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An Introduction to Culture. We’re the Same but Different. No one is exactly like you. You have many things in common with your family and community members. Every one in the world has the same basic needs – food, shelter, water. Image from: http://montessori-n-such.com/images/P7440.jpg.
We’re the Same but Different • No one is exactly like you. • You have many things in common with your family and community members. • Every one in the world has the same basic needs – food, shelter, water. Image from: http://montessori-n-such.com/images/P7440.jpg
What is culture? • Culture is the beliefs, customs, and way of life of a group of people. • They can be unique to your family, community, or country. • Culture is passed down from one generation to the next. Image from: http://socialstudies.pppst.com/banner_culture.gif
Location, Location, Location • Where we live has a huge impact on how we live. • Geography is the study of the physical features and human features of the earth. • The earth influences how people live and people influence the earth’s environment too. Images from :http://travelafrica.findairlines.net/images/morocco_culture.jpg; http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2012/9/11/1347378672780/Rice-paddies-in-China-008.jpg
Culture includes what you eat • The foods that people prepare and enjoy are a part of culture. • In some countries, people may eat foods you’ve never tried before. Images from: http://static.pictorymag.com/pictories/pIMG_7069_jpg_998x1296_q85.jpg; http://thecostaricanews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/food2.jpg;
Culture includes what you wear • There are many styles and types of clothing worn around the world. • Some clothes reflect more traditional dress, while other styles have been updated over time. Images from: http://images.sodahead.com/profiles/0/0/1/5/2/5/6/4/7/aaaaa-38982963765.jpeg; http://www.bonzle.com/h/x/b/t/95yib.jpg ; http://aroundthebayfundraising.com.au/images/pages//mediamanager/images/smith%20kids.JPG;
Culture includes art that people make • Art is a powerful tool for expression. • By studying art from different cultures we can learn more about the people who make it. • Art can express the important symbols, values, and beliefs of a culture. Images from: http://www.witness.co.za/portal/witness_db1/UserFiles/SysDocs/bb_content/20000/10042/village%20ladies.jpg; http://media.web.britannica.com/eb-media/07/74907-004-1CA5C880.jpg;
Culture includes what people believe and celebrate • Celebrations of religious holidays and traditions often reveal what a culture finds important. • There are many ways that beliefs are celebrated – and many times (but not all) they are celebrated with good food, family, and friends. Images from :http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/photo/paint-crowd/?ar_a=1; http://www.examiner.com/images/blog/replicate/EXID54873/images/kids_celebrating_fourth_of_july.jpg
Culture includes fun! • People may do different things for fun, called recreational activities, depending on the culture they come from. Images from: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HwGGzdnzbSg/UXeH3Vy6uXI/AAAAAAAAAcg/xaV398ekWXo/s1600/P1000328.JPG; http://s1.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20100807&t=2&i=174183239&w=460&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&r=img-2010-08-07T184534Z_01_NOOTR_RTRMDNC_0_India-506986-1