System Design (ALL LARP labs + RAL, JLAB, CERN, KEK) • Phase II Collimation (SLAC/CERN) • Crystal Collimation (BNL/FNAL/SLAC + RD22 collaboration) • AC Dipole (UT Austin) and Proposed Machine Studies (SLAC) Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  25. FY09 Challenges in Accelerator Systems • Deliver Luminosity Monitor and end task • Deliver RC Prototype and end task • Launch Crab Cavity with correct level of effort ($), matching CERN • Craft and launch PS2 program • Work effectively with CERN on collimation component of LAUC • Form true crystal collimation team. Do NOT allow: • Tevatron T980: FNAL + ‘hangers on’ • SPS Crystal: Europeans + ‘hangers on’ Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

  26. Possible LARP PS2 PackagesDRAFT!! Under Active Discussion • PS2 Package 1: Tracking, nonlinearities, space charge, halos, H– injection • This package covers R&D work associated with injection, space-charge and lattice acceptance. The challenge here lies in the high beam current aimed for in PS2: H– injection will be tricky (and at an unprecedented 4 GeV injection energy); beam collimation will likely be required to work at high efficiency & could potentially benefit from the LARP involvement in the crystal collimation collaboration (CERN-FNAL-SLAC & others), thus having natural synergy with the Project-X work at FNAL in injection simulation and beam collimation while going beyond what has been done so far. Laser stripping is being actively investigated by SNS and would be extremely beneficial for both PS2 as well as FNAL Project X as well as SNS. The work done at BNL and other labs on the design & evaluation of imaginary-transition lattices will find its natural continuation here as imaginary transition is now the primary considered option for PS2. • PS2 Package 2: Intensity effects, Instabilities • This package covers R&D work on intensity and impedance-related effects incl. e-cloud. SLAC and LBL have a history of successfull collaboration in this area, exemplified by PEP-II and the e-cloud work. The proposed package builds on the strengths of these labs in e.g. evaluating vacuum-system components both numerically as well as experimentally while at the same time extending this work into new regimes of frequency. Bunch-by-bunch feedback systems (if needed) are potentially challenging for PS2 due to tight requirements on induced noise to prevent emittance growth; these may require novel techniques to be developed for the electronics as well as for low impedance kickers. The e-cloud work would extend the LARP collaboration with SPS already in place and will potentially feed into concepts for vacuum chambers with low secondary emission. Besides SLAC and LBNL, there will be synergy with FNAL Project X work and also e-cloud work ongoing at BNL-RHIC. • PS2 Package 3: Rf System • This package covers R&D work on 40-MHz perpendicularly-biased ferrite-tuned rf cavities. With PS2 studies for the time being focusing on an imaginary-transition lattice, 40-MHz rf is the obvious frequency choice. While the FNAL-Booster-type cavity design could possibly be adapted to the frequency range needed for the PS2, the desire is to complete the development of the perpendicularly biased cavity originated at LANL, which allows for 2…3 times the rf voltage/cavity. This will be a technologically challenging project to work on, and should be again of interest to FNAL. The LLRF would extend on the work done on highly beam-loaded rf systems—mainly at SLAC—while adding the challenge of variable rf frequency and the different frequency range (areas of experience at FNAL and BNL). Acc.Systems Status - T. Markiewicz

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