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Splash Screen. Chapter Menu. Chapter Introduction. The First Israelites. The Kingdom of Israel. The Growth of Judaism. Chapter Assessment. Chapter Introduction 1. Chapter Introduction 2. The First Israelites
Chapter Menu Chapter Introduction The First Israelites The Kingdom of Israel The Growth of Judaism Chapter Assessment
Chapter Introduction 2 The First Israelites Religion shapes how culture develops, just as culture shapes how religion develops. The 12 tribes of Israel in the land of Canaan were descendants of Abraham. The Israelites believed in one God who gave commandments telling people how to live good lives.
Chapter Introduction 3 The Kingdom of Israel All civilizations depend upon leadership for survival. Under David and Solomon, the people of Israel built a powerful kingdom with its capital at Jerusalem.
Chapter Introduction 4 The Growth of Judaism Religion shapes how culture develops, just as culture shapes how religion develops. The Jews continued to keep their religion even though other people ruled them. They settled in many places in Asia and Europe.
End Of Chapter Introduction Slide End of Chapter Introduction
Section 1-Guide to Reading 1 You have read how the Egyptians built a great civilization. At about the same time, another nation was forming. The Egyptians called the people of this nation habiru, or foreigners. The people called themselves Israelites or the Children of Israel. • The Israelites believed in one God who set down moral laws for his people. They recorded their history in the Hebrew Bible. (page 201) • The Israelites had to fight the Canaanites to return to their promised land. (page 204)
Section 1-Guide to Reading 2 Abraham Deborah Jacob Phoenician Moses Canaan Mount Sinai
Section 1-Guide to Reading 3 monotheism covenant tribe alphabet Torah focus occupy create
Section 1-Daily Lesson Notes 1 The peak of Mount Sinai, where—according to the Hebrew Bible—Moses received the Ten Commandments, can be reached by climbing 3,750 stone steps. The steps were created by the monks of St. Catherine’s Monastery.
I. The Early Israelites (pages 201–203) Section 1-Daily Lesson Notes 2 A. The Israelites built a kingdom in Canaan, along the Mediterranean Sea in southwest Asia, in 1000 B.C. B. Israelites believed in one God. The belief in one God is called monotheism. C. The Israelite faith became the religion of Judaism. Judaism influenced Christianity and Islam and helped shape the beliefs of European and American societies.
I. The Early Israelites (pages 201–203) Section 1-Daily Lesson Notes 3 D. Israelites spoke Hebrew and wrote their history and beliefs in what later became the Hebrew Bible. The Hebrew Bible is what Christians generally call the Old Testament. E. The Israelites believed they were descended from a man named Abraham. The Israelites believed God told Abraham to settle in Canaan and worship the one true God. F. Abraham’s grandson, named Jacob, raised 12 sons in Canaan. Their families became the 12 tribes of Israel.
I. The Early Israelites (pages 201–203) Section 1-Daily Lesson Notes 4 G. After 100 years in Canaan, the Israelites suffered a long drought. To survive, the Israelites went to Egypt. H. The Egyptian pharaoh enslaved the Israelites. To prevent the Israelites from rebelling, the pharaoh ordered all baby boys to be thrown into the Nile River. The pharaoh’s daughter found a baby boy in a basket on the riverbank. She named the baby Moses.
I. The Early Israelites (pages 201–203) Section 1-Daily Lesson Notes 5 I. When Moses grew up, he herded sheep in the hills outside Egypt. In those hills, he saw a burning bush and heard a voice. He believed it was God telling him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. J. The Hebrew Bible says that God sent 10 plagues to trouble Egypt. The last plague killed all the first-born children, except for those Israelites who marked their doors with lamb’s blood. The plague convinced the pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt.
I. The Early Israelites (pages 201–203) Section 1-Daily Lesson Notes 6 K. After the Israelites left, the pharaoh changed his mind. He sent soldiers after the Israelites. The Hebrew Bible says that God parted the Red Sea, so the Israelites could pass. The water flowed back when the soldiers tried to cross, and they drowned. L. On the way back to Canaan, Moses went to the top of Mount Sinai and received laws from God. These laws were known as the Torah, which became the first part of the Hebrew Bible.
I. The Early Israelites (pages 201–203) Section 1-Daily Lesson Notes 7 M. The Ten Commandments—God’s rules for leading a moral life—are an important part of the Torah. The Ten Commandments helped form the basic moral laws of many nations.
I. The Early Israelites (pages 201–203) Section 1-Daily Lesson Notes 8 What promise did God make in the covenant with the Israelites? God promised to return the Israelites to Canaan if they followed the laws of the Torah.
II. The Promised Land (pages 204–205) Section 1-Daily Lesson Notes 9 A. It took the Israelites about 40 years to reach Canaan. Along the way, Moses died, and Joshua took over. B. When the Israelites reached Canaan, they found a group of people, the Canaanites, living there. The Israelites believed it was God’s will to conquer the Canaanites. Joshua led the Israelites into battle. They marched around the walls of the city of Jericho for six days. On the seventh day, the Israelites let out a great shout, and the walls of Jericho crumbled. Joshua led the Israelites in three more wars. The land they seized was divided among the 12 tribes.
II. The Promised Land (pages 204–205) Section 1-Daily Lesson Notes 10 C. After Joshua’s death, the Israelites looked to judges for leadership. Judges were usually military leaders who led one or two tribes. D. Eventually, the Israelites won the hilly region of Canaan, and the Canaanites kept the coastal areas. The Israelites built walled towns to protect themselves. E. The Phoenicians were a group of Canaanites who developed an alphabet. An alphabet is a group of letters that stands for sounds.
II. The Promised Land (pages 204–205) Section 1-Daily Lesson Notes 11
II. The Promised Land (pages 204–205) Section 1-Daily Lesson Notes 12 How did the Phoenicians affect other cultures of the world? The Phoenicians passed on their alphabet to the Greeks and Romans. This alphabet is the basis for most Western alphabets of today.
Section 1-Section Review 1 • Led by Abraham, the Israelites settled in Canaan. They later moved to Egypt and were enslaved, but then escaped. The Israelites used the Ten Commandments as rules to live by. • Joshua and the judges, including Deborah, won back territory in central Canaan for the Israelites.
Section 1-Section Review 2 1. Why was the religion of Israel unique in the ancient world? It had only one God. 2. What is the Torah, and how did the Israelites obtain it? The Torah contains the laws that God gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai.
(3) CA 6RC2.4 Section 1-Section Review 3 3. Summarizing Information Use a web diagram like the one below to list Jewish ideas that are important in our society. Possible answers: belief in one god, ideas in Ten Commandments; Hebrew Bible
(4) CA HI2. (5) CA 6RC2.0 Section 1-Section Review 4 4. Analyze What was the importance of the Phoenician alphabet? The Phoenician alphabet made writing simpler and helped in keeping records. 5. Summarize What problems did the Israelites face when they returned to Canaan? The Israelites had to fight to get back part of Canaan from the Canaanites who lived there.
(6) CA HI2. Section 1-Section Review 5 6. The Big Ideas How do the Ten Commandments influence today’s society? Answers will vary but should demonstrate a basic understanding of the commandments.
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Section 2-Guide to Reading 1 In Section 1, you read about the constant fighting between the Israelites and the Canaanites. The tribes of Israel longed for peace. Many thought the way to peace was to unite as one nation. • The Israelites chose a king to unite them against their enemies. (page 207) • King David built an Israelite empire and made Jerusalem his capital city. (page 209) • The Israelites were conquered and forced to leave Israel and Judah. (page 210)
Section 2-Guide to Reading 2 Philistine Saul David Solomon Nebuchadnezzar prophet empire tribute proverb instruct symbol Jerusalem Judah
Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 1 Jerusalem has had different names throughout history. Before King David conquered Jerusalem, the city was called Jebus. King David renamed the city the City of David. Accounts of the Assyrians’ conquering of the city referred to Jerusalem as the City of Judah.
I. The Israelites Choose a King (page 207) Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 2 A. The Philistines were the strongest people in Canaan around 1000 B.C. According to the Hebrew Bible, some Israelites began copying the Philistine religion. B. To keep from quarreling among themselves and to save their religion, the 12 tribes asked Samuel, a prophet, to choose a king. A prophet is a person believed by the Israelites to be instructed by God. Samuel warned the Israelites against having a king.
I. The Israelites Choose a King (page 207) Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 3 C. The Israelites named Saul as king, and Samuel anointed him. King Saul displeased God, however, so God chose another king, David. God told Samuel to anoint David in secret.
I. The Israelites Choose a King (page 207) Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 4 Why did Samuel warn the Israelites against choosing a king? Samuel told the Israelites that a king would enslave them and make them pay taxes.
II. David and Solomon(pages 209–210) Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 5 A. David was a famous warrior. He killed a giant Philistine named Goliath with a slingshot and stones. B. King Saul put David in charge of the army but later grew envious of David and plotted to have him killed. David hid until Saul and his sons were killed. Then, David took the throne.
II. David and Solomon(pages 209–210) Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 6 C. David drove the Philistines out and conquered other countries, building his empire. An empire is a nation that rules several other nations. D. The conquered people had to pay tribute—money or slaves—to David. The Israelites also had to pay heavy taxes. David used the money to expand Israel’s capital, Jerusalem.
II. David and Solomon(pages 209–210) Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 7 E.Solomon was David’s son who took the throne after David’s death. Solomon built the stone temple in Jerusalem that David wanted to build. Solomon was known for his proverbs, or wise sayings. F. When Solomon died, the 12 tribes began fighting. Ten of the tribes lived in the north and called their nation the kingdom of Israel. The other two tribes lived in the south and called their kingdom Judah. The capital of Judah was Jerusalem, and the people of Jerusalem were called Jews.
II. David and Solomon(pages 209–210) Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 8 Click the map to view a dynamic version.
II. David and Solomon(pages 209–210) Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 9 Why did David want to build a temple in Jerusalem? David wanted the Israelites to have a permanent place for their sacred religious objects.
II. A Troubled Time (pages 210–212) Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 10 A. After creating the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, the prophets brought hope to the people of Israel. B. The Assyrians conquered Israel and dispersed the 10 tribes throughout their empire. These Israelites were often called the “lost tribes of Israel.” C. The Assyrians brought in people from elsewhere to settle in Samaria. They became known as Samaritans.
II. A Troubled Time (pages 210–212) Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 11
II. A Troubled Time (pages 210–212) Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 12 D. The Samaritans adopted many Israelite beliefs. They worshiped the God of Israel and read the Torah. Over time they separated from Israel. Today’s Judaism developed out of the religious practices of Judah. E. The Egyptians conquered the kingdom of Judah in 620 B.C. F. The Chaldeans conquered Egypt and became rulers of Judah in 605 B.C.
II. A Troubled Time (pages 210–212) Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 13 G. The Jews joined forces with the Egyptians to conquer the Chaldeans. H. King Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldeans captured Jerusalem and punished the Jews. He sent 10,000 Jews to Babylon and appointed a new Jewish king. I. In 586 B.C., the Jews revolted against the Chaldeans, and the Chaldean ruler crushed Jerusalem. The Chaldeans took the king of Judah and thousands of Jews to Babylon. This period is known as the Babylonian Captivity.
II. A Troubled Time (pages 210–212) Section 2-Daily Lesson Notes 14 What message did the prophets bring to the Israelites? The prophets warned the Israelites that being faithful to God was more than simply going to temple to worship. It meant working for a just society and dealing fairly with other people.
Section 2-Section Review 1 • Saul was the first king of the Israelites. He united the 12 tribes into one kingdom. • King David built an Israelite empire and made Jerusalem his capital. Solomon built a great temple at Jerusalem, but after he died, the Israelites split into two kingdoms—Israel and Judah. • The Assyrians and then the Chaldeans conquered Israel and Judah, and forced many Israelites to leave their homeland.
Section 2-Section Review 2 1. Why was David anointed king while Saul was still in charge of the Israelites? Saul displeased God by disobeying some commands, so God chose another king. Whowere the prophets, and why were they important to the Israelites? The prophets were messengers who claimed to be instructed by God and who taught the Israelites how to live properly.
(3) CA 6RC2.4 Section 2-Section Review 3 3. The Big Ideas Draw a chart like the one below. Use it to compare the accomplishments of King David and King Solomon. King David—united the Israelites, defeated the Philistines, made Jerusalem Israel’s capital, wrote many psalms King Solomon—built temple in Jerusalem, proverbs
(4) CA HI2. (5) CA HR5. Section 2-Section Review 4 4. SummarizeWhat happened to the Israelites after the death of Solomon? They formed two separate kingdoms. DescribeWho were the Samaritans? The Samaritans were Assyrian settlers in the area around Samaria.
(6) CA CS3. Section 2-Section Review 5 6. Infer Why do you think the Assyrians and Chaldeans moved Jews away from Israel and Judah? They wanted to decrease the chance of revolt.
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