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Fulfilling Our Promise: Eradicate Polio!

Fulfilling Our Promise: Eradicate Polio!. Progress 1988-2000. Year 2000 (20 countries). No wild virus. Importation. Wild virus of uncertain origin*. Low intensity indigenous transmission. High intensity indigenous transmission. Wild poliovirus in 2001

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Fulfilling Our Promise: Eradicate Polio!

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  1. Fulfilling Our Promise: Eradicate Polio!

  2. Progress 1988-2000

  3. Year 2000 (20 countries) No wild virus Importation Wild virus of uncertain origin* Low intensity indigenous transmission High intensity indigenous transmission Wild poliovirus in 2001 (10 endemic countries, as of 05 February 2002) * the response to wild viruses of uncertain origin is as per indigenous wild virus. Note. Low intensity is < 20 wild viruses, high intensity is > 20 wild viruses.

  4. Challenges 1. Civil war 2. Political commitment 3. Funding gap

  5. Donor contributions to polio eradication, 1985-2001 WHO Regular Budget Australia UNICEF Regular Belgium Resources Aventis Pasteur/IFPMA Canada Other* European Union Netherlands US CDC Germany Total received UNFoundation = US$ 1 790 million Denmark Bill andMelinda Gates Foundation USAID Japan World Bank IDACredit to Govt. ofIndia Rotary UK International * ‘Other’ includes past contributions from the Agency for Cooperation in International Health, (Japan); American Association for World Health (USA); Austria; Custom Monoclonals International (USA); De Beers; European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO); Finland; Miss Martina Hingis; Ireland; Italy; Japanese Committee for "Vaccines for the World's Children”; Malaysia; Millennium Fund; Norway; Portugal; Republic of Korea (GOK); Rotary of Belgium; Rotary of Switzerland; Smith Kline Biologicals (Belgium);Switzerland; United Arab Emirates; and UNICEF National Committee of Canada. As of Sept 2001

  6. Status of donor financial resource requirements 2002-2005* US$ 380m Funding gap Funds projected Funds pledged US$ 280m US$200m US$140m Total resource requirements: US$ 1 000 million Total pledged/projected: US$ 600 million Total funding gap: US$ 400 million *As of Sept 2001

  7. Needs 1. Vaccine 2. NIDs 3. Surveillance

  8. Campaign Goal $80 million cash and pledges 1 July 2002 - 30 June 2003

  9. Each club to set its own goals…

  10. Campaign Structure International Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign Committee Rotary Club Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign Committee (30,000) District Governor Assistant DGs Trustees International Advisors Campaign Office National Committees International Coordinators District Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign Committee (530) Area Coordinators (2500)

  11. Ideas and Tools • Public service announcements • New releases • Billboard designs • Much more

  12. Setting the Goals

  13. Symbol of Partnership THE WORLD BANK

  14. Timeline February: Announcement 2002 International Assembly and PETS worldwide March-May: Global, National, District Training June: Launch at Barcelona Convention July-May: Clubs establish campaign goals Conduct campaigns Community fundraising June 2003: Celebration in Brisbane!

  15. Polio: Last Cases Western Pacific Region Mum Chanty Cambodia 1997 European Region Melik Minas Turkey 1998 Americas Region Luis Fermin Tenorio Peru 1991

  16. Fulfilling Our Promise: Eradicate Polio!

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