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Capital Crescent Trail Management Plan for Trail Users' Safety

This document provides an overview of the Capital Crescent Trail management plan, focusing on noise, vibration, lighting, and aesthetic considerations to ensure trail users' safety and environmental protection. It includes discussions on trail ownership, maintenance responsibilities, and community engagement. The plan addresses key focus areas such as noise mitigation, visual intrusions, pedestrian access, and environmental issues to enhance the overall trail experience.

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Capital Crescent Trail Management Plan for Trail Users' Safety

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  1. PLIAG : Capital Crescent Trail (CCT) Wednesday July 3, 2014

  2. Assumptions & Definitions • This presentation is an overview of the associated word document • Scope of this document is to the trail specifically, homeowner issues are addressed during other discussions, with the exception of Visual and Audio Intrusions section. • For the purposes of this document, "the trail" is defined as the Capital Crescent Trail (including the Georgetown Branch) between Bethesda and Silver Spring. • The Silver Spring Green Trail is a separate physical space located in Silver Spring, but should have the same considerations/characteristics, when applicable, as the CCT. • Trail users defined as, but not limited to: walkers, cyclists, runners, with special consideration for children (infants, toddlers, and school aged), as well as the elderly.

  3. General Overarching Questions • Ownership: Is it the case that the County will own the entire trail? Are there any exceptions? What county agency will own it?  • Maintenance: Who is responsible for hard-scape (including the trail surface), the mechanical elements, signs, and warning gates. Who picks up the trash and maintains the trash receptacles? Finally, someone will have to maintain the landscape; mow the grass, and trim bushes and trees. • What are the responsibilities of state agencies, county agencies and the P3 partner? How can community groups and individuals efficiently communicate with these partners on trail issues?

  4. 10 Areas of Focus • Noise • Vibration • Lighting • Visual appearance/Aesthetics/Maintenance • Visual and Audio Intrusions • Pedestrian Access • Safety • Environmental Issues • Trail/Transit Construction and Trail Availability • Planning

  5. Noise- General • All efforts to minimize noise to trail users should be taken into consideration. Noise mitigation measures to minimize the noise exposure need to be factored into the trail/transit design. Considerations: • Train speed is a significant contributor for the noise level and that noise levels decrease as train speed decreases. Decrease the speed of the trains. • Noise abatement for residences that will be exposed to horn soundings. • Sound-muffling from the traction power substations and overhead wires. • Comply with the strictest noise ordinances

  6. Noise Barrier- Priority Issue • Issue: Placement of noise wall • Current Proposal: Noise wall- transit line- fence- green space- trail- noise wall • Results of MTA noise analysis requested at last meeting? • Preference: Assuming that by placing the noise wall between the trail and the transit line does not increase noise to trail users or homeowners, then it is the preference of the MC Planning Board and the COPLN group, and their associated communities that the noise wall be placed between the trail and the transit way.

  7. MTA Concern: • This design would block users view of the green track, which is aesthetically appealing to the trail users. • It would also create undesirable scenarios where CCT users are between two walls. • Response: • The green trail can be placed on either or both sides of the trail. As there is currently a tree buffer between homes and the trail, the MTA/MCDOT could consider a natural barrier between the homes and the trail. • As it is currently designed we have undesirable scenarios where CCT users are between two walls. • Importantly, this type of noise mitigation will significantly reduce noise exposure at the trail access points and for homes adjacent to these points.

  8. Vibration • The community requests that the maximum vibration level be 65 VdB measured 50 feet from the centerline of the tracks. • This commitment has been made in areas between the Columbia Country Club and East West Highway, and the same should be made for all residents and communities. • Trail construction materials should absorb vibrations without disrupting the trail user’s experience.

  9. Lighting • What is the position of lighting the trail? • Concerns: security reasons & light pollution into homes/yards. • Proposed • Lighting at junctions, underpasses, and other critical locations • Additional $600,000 for lighting upgrades along the trail, which is intended to be the conduit for potential future wiring for lighting the entire trail. • The Council has not made a decision to light the entire trail, largely because of homeowner concerns. But if they do decide to light the entire trail, having the conduit in place means you have to tear up less of the trail, reducing costs and disruption. • The community does not support additional construction at a later time. • Light fixtures be solar powered for environmental and maintenance reasons, as well as ascetically pleasing. • Install low lighting for trail access.

  10. Visual Appearance, Aesthetics & Maintenance • Nature • Trees and Plants • Benches and water fountains • Use natural colors, textures & materials • Grass tracks along the Georgetown Branch right-of-way. • Local artists • The trail should be as natural as possible, with urban aspects disguised using natural and design features.

  11. Visual and Audio Intrusions • Evergreen plantings/other measures to minimize visual intrusion on residences adjacent to the transitway and where the elevated trail crosses over the transitway. • See Lighting above

  12. Pedestrian Access • All ramp connections to the CCT should be flared to the extent possible to facilitate access to the trail. • The path/sidewalks should be wide enough for two double wide strollers to pass each other safely at a run. • Ensure outreach to the communities surrounding specific access points to address noted concerns and new ones as they develop. • Example: Sleford Road • See lighting, see above

  13. Safety • No track access • Tunnels must be well light and locked at night • Medians, sidewalks, ramps and trail access should be wide enough for 2 double strollers to pass at a run. • Access should favor those with disabilities and small children. • Information and way finding- developed/designed and created by local artists. • See lighting above

  14. Environmental • Endangered species and due process of their protection • Water drainage and management • Permeable services • No standing water during or after construction (safety, tree protection, mosquitoes) • Trees • To the extent privately owned trees are damaged during the construction process, the land owner should be compensated for the value of the tree, the cost to have it safely removed, and the cost of planting comparable replacement trees.

  15. Trees, Trees and more Trees • A firm and detailed commitment to a tree-loss prevention plan and tree re-planting plan • New trees should have high CO2 conversion • Begin the tree canopy replacement program as early as possible. • Commit to a tree re-replanting plan that calls for the maximum number of trees that can be ecologically sustained in the remaining portion of the Georgetown Branch right-of-way not used for the trail or tracks, rather than the minimum required by state or local law.

  16. Tree Analysis • The FEIS contains no survey of trees on private land adjacent to the Georgetown Branch right-of-way, nor does it analyze the extent to which such trees may be damaged or killed as a result of construction activity. Therefore, the government should: • Conduct a tree survey to identify trees on private property whose critical root zones overlap the construction impact zone; • Create tree protection measures (fencing, signage, etc.) in the plans and specifications for the construction contract; and • Enact a monitoring system to ensure trees identified in the survey are not impacted by construction operations. • Share the results with the public.

  17. Trail/Transit Construction and Trail Availability • The trail should be available, in its best form, for use for the greatest extent possible during construction. The Purple Line RFP should provide a strong incentive to keeping the trail closure to a minimum and phase trail closures in a logical sequence, consistent with construction phasing/schedules. • Comply with local noise ordinances of 65 dB(A) during daytime hours and 55 dB(A) during nighttime hours.

  18. Water should be directed away from communities, the trail and environments where it would be damaging. • Construction access to the trail/transit right-of-way shall be from major roads such as Connecticut Avenue or Pearl Street

  19. Planning • B/w Lyttonsville & the Talbot Avenue bridge, minimize the amount of private property needed • Safe, secure ADA compliant access is needed at all access points • Include places along the trail where hikers and bikers can stop for food and drink, either from permanent shops or food trucks. Way finding signs indicating nearby commercial establishments should also be incorporated into the trail. • Incorporate bike share and repair facilities on the trail

  20. Hot Topics • Plan B • The trail is restored/maintained as a park/path • RT is considered between Silver Spring and Bethesda. • CSX • Revised trail plans are submitted to the Planning Board, the public and the county. • The public must be made aware of this change, the new proposal and be given the opportunity (at least 4 opportunities, at least 2 of which should be in the evening or weekend) to comment to the county, MTA and County Council.

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