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DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES. What is dissemination ?. S imply, the verb “to disseminate” means to spread widely. In terms of the LLP this means spreading the word about your activities or project as far and as wide as possible.
What is dissemination? Simply, the verb “to disseminate” means to spread widely. In terms of the LLP this meansspreading the word about your activities or project as far and as wide as possible. Disseminationis an essential part of all LLP funded projects. It is crucial in helping them to become sustainableafter the funding has finished. Information-giving and awareness-raising are key activities toensure that others benefit from your experience. Dissemination can also help to achieve a widerand more long-term impact both during and after the funding period.
Whatdoesdisseminationinvolve? Dissemination covers any activity designed to raise awareness of your participation in the LLP. This can range from simply telling people about your trip or project to writing articles, running awebsite or organising a conference. Dissemination aims to get the news about your activity out toas many different audiences as possible, both within your own organisation and beyond it.
FEIGHT DISSEMINATION Inourproject – FEIGHT , each partner organization has its own dissemination activities of the project. DIMEM is responsible for coordinating the WP6-Dissemination and valorization.In this respect, weprepare effective action plans for these activities and collect and summarize the contribution of the project partners.
QUARTER MEDIATION Quarter Mediation is an adult education provider based in the Netherlands, with branches in Cyprus, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Romania and Turkey. It organizes Comenius and Grundtvig courses at European level, as well as courses at national level. Its areas of expertise are in both General Education and Vocational Education and Training. In this respect, Quarter Mediation organizes training courses for teachers, trainers, headmasters, inspectors, people on labour market, VET specialists all over Europe, decision makers in the field of education.
QUARTER MEDIATION In the courses it provides, Quarter Mediation staff present and disseminate the activities and results of theproject FEIGHT. Quarter Mediation is also in contact with local media, the news about project and project activities are published on the localnewspaper, it alsopromotes the project through its Facebook page.
IVN IVN (Association for Environmental Education) is a Dutch NGO for Environmental Education, whichinvolves130 professionals and 18,000 volunteers throughout the Netherlands. IVN is responsible for the education and communication of all 17 National Parks in the Netherlands. There is a variety of cooperation with local, provincial and national authorities, schools, other NGOs, institutes for nature- and water management and companies.
IVN IVN organizes meetings with the VET schools they work at certain times and informs the quality assurance teams about the project activities they are going to apply in their lessons/at school to prevent early school leaving.
ADASTRA AdastraCymru is thecompanythatprovidesmediaservicesforEuropeanprojects in thefollowingareas: contentcreation; creativewriting; editing, designingandtypesetting; digitalmediadevelopment; web mediadevelopment; richmediawebsites; contentmanagementsystems (CMS); virtuallearningenvironments (VLE); and video filming, editingandproduction.
ADASTRA ADASTRA organizesmeetingsanddisseminationactivitiestogetthepublictoknowabouttheprojectandprojectactivities. ADASTRA also has news and information about the project and project activities on their website.
SHALOM Shalom helpsyoung people in very great difficulty with drugs, alcohol, to recover and return in the society. There are about 130 girls and 150 boys in the Shalom Community.
SHALOM SHALOM workswithschools in theirregionfor FEIGHT project. They have meetings in these schools at certain times to inform the project teams about the project activities they are going to carry out and to observe the process of the project there.
NIMEM Nazilliİlçe MilliEğitim Müdürlüğüis a public body, and governs educational affairs of Nazilli district, and provides formal and non-formal education including the adult education. The institution is also responsible for developing strategies for reducing early school leaving and provide adult training for teachers working in the VET schools in the region.
NIMEM NIMEM workswithfiveVET schools in theirregion. Therearequalityassuranceteams in theseschoolswhichruntheprojectactivities in ordertopreventearlyschoolleaving. Theyhaveregularmeetingswiththeseschools in ordertomanagetheprocess in thebestway. NIMEM also informs the public about the project by local media.
DIMEM DIMEM is an umbrella organization which manages every education activity in Darica which is a multi-cultured area and gets immigrants from different regions of Turkey. Via its units - such as Management, Research and Development (including Project Management), Assignment, Personnel etc. DIMEM manages 50 schools in the area, including 3 VET highschools (students aged from 14 to 18) and a public education center.
DIMEM DIMEM workswiththree VET schools in theregiontoruntheprojectactivities of FEIGHT project. Theycometogetherandhavemeetings at certaintimestoobservetheprocess. DIMEM is also in contactwithlocalmedia. Thanks to local media, thenews about the project is published both e- newspapers and local newspapers.