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Simple ideas to help you manage and control anxiety and depression!
If you are reading this guide - chances are that you, or perhaps someone you care about - are not feeling the best right now. Take it from me, I am someone who has suffered many bouts of depression and anxiety throughout life, and I can with utmost certainty tell you that these feelings do not last forever, even though right now they may feel like they will. You may be wondering who I am? Well let me introduce myself. My name is Catherine Pigeon and I have had difficulty with my mental health for as long as I can remember. This has lead me into areas of interest such as counselling, psychology, sociology and therapy. I studied for many years academically trying to find answers DepressionOilsGuide.com
to the problems that have plagued me most of my life. I did a few years at university studying counselling and psychology and then worked in the mental health field supporting those with anxiety disorders. What I realized after some time working with people from all walks of life - with all kinds of problems (and seriously some people have problems you could not even imagine) I began to notice a distinct commonality between everyone - and that is anxiety and depression are closely linked - and that whilst medication alleviates some of the symptoms, it was only temporary. For many people anxiety and depression are all about THOUGHTS and EXPECTATIONS and the distorted way we process information. DepressionOilsGuide.com
In this guide I am going to walk you through some super simple ideas to help you get past anxiety and depression naturally. Firstly however I need to make a disclaimer - this guide is not a replacement for medical advice. Remember it is only a guide. If you need help, you will need to talk to someone in person who can assist you with your personal situation. These ideas have been proven to work time and time again for the majority of people - and I am sure that with a little patience and persistence they will work for you too. The first thing I would like to talk about however is exactly what depression and anxiety really are. Let's have a closer look at anxiety. DepressionOilsGuide.com
First of all anxiety is personal and quite often it is situational. What makes one person feel anxious may be different for another person. This means that anxiety is circumstantial to the person or individual, and may manifest itself in ways that may not make sense to an outsider (I am sure you have experienced this yourself - if you have ever been afraid to do something while someone else thinks you are making a big deal out of nothing…!) What we need to remember is that while anxiety is personal it all boils down to one fundamental principle: anxiety is not being afraid of something happening….anxiety is being afraid of something that MIGHT happen. DepressionOilsGuide.com
This is why anxiety can be so irrational - anxiety is certainly something that we as humans need, but it has a tendency to overwhelm us because we are so good at making up scenarios and using our imagination in so many different ways. When anxiety causes problems in our lives - it limits us to what we can do. It stops us - instead of helping us. It hinders us from living our lives the way we want to. When anxiety is a problem it becomes an unreasonable and unhelpful feeling. Now let's talk about depression. Depression is another deeply distressing problem that many, many people have. It is also, interestingly DepressionOilsGuide.com
something people seem to be reluctant to talk about. Being positive and happy is far more attractive than being sad and gloomy - it is a trait that puts people off, which might be one of the reasons why it’s so difficult to talk about. But let us talk about what depression really is. Depression is a lot bigger and more complex than just feeling sad (we all feel sad from time to time, but not all of us are depressed) it could be a combination of feelings that also includes sadness. Usually the person who suffers from depression has a culmination of experiences leading up to it. Also many depression sufferers have a biological and neurological tendency to being predisposed to depression. DepressionOilsGuide.com
Much like anxiety, it is a personal problem - and again it may manifest itself in different ways. Some people withdraw from others, some might feel angry - others may indulge in destructive behaviours. What depression has in common though is that it is a form of psychological pain that the sufferer is experiencing. What is most surprising about depression is the fact that many people that suffer from it you would think would not. There have been many successful athletes, actors and academics all who have excelled in their chosen field, who have been through depression - in fact there is even some evidence to suggest that a higher intelligence raises the chance that you may experience depression in your life. DepressionOilsGuide.com
So what does all this mean? No one wants to feel the mental anguish of depression and anxiety - as mentioned earlier, it holds you back and diminishes the enjoyment out of life…. So what can you do? Thankfully, there is a number of things you can do to help lift you out of anxiety and depression. As there is a close link between anxiety and depression I am going to lay out tactics to help with them both - however, it should be noted that even though there is a link, they are still separate problems that need to be addressed in their own ways. DepressionOilsGuide.com
Exposure to Sunlight Regular exposure to sunlight is one of the most effective ways to beat the blues. Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress, alleviate anxiety and depression, uplift your mood and generate feelings of satisfaction. One of the reasons for these benefits is light exposure may increase levels of serotonin in the body. Exposure to natural light also helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythms, which are responsible for determining whether you get adequate sleep. This isn’t just important for feeling rested — sleep deprivation is a big risk factor for depression as well. DepressionOilsGuide.com
Diet We all know eating well is good for our physical health. Now, research says it’s also good for our state of mind. Certain healthy foods stimulate the body’s production of serotonin. These include eggs, foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (e.g. sardines or wild salmon), healthy fats (e.g. coconut or flaxseed oil), foods that contain tryptophan (e.g. free-range turkey) and sour cherries. Exercise As if exercise didn’t offer enough benefits, it can also stave off depression. Virtually every type of exercise can DepressionOilsGuide.com
benefit your mood. For example, lifting weights can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, while aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of relapse. Even something light and reasonably low impact like Yoga can do wonders for your mood. And because exercise involves goal-setting and attainment, it can build a sense of self-confidence that boosts resilience in the face of depressive symptoms. Setting Goals Setting and achieving goals might be the last thing on your mind when you’re feeling depressed. But if you can rise to the challenge, you might help yourself bounce back faster. DepressionOilsGuide.com
Successfully completing a goal builds self-confidence, which can help pull you out of a funk. Don’t worry, you don’t have to commit to something as big as running a marathon or winning a Nobel Prize. Achieving something as simple as washing the dishes or taking a shower can give your mood a big boost. Gradually up the ante from there. Attitude A grateful mindset enhances self-esteem, improves relationships with other people, reduces depression, mitigates negative feelings such as frustration or regret and boosts happiness overall. DepressionOilsGuide.com
Practicing gratitude is simple. Just make a habit of writing down three things you’re grateful for at the end of every day. Give yourself the freedom to record whatever comes to mind, from eating a great meal to getting a promotion at work. Therapy Talk therapy is an effective way to identify patterns that aren’t helping you, process old wounds and move forward with your life. It’s also as cost-effective for treating depression as antidepressants (if not more so). When it comes to depression, two of the most effective forms of talk therapy include interpersonal therapy (which emphasizes the patients’ relationships with other people) DepressionOilsGuide.com
and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (which helps patients identify the underlying source(s) of their depression and develop a toolkit for coping with its symptoms). The painful irony of depression is that it can zap you of the energy required to implement strategies to overcome it. That’s why it’s so important to start small. Each of the entries on this list can be tailored to your own energy levels. Commit to taking just one small step each day, and you’ll gradually find that you’re increasingly empowered to overcome depression. If that’s not working, then don’t hesitate to seek the help of a medical professional. DepressionOilsGuide.com
Depression and anxiety are not problems that are easily solved right away. As mentioned earlier everyone has their own way of dealing with these issues and some can bounce back faster than others. The tips outlined here work for most people - they are, for the most part free or fairly inexpensive to implement and they can work wonders for you. However I also realize that that anxiety and depression can be a crippling force and this may simply not be enough. If this is the case - then you should take a look at http://depressionoilsguide.com for more ideas and advice to help you overcome especially if you are struggling and are looking for ways to alleviate symptoms naturally. DepressionOilsGuide.com