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New CompTIA JK0-022 Exam Dumps Questions and Updated PDF Test Engine

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  1. CompTIA JK0-022 CompTIA Academic/E2C Security+ Certification Exam

  2. Validate your JK0-022 Exam learning and preparation with our most updated JK0-022 dumps. (Dumpspedia) has experienced IT experts who gather and approve a huge range of CompTIA JK0-022 Questions Answers for Security+ Certification seekers. Practicing our 100% updated JK0-022 Practice Tests is a guaranteed way towards your success in CompTIA JK0-022 Exam. https://www.dumpspedia.com/JK0-022-dumps-questions.html

  3. You Don’t need to take any stress for the preparation of JK0-022 Exam because we will provide you real Exam questions answers, Dumpspedia provide you some demo question answer of JK0-022Dumps. https://www.dumpspedia.com/JK0-022-dumps-questions.html

  4. QUESTION 1, Which of the following uses port 22 by default? (Select THREE). A. SSH B. SSL C. TLS D. SFTP E. SCP F. FTPS G. SMTP H. SNMP Answer: A, D, E https://www.dumpspedia.com/JK0-022-dumps-questions.html

  5. QUESTION 2, Which the following flags are used to establish a TCP connection? (Select TWO). A. PSH B. ACK C. SYN D. URG E. FIN Answer: B, C https://www.dumpspedia.com/JK0-022-dumps-questions.html

  6. QUESTION 3, Which of the following is the LEAST volatile when performing incident response procedures? A. Registers B. RAID cache C. RAM D. Hard drive Answer: D https://www.dumpspedia.com/JK0-022-dumps-questions.html

  7. QUESTION 4, A security administrator wants to deploy a physical security control to limit an individual’s access into a sensitive area. Which of the following should be implemented? A. Guards B. CCTV C. Bollards D. Spike strip Answer: A https://www.dumpspedia.com/JK0-022-dumps-questions.html

  8. QUESTION 5, Mandatory vacations are a security control which can be used to uncover which of the following? A. Fraud committed by a system administrator B. Poor password security among users C. The need for additional security staff D. Software vulnerabilities in vendor code Answer: A https://www.dumpspedia.com/JK0-022-dumps-questions.html

  9. QUESTION 6, An administrator is concerned that a company’s web server has not been patched. Which of the following would be the BEST assessment for the administrator to perform? A. Vulnerability scan B. Risk assessment C. Virus scan D. Network sniffer Answer: A https://www.dumpspedia.com/JK0-022-dumps-questions.html

  10. QUESTION 7, Which of the following is an advantage of implementing individual file encryption on a hard drive which already deploys full disk encryption? A. Reduces processing overhead required to access the encrypted files B. Double encryption causes the individually encrypted files to partially lose their properties C. Individually encrypted files will remain encrypted when copied to external media D. File level access control only apply to individually encrypted files in a fully encrypted drive Answer: C https://www.dumpspedia.com/JK0-022-dumps-questions.html

  11. QUESTION 8, Public keys are used for which of the following? A. Decrypting wireless messages B. Decrypting the hash of an electronic signature C. Bulk encryption of IP based email traffic D. Encrypting web browser traffic Answer: B https://www.dumpspedia.com/JK0-022-dumps-questions.html

  12. QUESTION 9, A network stream needs to be encrypted. Sara, the network administrator, has selected a cipher which will encrypt 8 bits at a time before sending the data across the network. Which of the following has Sara selected? A. Block cipher B. Stream cipher C. CRC D. Hashing algorithm Answer: A https://www.dumpspedia.com/JK0-022-dumps-questions.html

  13. QUESTION 10, An administrator wants to provide users restricted access. The users should only be able to perform the following tasks: Create and consolidate virtual machine snapshots, Add/Remove virtual disks, Snapshot Management Which default role in vCenter Server would meet the administrator's requirements for the users? A. Virtual machine user B. Virtual machine power user C. Virtual Datacenter administrator D. VMware Consolidated Backup user Answer: B https://www.dumpspedia.com/JK0-022-dumps-questions.html

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  15. Good luck Thanks For Watching Dumpspedia provides you guaranteed success in JK0-022Dumps as we have latest JK0-022Exam Dumps. Click Here following link to download JK0-022Braindumps. https://www.dumpspedia.com/JK0-022-dumps-questions.html

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