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VIVA Forum   Examples from University of Virginia   Presented by Allison M. Sleeman

VIVA Forum   Examples from University of Virginia   Presented by Allison M. Sleeman Serials Cataloging Coordinator. A. Access to Electronic Journals from VIRGO (Library online catalog and database services)

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VIVA Forum   Examples from University of Virginia   Presented by Allison M. Sleeman

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  1. VIVA Forum   Examples from University of Virginia   Presented by Allison M. Sleeman Serials Cataloging Coordinator

  2. A. Access to Electronic Journals from VIRGO (Library online catalog and database services)         1. Example of catalog record. Full view in WebCat.             Use of same record for print and electronic versions.             530 note includes phrase "electronic journal" at request of Public Service Staff.             Indicate in subfield z note in 856 which URL belongs to which service.             Separate holdings records for each version.

  3. 2. Example of same catalog record. Brief (default) view in WebCat.             Not shown at VIVA forum.             URLs and holdings records display in this view.

  4.    3. InfoTrac explanation page -- prepared by UVA Staff -- Link all InfoTrac materials to it instead of to individual titles.

  5. 4. Other databases. Could go to a list of them directly from WebCat by clicking on a button to the left. Separate list given for Full-Text Journal and Newspaper Collections. (View has changed slightly with the beginning Winter Semester.)

  6.         5. List of Full-text Journal and Newspaper Collections. Get by clicking on Full-Text Journal and Newspaper Collections after clicking on Other databases (in past) or Journal articles/Newspapers under heading Other Databases (effective Jan. 7, 2000). This appears to left of VIRGO searchscreen.

  7. B. Access to Electronic Journals from Library Home Page:         1. Click on Electronic Colllections under Research Sources. Then click on Electronic Journals, and get information for finding electronic journals plus hot-linked list of major electronic journal providers.

  8. 2. The Economics Subject Librarian maintains a list of electronic journals in Economics. That list can be approached from the Library home page by Clicking on Subject Librarians under Services and then clicking on Economics.         An alphabetical list of Economic Journals and gives their availability in print and electronic versions.

  9.    By clicking on Journal Collections at the top of the screen, one gets a list of electronic journal collections which include economics.

  10. C. Future Plans: We want to have a way to easily access journal titles in a broad subject area from VIRGO. We are planning to add broad subject categories in the catalog record and from them create lists of journals in different fields. Plans are to make these accessible under the Library Information button. It would be the same principle as the New Book Lists.

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