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HyperText Markup Language (HTML). Internet Computing Laboratory @ KUT Youn-Hee Han. URL. URL Uniform Resource Locator WWW Address Syntax URL Format protocol://host.domain[:port]/directory/filename#name E.g. http://www.kut.ac.kr/kor_new/sub1/sub1_8_1.jsp
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Internet Computing Laboratory @ KUT Youn-Hee Han
URL • URL • Uniform Resource Locator • WWW Address Syntax • URL Format • protocol://host.domain[:port]/directory/filename#name • E.g. • http://www.kut.ac.kr/kor_new/sub1/sub1_8_1.jsp • http://local.daum.net/map/index.jsp#company • http://icl.kut.ac.kr/zb5/ • ftp://icl.kut.ac.kr/~yusong/sample.file • telnet://mis.gsnu.ac.kr • rlogin://bbs@ara.kaist.ac.kr Web Programming
HTML Page • My First HTML <html> <head> <title>간단한 html 예제</title> </head> <body> <h1>머릿글</h1> 첫번째 단락<p> 두번째단락<p> </body> </html> Head Part (Optional, but recommended) Body Part Web Programming
How to edit HTML • You can easily edit HTML files using a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor like 나모웹에디터, FrontPage, or Dreamweaver, instead of writing your markup tags in a plain text file. • However, if you want to be a skillful Web developer, we strongly recommend that you use a plain text editor to learn your primer HTML!!! Web Programming
HTML Tag • HTML Tag • Web Browser에게 단어 또는 문장의 형태를 지정 • 사용형태 • <tag-name> • <tag-name> text </tag-name> • <tag-name attribute=“argument”> • <tag-name attribute=“argument”> text </tag-name> • Note: • Tag의 대소문자를 구별 않음 (하지만소문자 추천) • [ENTER]는 무시 또는 공백 취급 • 두 개 이상의 공백은 하나로 취급 Web Programming
HTML Tag • HTML Tag • HTML tags are used to mark-up HTML elements • HTML tags are surrounded by the two characters < and > • The surrounding characters are called angle brackets • HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and </b> • The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag • The text between the start and end tags is the element content • HTML tags are not case sensitive, <b> means the same as <B> • But, lowercase is recommended Web Programming
HTML Tag • HTML Tag의 중첩 • 여러 Tag을 한번에 사용할 수 있다. • <b><i>이탤릭 볼드</i></b> • <b><i>이탤릭 볼드</i>볼드</b> • 그러나, 올바르게 중첩(nest)되어야 한다. • 잘못된 예: <b><i>이탤릭 볼드</b></i> • 잘못된 예: <i><b>이탤릭 볼드</i>볼드</b> • 주석 • <!-- ... --> Web Programming
Why do We Use Lowercase Tags? • We have just said that HTML tags are not case sensitive: <B> means the same as <b>. • If you surf the Web, you will notice that plenty of web sites use uppercase HTML tags in their source code. • But, we always use lowercase tags. Why? • If you want to follow the latest web standards, you should always use lowercase tags. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommends lowercase tags in their HTML 4 recommendation, and XHTML (the next generation HTML) demands lowercase tags. Web Programming
Text Formatting Tag • 종류 • paragraph: <p> ... </p> • line break: <br/> • centering: <center> ... </center> • bold: <b> ... </b> (가급적사용 금지) • italic: <i> ... </i> (가급적사용 금지) • font: <font size=[+/-]n> ... </font> (가급적사용 금지) • headline: <h1> ... </h1> ~ <h6> ... </h6> • preformatted text: <pre> ... </pre> • longquotation: <blockquote> ... </blockquote> • short quotation: <q> … </q> • address: <address> ... </address> • subscript: <sub>아래 첨자</sub> • superscript: <sup>윗 첨자</sup> Web Programming
Text Formatting Tag • 논리적 태그 종류 • <code> 프로그램 코드 </code> • <em> 강조 </em> • <strong> 강한 강조 </strong> 위 태그들은 표현이 중요한 것이 아니라그 의미(Semantic)가 중요하다. Web Programming
Text Formatting Tag • <p> & <br/> • <br/> 태그: 줄바꾸기 태그 • 홈페이지 연습입니다.<BR> • 홈페이지<BR> 연습입니다. : 두 줄로 화면에 출력된다. • <p> 태그: 문단 바꾸기 태그(반드시한 쌍으로 입력한다.) • <p>문단 연습<P>: 문단이 끝나면 줄 바꿈과 동시에 1줄을 띄운다. • <p align=“center”> 문단 연습 </p>: 중앙 정렬된문단 <html> <body> <center> 홈페이지 연습 <br/><br/><br/> <p>홈페이지 연습 </p><p/><p/> 홈페이지 연습 </center> </body> </html> <body align=“center”> Web Programming
Text Formatting Tag <pre> 태그 사용 예 <html> <body> <pre>This is preformatted text. It preserves both spaces and line breaks. </pre> <p>The pre tag is good for displaying computer code:</p> <pre>for i = 1 to 10 print i next i </pre> </body> </html> Web Programming
Text Formatting Tag <blockquote>와 <q> 태그 사용 예 <html> <body> Here comes a long quotation: <blockquote> This is a long quotation. This is a long quotation. This is a long quotation. This is a long quotation. </blockquote> Here comes a short quotation: <q> This is a short quotation. </q> <p> <b>Note:</b> With the blockquote element, the browser inserts line breaks and margins. The q element does not render as anything special. </p> </body> </html> Web Programming
Text Formatting Tag address 태그 사용 예 <html> <body> <address> Author: of this document:<br /> <a href="mailto:donald@disneyland.com">Donald Duck</a> </address> </body> </html> Web Programming
HTML Entities • Character Entities • Some characters like the < character, have a special meaning in HTML, and therefore cannot be used in the text. • To display a less than sign (<) in HTML, we have to use a character entity. Web Programming
HTML Frames • Frames • With frames, you can display more than one HTML document in the same browser window. Each HTML document is called a frame, and each frame is independent of the others. • <frameset> & <frame> <frameset cols="25%,75%"> <frame src="frame_a.htm"> <frame src="frame_b.htm"> </frameset> <frameset rows="30%,*"> <frame name="frame1" src="hs1frm.html"> <frame name="frame2" src="hs2frm.html"> </frameset> Web Programming
HTML Frames • Frame Example 1 <html> <head> <title>프레임세트(frameset) 문서</title> </head> <frameset cols="16%,45%,39%"> <frame src="hs1frm.html" name="frame3" frameborder="1"> <frameset rows="150,*,40%"> <frame src="hs2frm.html" name="frame1" scrolling="no" frameborder="1"> <frame src="hs3frm.html" marginwidth="100" marginheight="150" noresize name="frame5" frameborder="1"> <frame src="hs4frm.html" name="frame2" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1"> </frameset> <frame src="hs5frm.html" name="frame4" frameborder="1"> <noframes><a href="hs2frm.html">hs2frm.html</a></noframes> </frameset> </html> Web Programming
HTML Frames • Frame Example 2 (frame navigation) <html> <frameset cols="120,*"> <frame src="1.html"> <frame src="frame_a.html" name="showframe"> </frameset> </html> 1.html <html> <body> <a href ="frame_a.html" target ="showframe">Frame a</a><br><a href ="frame_b.html" target ="showframe">Frame b</a><br><a href ="frame_c.html" target ="showframe">Frame c</a> </body></html> Web Programming
HTML Frames • The disadvantages of using frames • The web developer must keep track of more HTML documents • It is difficult to print the entire page • Inline Frame • create an inline frame (a frame inside an HTML page) • <iframe></iframe> • Example <html> <body> <iframe src="http://www.daum.net"></iframe> <p>Some older browsers don't support iframes.</p> <p>If they don't, the iframe will not be visible.</p> </body> </html> Web Programming
Link Tag • Anchor Tag와 href 속성 • <a href = “path"> ... </a> • 예 • <a href="http://www.apple.com">애플컴퓨터</a> • Relative Path vs. Absolute Path • Relative Path • href="abc.html" • href="../ddd/abc.html" • Absolute Path • href="http://www.joongang.co.kr " Web Programming
Link Tag • Target 속성 • With the target attribute, you can define where the linked document will be opened. • <a href="http://www.w3schools.com/" target="_blank">Visit W3Schools!</a> • 종류 • _blank • all the links will open in new windows • _self • all the links will open in the same frame they where clicked • _parent • all the links will open in the parent frameset • _top • all the links will open in the full body of the window Web Programming
Link Tag • Target 속성에서 _top이나 _parent의 차이점 • _top이나 _parent의 차이점을 구별하시기 위해서는 여러 레벨의 frame을 고려 • _parent • 자기보다 바로 한 단계 위의 부모 frame을 의미 • 만약 frame이 여러 개가 있고 "frame1 > frame2 > frame3 > frame4" 라는 계층순서라면 frame4에서 _parent 속성을 지닌 링크를 클릭하면 frame3에 페이지가 띄워짐. • _top • 가장 상위단계에 있는 frame을 의미 • frame1 > frame2 > frame3 > frame4 라는 똑같은 계층 순서에서 frame4에서 _top 속성을 지닌 링크를 클릭하면 frame1에 페이지가 띄워짐 • 결과적으로 차이점은 한 단계 위인가, 아니면 최상위를 의미하는 가의 차이. Web Programming
Link Tag • Name 속성 • We can create links that can jump directly into a specific section on a page, instead of letting the user scroll around to find what he/she is looking for. • Name 태그 설정 • <a name="abc">aaa</a> • 연결 • <a href="http://mis.gsnu.ac.kr/a.html#abc> ... </a> • 같은 문서 내에서의 연결 • <a href="#abc"> ... </a> Web Programming
Link Tag • Name 속성 사용 예 • Link to a e-mail address • <a href="mailto:yhhan@kut.ac.kr">이메일 보내기</a> <html> <body> <a href = "#abc">클릭</a> <br/> <br/> . . <br/> <a name="abc">aaa</a> </body> </html> 100개 이상의 <br/> Web Programming
List Tag • 종류 • Unnumbered Lists • <ul> <li> ... <li> ... </ul> • Numbered Lists • <ol> <li> ... <li> ... </ol> • Definition Lists • <dl> [<dt> ...] <dd> ... [<dt> ...] <dd> ... </dl> - <litype=“disk”> 원 : 원모양(●)의 기호 출력 - <litype=“circle”> 원 : 원모양(○)의 기호 출력 - <litype=“square”> 사각형 : 사각형(■)의 기호 출력 - <ol type=“A”>: 순서가 A, B, C ․ ․ ․로 나타남. - <ol type=“a”>: 순서가 a, b, c ․ ․ ․로 나타남. - <ol type=“I”>: 순서가 I, II, III ․ ․ ․로 나타남. - <ol type=“i”>: 순서가 i, ii, iii ․ ․ ․로 나타남. - <ol start=“10”>: 순서가 10, 11, 12 ․ ․ ․로 나타남. Web Programming
List Tag • List Tag 사용 예 <dl> <dt>경영정보전공 <dd>경영정보시스템, 전문가시스템 <ol> <li>인공지능프로그래밍 <li>전문가시스템 </ol> <dt>금융공학전공 <dd>재무분석, 원가회계, 마케팅 <ul> <li>재무분석 <li>회계 </ul> </dl> Web Programming
Line Tag • <hr> 태그 • Horizontal Line • 사용법 • <hr size=n width=n[%] align=left/center/right [noshade] > • 예 • <hr size=50 width=50> <hr align=“left” width=“30%” color=“pink” size=“5”> : 웹 화면의 30% 길이, 색상이 핑크 색, 굵기 5픽셀, 왼쪽 정렬하여 선을 그린다. Web Programming
Image Tag • Background image • <body background=“image file”> • <body bgcolor="#000000"> • <body bgcolor="rgb(0,0,0)"> • <body bgcolor="black"> • <body background="http://www.w3schools.com/clouds.gif"> • <body> 태그와 글자 색상 <html> <body background="background.jpg"> <h3>Look: A background image!</h3> <p>Both gif and jpg files can be used as HTML backgrounds.</p> <p>If the image is smaller than the page, the image will repeat itself.</p> </body> </html> NOTE: If the image is smaller than the page, the image will repeat itself. <body bgcolor=“skyblue” text=“#0000ff” link= “#ff0000” vlink=“#00ff00”> Web Programming
Image Tag • <img> 태그 • 사용법 • <img src="address/... .gif" align="top|middle|bottom|left|right" /> • <img src="address/... .jpg" /> • alt 속성 • The alt attribute is used to define an "alternate text" for an image. • <img src="boat.gif" alt="Big Boat" /> • border 속성 • <imgsrc="boat.gif" border="0" /> Web Programming
Image Tag • <img> 태그 사용 예 - 1 <html> <body> <p> An image <img src="bird.jpg" align="bottom" width="48" height="48"> in the text </p> <p> An image <img src ="bird.jpg" align="middle" width="48" height="48"> in the text </p> <p> An image <img src ="bird.jpg" align="top" width="48" height="48"> in the text </p> <p>Note that bottom alignment is the default alignment</p> <p> An image <img src ="bird.jpg" width="48" height="48"> in the text</p> </body> </html> Web Programming
Image Tag • <img> 태그 사용 예 - 2 <html> <body> <p> <img src ="bird.jpg" align ="left" width="48" height="48"> A paragraph with an image. The align attribute of the image is set to "left". The image will float to the left of this text. </p> <p> <img src ="bird.jpg" align ="right" width="48" height="48"> A paragraph with an image. The align attribute of the image is set to "right". The image will float to the right of this text. </p> </body> </html> Web Programming
Image Tag • <img> 태그 사용 예 - 3 <html> <body> <p> You can also use an image as a link: <a href="lastpage.htm"> <img border="0" src="bird.jpg" width="65" height="38"> </a> </p> </body> </html> Web Programming
Image Map • Image Map • 용도 • 이미지 내의 클릭 위치에 따라 다른 사이트로 하이퍼 링크 • 사용법 • <img src="image" usemap="#name"> • <map name="name"> • <area shape="poly" coords="x1,y1,x2,y2,…" href="address"> • <area shape="rect" coords="x1,y1,x_size,y_size" href="address"> • <area shape="circle" coords="x,y,radius" href="address"> • </map> <map>: Defines an image map <area>: Defines a clickable area inside an image Web Programming
Image Map • Image Map 사용 예 <html> <body> <p> Click on one of the planets to watch it closer: </p> <img src="planets.gif" width="145" height="126" usemap="#planetmap"> <map id="planetmap" name="planetmap"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" alt="Sun” href="sun.htm"> <area shape="circle" coords="90,58,3" alt="Mercury” href="mercur.htm"> <area shape="circle" coords="124,58,8" alt="Venus” href="venus.htm"> </map> </body> </html> Web Programming
Image Map • How to know coordination for creating Image Map • In the execution of the above example, you will see that if you move the mouse over the image, the coordinates will be displayed on the status bar. <html> <body> <p> <a href="tryhtml_ismap.htm"> <img src="planets.gif” ismap width="146" height="126"> </a> </p> </body> </html> Web Programming
Table Tag • Table내 각 컬럼에 제목 달기 • Heading 속성 • Headings in a table are defined with the <th> tag <table border="1"> <tr> <th>Heading</th> <th>Another Heading</th> </tr> <tr> <td>row 1, cell 1</td> <td>row 1, cell 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>row 2, cell 1</td> <td>row 2, cell 2</td> </tr> </table> Web Programming
Table Tag • 비어있는 셀 디자인 <table border="1"> <tr> <td>row 1, cell 1</td> <td>row 1, cell 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>row 2, cell 1</td> <td></td> </tr> </table> <td> </td> or <td><pre> </pre></td> Web Programming
Table Tag • Caption 달기 <html> <body> <table border="6"> <caption>My Caption</caption> <tr> <td>100</td> <td>200</td> <td>300</td> </tr> <tr> <td>400</td> <td>500</td> <td>600</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Web Programming
Table Tag • Colum Spanning <html> <body> <table border="1"> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th colspan="2">Telephone</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Bill Gates</td> <td>555 77 854</td> <td>555 77 855</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Web Programming
Table Tag • Row Spanning <html> <body> <table border="1"> <tr> <th>First Name:</th> <td>Bill Gates</td> </tr> <tr> <th rowspan="2">Telephone:</th> <td>555 77 854</td> </tr> <tr> <td>555 77 855</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Web Programming
Table Tag • Cell Padding <html> <body> <table border="1" cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td>First</td> <td>Row</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Second</td> <td>Row</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Web Programming
Table Tag • Cell Spacing <html> <body> <table border="1" cellspacing="10"> <tr> <td>First</td> <td>Row</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Second</td> <td>Row</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Web Programming
Table Tag • Add a background color or a background image to a table <html> <body> <table border="1" bgcolor="red"> <tr><td>First</td><td>Row</td></tr> <tr><td>Second</td><td>Row</td></tr> </table> <table border="1" background="bgdesert.jpg"> <tr><td>First</td><td>Row</td></tr> <tr><td>Second</td><td>Row</td></tr> </table> </body> </html> Web Programming
Table Tag • Add a background color or a background image to a table cell <html> <body> <table border="1"> <tr> <td bgcolor="red">First</td> <td>Row</td> </tr> <tr> <td background="bgdesert.jpg“>Second</td> <td>Row</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Web Programming
Table Tag • Align the content in a table cell <html> <body> <table width="400" border="1"> <tr> <th align="left">Money spent on....</th> <th align="right">January</th> <th align="right">February</th> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Clothes</td> <td align="right">$241.10</td> <td align="right">$50.20</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Make-Up</td> <td align="right">$30.00</td> <td align="right">$44.45</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Food</td> <td align="right">$730.40</td> <td align="right">$650.00</td> </tr> <tr> <th align="left">Sum</th> <th align="right">$1001.50</th> <th align="right">$744.65</th> </tr> </table> </body> </html> Web Programming
Exercise • 1. Make the following table • 2. Make the following table Web Programming
Exercise • 3. Make the following table Web Programming