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I. Regional Meeting on Collaborating Centers, Brasilia, Brazil – December 3-5, 2003

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AREA (SDE/PAHO) AND THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH (INSP/MEX ) Meeting of the Pan American Network of Collaborating and Reference Centers on Sustainable Development and Environmental Health Consultation Group Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

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I. Regional Meeting on Collaborating Centers, Brasilia, Brazil – December 3-5, 2003

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  1. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AREA (SDE/PAHO) AND THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH (INSP/MEX) Meeting of the Pan American Network of Collaborating and Reference Centers on Sustainable Development and Environmental Health Consultation Group Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico 19-20 January 2006

  2. Regional Meeting on Collaborating Centers, Brazil 2003 & Groups Progress and Status Overview I. Regional Meeting on Collaborating Centers, Brasilia, Brazil – December 3-5, 2003 - Meeting Objective - Attendees - Priorities and Responsible Identification Groups Progress and Status

  3. I. Regional Meeting – Brasilia, Brazil, December 3- 5, 2003 Meeting Objective Identify priorities for collaborative work between SDE and Collaborating Centers, and to establish a Regional Plan of Action for the next years. Attendees 43 Participants 27 Institutions Nine Countries

  4. I. Regional Meeting – Brasilia, Brazil, December 3- 5, 2003 PARTICIPANTS ABC Facultad de Medicina ABC BRA ANVISA Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria BRA CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention USA CEHI Caribbean Environmental Health Institute SAL CENMA Centro Nacional del Medio Ambiente CHI CETESB Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental BRA CHUQ Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Quebec CAN EPA Environmental Protection Agency USA

  5. I. Regional Meeting – Brasilia, Brazil, December 3- 5, 2003 PARTICIPANTS FIOCRUZ Fundação Oswaldo Cruz BRA FISQ Foro Intergovernamental Segurança Química BRA FUNDACENTRO Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo Do Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho BRA INHEM Instituto Nacional de Higiene y Epidemiología CUB INSP Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública MEX IRET Instituto Regional de Substancias Tóxicas COR ISALUD Fundación ISALUD ARG ISP Instituto de Salud Pública CHI

  6. I. Regional Meeting – Brasilia, Brazil, December 3- 5, 2003 PARTICIPANTS MMA Ministerio de Medio Ambiente BRA CGVAM Ministerio da Saúde, Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde BRA OPS/BRASIL BRA OPS/CHILE CHI OPS/PAHO WDC SESMA Servicio de Salud Metropolitano del Ambiente CHI SMSR Secrecretaria Municipal de Saúde de Recife BRA

  7. I. Regional Meeting – Brasilia, Brazil, December 3- 5, 2003 PARTICIPANTS UASLP Universidad San Luis de Potosí MEX UFMG Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais BRA UFRJ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro BRA USP Universidade de São Paulo BRA

  8. I. Regional Meeting – Brasilia, Brazil, December 3- 5, 2003 • PrioritiesResponsible • 1. Communication among 1. PAHO • Collaborating Centers and • Identification of National Experts • 2. Strengthen Technical Capacities of 2. INSP (*)/PAHO/ FIOCRUZ/ • PAHO’s Personnel ISALUD/ INHEM/ CHUQ/ NESC • International Graduate Studies 3. INHEM (*)/ FIOCRUZ/ INSP/CHUQ/ • UASLP / NESC • Establish a Laboratory Network 4. FIOCRUZ (*) / CEPIS / CHUQ /CENMA/ UFMG/ CETESB • 5. Standardization of Air 5. SESMA(*)/ CENMA/ USP/ CGVAM Surveillance System /CETESB/INSP • Standardization of Water 6. CGVAM (*)/ INHEM/ CETESB / • Surveillance Systems EPA / • (*) Group Leader

  9. I. Regional Meeting – Brasilia, Brazil, December 3- 5, 2003 • PrioritiesResponsible • 7. Environmental Pediatric Units 7. UASLP (*) / PAHO/ CDC / INSP / • CHUQ / INHEM • 8. Program for Indoor Pollutants 8. UASLP (*)/ ISALUD/ INHEM / CENMA / • USP / CHUQ • 9. Program of Occupational 9. FUNDACENTRO (*) / FIOCRUZ /CHUQ • Health Pollutants and Pesticides IRET / PAHO / NESC • 10. Climate Change and Climatology 10. HOPKINS (*) / FIOCRUZ / HARVARD / • CHUQ / USP/ • Environmental Health 11. CDC (*) / CGVAM/ SESMA/ INSP/ • Surveillance System. CHUQ / IRET / NESC/ INHEM • Standardization of indicators • 12. Public Management and Civil 12. ISALUD (*) / ABC/CGVAM/FIOCRUZ • Society Participation. SMS- RECIFE/ SESMA • (*) Group Leader

  10. I. Regional Meeting – Brasilia, Brazil, December 3- 5, 2003 • Priorities Responsible • Research Project: 13. UASLP (*)/ All • Indigenous Communities • 14. Strengthening of Established 14. ABC (*) / All • Framework • Polluted Areas 15. UFRJ (NESC) (*)/ CGVAM/ FIOCRUZ/ UASLP/ CETESB • 16. 2nd Meeting of Collaborating Centers 16. INSP(*) / PAHO • Cuernavaca, Morelos, México. • (*) Group Leader

  11. II. Groups Progress and Status 1. Communication Among Centers and Identification of National Experts Responsible: PAHO Progress: Established infrastructure and uploaded into SharePoint site developed by SDE, proposals from institutions, memoirs from previous meeting, participants and institutions roster from 2003 meeting. http://shp.paho.org/sde/centers Status : - Proposals: Out of the 16 priority groups, 12 have been working in the development of the proposal. - National Experts: CETESB provided list with National Experts. - The responsible party is migrating roster to a relational database to track participating institutions areas of expertise, focal points, areas of common cooperation and national experts. (*) Group Leader, Pan American Health Organization, PAHO

  12. II. Group Progress and Status 2. Strengthen Technical Capacities of PAHO’S Personnel Responsible: INSP (*) /PAHO/ FIOCRUZ/ ISALUD/ INHEM/ CHUQ/ NESC Progress: A PAHO survey was sent to 105 professionals. 80% of respondents confirmed their desire to participate in the initiative. One experimental group and three other small groups were used to test the project. Visits were made to INCAP and to the UFRJ in Brazil with similar projects. Status: The program for the network is under review. Three Sub-regional meetings are planned to re-launch the initiative for 2006 in Central America, South America – CEPIS, and the Caribbean. Working Document (*) Group Leader, National Institute of Public Health, INSP, Mexico

  13. II. Groups Progress and Status 3. International Graduate Studies Responsible: INHEM (*)/ FIOCRUZ/ INSP/CHUQ/UASLP / NESC Progress: The group developed a working document with information relevant to available courses for Graduate Studies in International Environmental Health in the Americas. Status: There is a commitment to submit a proposal for an International Program on Environmental Health. Working Documents (*) Group Leader, National Institute of Health and Epidemiology, INHEM, Cuba

  14. II. Groups Progress and Status 4. Establish a Network of Laboratories Responsible: FIOCRUZ (*) / CEPIS / CHUQ /CENMA/ UFMG/ CETESB Progress: PAHO provided resources to develop a proposal: “Achieving Improvement of the Capability of Analytical Laboratories Related to Environmental Health in the Americas Region Through Laboratorial Accreditation” Status: Fiocruz is preparing a document, “Framework for the creation of a Network of Laboratories to Support Environmental Health Surveillance for Latin America and the Caribbean Countries”. Working Document (*) Group Leader, Fundação Osvaldo Cruz, FIOCRUZ, Brazil

  15. II. Groups Progress and Status 5. Standardization of Air Surveillance Systems Responsible: SESMA(*)/ CENMA/ USP/ CGVAM /CETESB/ INSP Progress: No documents received. Status: Awaiting proposal. (*) Group Leader, Servicio de Salud Metropolitano del Ambiente, SESMA, Chile

  16. II. Groups Progress and Status 6. Standardization of Water Surveillance Systems Responsible: CGVAM (*)/ INHEM/ CETESB / EPA Progress: The group had several teleconferences and a formal meeting in Brazil on August 2004 and in Cuba on September 2005 to define a schedule of activities and develop the “Questionnaire on the Status of Drinking Water Quality Surveillance and Control Programs in the Region of the Americas” Status: 21 countries replied to the Questionnaire. Working Documents Working Document - Questionnaire (*) Group Leader, Ministerio da Saúde, Secretaría da Vigilancia em Saúde, CGVAM, Brazil

  17. II. Groups Progress and Status 7. Environmental Pediatric Units Responsible: UASLP (*) / PAHO/ CDC / INSP / CHUQ / INHEM Progress: - The UASLP has a proposal for a “Program to Develop and Establish a Network of Pediatric Units in Latin America”. - A website has been created to include documents of interest on the subject.http://canicas.uaslp.mx - Two meetings related to Environmental Pediatric Units in Cancún and Buenos Aires. Status: Awaiting proposal for the countries of the Region WORKING DOCUMENTS WORKING DOCUMENTS (*) Group Leader, Universidad Autónoma San Luis de Potosí, UASLP, Mexico

  18. II. Groups Progress and Status 8. Program for Indoor Pollutants Responsible: UASLP (*)/ ISALUD/ INHEM / CENMA /USP/ CHUQ Progress: No document available . Status: Awaiting proposal. (*) Group Leader, Universidad Autónoma San Luis de Potosí, UASLP, Mexico

  19. II. Groups Progress and Status 9. Program for Occupational Health Pollutants Responsible: FUNDACENTRO (*) / FIOCRUZ / CHUQ / IRET / PAHO / NESC Progress: The group developed an outline for the scope of work. Status: Awaiting proposal. WORKING DOCUMENT (*) Group Leader, FUNDACENTRO, Brazil

  20. II. Groups Progress and Status 10 . Climate Change and Climatology Responsible: HOPKINS (*) / FIOCRUZ / HARVARD / CHUQ / USP/ Progress: No documents available. Status: Awaiting proposal. (*) Group Leader, Johns Hopkins University, USA

  21. II. Group Progress and Status 11. Environmental Health Surveillance System Standarization of Indicators Responsible: CDC (*) / CGVAM/ SESMA/ INSP/CHUQ / IRET / NESC/ INHEM Progress: No documents available. Status: Awaiting proposal. (*) Group Leader, Center for Disease Control, National Center for Environmental Health, CDC - NCEH, USA

  22. II. Groups Progress and Status 12 . Public Management and Civil Society Participation Responsible: ISALUD (*) / ABC / CGVAM / FIOCRUZ / SMS- RECIFE/ SESMA Progress: The leading institution coordinated a workshop on Public Management and Civil Society Participation in Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2004. Members of the group were invited to participate in the event as well as other professionals of the private and public sector of the Nation. The initial document was used as a starting point for the Environmental Primary Care Proposal. Status: The institution will advise on the status of the final document and the proposed meetings in Chile and Brazil. Working Documents (*) Group Leader, Fundación Isalud, ISALUD, Argentina

  23. II. Groups Progress and Status 13 . Research Project: Indigenous Communities Responsible: UASLP (*)/ All Progress: The UASLP has been working in the Latin America and the Caribbean countries in issues related to Indigenous Communities and Toxic Substances. Status: Awaiting proposal. (*) Group Leader, Universidad Autónoma San Luis de Potosí, UASLP, Mexico

  24. II. Groups Progress and Status 14. Strengthening of established framework anddevelopment of a new Matrix. Responsible: ABC (*) / All Progress: ABC submitted the new matrix Status: No information on the implementation of the new Matrix. WORKING DOCUMENT (*) Group Leader, Facultad Medicina do ABC, Brazil

  25. II. Groups Progress and Status 15. Polluted Areas Responsible: UFRJ (NESC) (*)/ CGVAM/ FIOCRUZ/ UASLP/ CETESB Progress: The group was working on the implementation of a new methodology to evaluate areas polluted with solid waste as well as the design and development of a distance learning course in Portuguese using ATCDR methodology. Status: Awaiting translation into Spanish and English of the distance learning course. Awaiting approval and implementation of the methodology. WORKING DOCUMENT (*) Group Leader, Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Brazil

  26. II. Groups Progress and Status 16. 2nd Meeting of Collaborating and Reference Centers Responsible: INSP / PAHO Progress: Consultation Group Meeting Cuernavaca, Mexico, January 19-20, 2006 Status: The consolation group will define future meeting of the Collaborating Centers. (*) Group Leader, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, INSP, Mexico Pan American Health Organization, PAHO

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